"Hey, Esdeath, do you need my help?"

Kalifa called out from behind Esdeath.

"No need!"

Esdeath didn't need that.

She jumped into the air and swung her ice blade downwards. A huge black shadow appeared in the air in front of her.

An ice ball! A huge ice ball with a diameter of ten meters!

"This! What kind of power is this?"

Smoothie's face changed in shock. Such an ice ball could destroy her ship directly!

Looking at the huge ice ball falling from the sky, Smoothie's sword stabbed into the little brother on the ground who was not sure whether he was dead or not. The ability of the squeeze fruit was activated, and the sword was also wrapped with a special mist. This was the moisture on the opponent's body, which was quickly drawn to Smoothie's side, and Smoothie's body quickly grew larger, like a small hill, and her sword also grew larger.

"Oh? Is this the so-called squeeze fruit? It absorbs moisture from others to strengthen itself, and becomes so huge. However, the bigger it gets, the uglier it looks, woman!"

"Moreover, you didn't even let your own subordinates go. Your subordinates are so miserable!"

Esdeath shook her head. Although she was cold-blooded and ruthless to the enemy, she was always kind to her subordinates.

At this time, Smoothie didn't care so much. The ice ball in the air was falling

""Water Sword!"

Smoothie roared and chopped at the ice ball in the air. This chopped, a terrifying giant sword energy appeared directly, appearing from Smoothie's sword, penetrating the sky, cutting the ice ball in half, falling to both sides, and finally exploding.

But is this the end?

Esdeath smiled, and another ice ball of the same size appeared.

""Damn it!"

Smoothie was angry and was about to strike again.

As a result, a huge icicle rushed over from in front of her, and she didn't notice it. It appeared out of thin air!

The icicle was like a huge tree trunk hitting the city gate. The terrifying impact force immediately knocked Smoothie away, and the huge ice ball falling from the air also arrived as expected and landed on Smoothie's boat. The ice ball weighed countless tons and smashed Smoothie's boat.


Smoothie got up from the ground and saw her boat was broken into pieces. Of course, her little brother was also hit and probably would not survive.

At this time, Esdeath jumped in front of her. She hit the ice surface and sharp ice spikes rose from the ground again. This time, Smoothie, who was not paying attention, was also scratched by the ice spikes. Her back was bleeding, which made her face change again. She endured the pain from her back and did not scream.

"Woman, I'm going to kill you!"

Smoothie was completely furious, of course she had been angry for a long time.

Water Sword!

The terrifying and huge sword energy came from top to bottom, splitting the ice surface, penetrating the ice surface frozen by Esdeath, and reaching the farther sea surface!

A chasm appeared.

It almost hit the King!

"What happened?"

Shen Luo came out. He was woken up by the noise.

""Kalifa, what are you doing?"

Shenluo was confused. He came to the deck and saw a ship in front of him, which was smashed by a huge ice ball.

The toppled flag.

Isn't it the flag of the Big Mom Pirates?

""My Lord!"

Kalifa shouted respectfully.

Shenluo glanced at her, and then looked into the distance, where Esdeath and... Charlotte Smoothie were confronting each other.

Shenluo saw the giant Smoothie.

One of the three sweet generals of the Big Mom Pirates, her strength ranked second among the three generals.

Facing her Esdeath, Shenluo was not worried about Esdeath. Although Smoothie was very powerful, she was not as powerful as the admiral of the navy. Esdeath's combat power was just above Smoothie, so Shenluo did not have to worry about Esdeath. Instead, he should worry about Smoothie!

"What's going on?"

Shenluo asked Kalifa.

Kalifa told him her plan very quickly.

After listening to it, Shenluo's eyes lit up and he looked at Kalifa differently.

Use Smoothie to threaten Big Mom to give her a devil fruit! As the Pirate Emperor, Big Mom can't be without a devil fruit, at least she has two or three!

Although this will offend Big Mom, Shenluo has nothing to worry about. Big Mom will definitely be offended. At least when he entered the New World, he also thought about this problem. In the New World, and in order to dominate the New World and even this world, Shenluo can't help but offend Big Mom, and even Big Mom will take the initiative to trouble her.

It's just a matter of time.

""Kalifa, you did a great job!"

Shenluo said with a smile. It was rare that Kalifa finally played her role.

Shenluo then flew towards Esdeath.

At this time, Esdeath and Smoothie were still fighting fiercely. It was obvious that Smoothie was in a crazy state, while Esdeath still had a smile on her face. She had seen this kind of situation before. The angrier the enemy was, the more flaws they had. Even if anger would increase their strength, in fact, the numerous flaws made them easy to be defeated!

""Smoothie, are you angry? I am very happy. You are just like my former enemy. Anger will only make your failure more tragic!"

Esdeath laughed. She was very agile. At the same time, since Smoothie's body had grown in size, it was easier for Esdeath to dodge.

At this time, a huge icicle appeared on the right side of Esdeath and hit Smoothie's stomach.

Smoothie's body was knocked away again!

"Damn it! How can this woman be so powerful!"

In all these years in the New World, Smoothie has never met a woman as powerful as Esdeath. Moreover, her ability to control ice is very powerful. She can easily control a large amount of ice and create a large amount of ice out of thin air!

Aokiji doesn't have this ability, right?

"Am I going to lose to her? Besides, she has another���The woman with lightning didn't make a move. If they join forces, I will suffer even more!"

This was what Smoothie was thinking before she fell on the ice. At this moment, she had suffered many losses at the hands of Esdeath, which made her crazy, but she had no choice! And this icy woman, facing her, was not at a disadvantage at all, as if she was playing with her!

Smoothie was about to stand up, and at this time an icicle fell from the sky! It hit her stomach hard!

Poof! The huge impact force caused the ice surface to collapse, and as the biggest bearer, Smoothie vomited blood on the spot, her stomach churning, and she almost fainted.

"The physical qualities of the people in this world are not comparable to those in my world."

Esdeath muttered to herself. Just as she was about to go over and give Smoothie another beating, Shenluo appeared beside her.

"Just stand up, lest the aunt gets too angry.

Shenluo reminded her

"Shenluo, I thought you were going to continue sleeping."

Esdeath laughed.

The two walked to Smoothie together. Now she was being pressed by a giant icicle. She was still a little dizzy and couldn't come back to her senses for a while. Now it was easy to catch Smoothie!

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