Ten minutes later, Smoothie, who had transformed from a giant to her original form, had appeared on the ship of Kamikaze. Now, her hands were trapped behind her back by Esdeath's ice, and her legs were also bound by ice.

This was strengthened ice, with a higher hardness, comparable to steel. Ordinary ice would definitely not be able to trap a strong man like Smoothie.

Smoothie sat on the deck, leaning against the railing of the ship, feeling a little sad. She didn't expect that she would be caught.

As one of the three dessert generals of the Big Mom Pirates, she is a well-known strong man in the entire New World, second only to the powerful existence of the Pirate Emperor, but she didn't expect that she would be caught today.

Kamikaze Pirates!

It was the young pirate who became famous in the sea recently, who defeated Akainu, the highest combat power of the Navy Headquarters! The boy with two devil fruit abilities is shocking!

And he also has two subordinates, a woman with long ice-blue hair who controls the power of freezing, and a woman who controls lightning!

There are only three people on the ship, but the abilities they have are unimaginable!

""What is your purpose?"

Smoothie asked. Now, Kalifa had entered the kitchen, and there was only Esdeath in front of Smoothie.

Esdeath, in a black slim-fit suit and her iconic military cap, was heroic and heroic.

She was a very powerful woman, and Smoothie had just experienced it!

What kind of monsters are these people on this ship? Except for the woman who can control lightning, who may be weak, the other two are monsters!

"Ask him, he's back."

Esdeath pointed at Kamiyaku who had just returned from Smoothie's rotten ship.

Kamiyaku was looking for the Den Den Mushi of Big Mom's Pirates. A member of Big Mom's Pirates like Smoothie is the core of Big Mom's Pirates, so it's impossible that they don't have a Den Den Mushi!

Sure enough, Kamiyaku found a Den Den Mushi.

The Den Den Mushi looked exactly like Big Mom's dead face.

"What do you want to do?"

Seeing the Den Den Mushi, Smoothie had a bad feeling.

Shenluo:"After all, you are in my hands, so let your family know that you are safe." Let your family know that you are safe?

Smoothie shook his head. It must not be as simple as letting your family know that you are safe!

Shenluo knew that she would not take the initiative to contact the aunt, so he could do it himself.

"Contact Cake Island."

That's how to contact Den Den Mushi.

Beep beep...

Den Den Mushi's snail made a sound.

"Aren't you afraid of the consequences? Don't think that you can challenge our Big Mom Pirates just because you defeated the admiral of the navy! You will pay a heavy price then! My mom is not so easy to mess with!" Smoothie yelled, she lost her composure.

Shenluo:"I will also make your Big Mom Pirates pay the price. Anyway, we will have to face your Big Mom Pirates in the future. It's just a matter of time."

"You! I hope you won't regret it."

Smoothie didn't say anything else.

At this time, the phone was connected.

It was a man's voice, deep, powerful, and steady.

"Brother Katakuri?"

Smoothie knew who it was when he heard the voice. The solid backing of the Charlotte family, the second most powerful man in their pirate group, from the bottom to the top, he has never been defeated, not even when he fell on his back!

The powerful Katakuri!

Katakuri:"Hello? Smoothie?"

Shenluo:"Hello, Katakuri"

"Hmm? Who are you?"

On the Den Den Mushi side, Katakuri was confused and alert. It was not Smoothie's voice, and even if it was Smoothie's crew, it was not the same, because those people did not dare to call him Katakuri directly! But this voice dared to call him Katakuri directly!

Shen Luo:"I caught your sister, Charlotte Smoothie, and now she is in my hands"

"What? You caught Smoothie? Impossible!"

Katakuri's first reaction was surprise, but he immediately denied it because he knew very well Smoothie's strength. In the entire Charlotte family, her strength ranked third. The first was their mother Charlotte Linlin, and the second was him, Katakuri. In the New World, not many people could do anything to Smoothie! Therefore, Katakuri did not believe that anyone could catch Smoothie. Katakuri

:"What is your purpose? I don't believe that Smoothie was caught by you. If you fool us, you will die miserably."

His tone was threatening, but at the same time he was curious, why was Smoothie's Den Den Mushi in the other party's hands?

At this time, the Den Den Mushi's voice came from Shen Luo:"Smoothie, talk to your brother"


Katakuri stood up and frowned at what Kamuro said. Was Smoothie really caught?

Kamuro looked at Smoothie, and Smoothie didn't say anything. In the current situation, it would be best for Smoothie to keep silent, because if she didn't speak, Katakuri wouldn't think that she was caught.

However, Smoothie was obviously wrong. She couldn't imagine the methods Kamuro used.

Esdeath came up.

Esdeath smiled cruelly:"Impalement, burial alive, kneeling on the stone, burning at the stake, boiling cauldron, poisonous flowers, pouring wax on the body, what kind of torture do you want?"


Katakuri frowned. Could it be that Smoothie was really in the other party's hands? The Den Den Mushi was also there.

Smoothie still didn't speak. What Esdeath had just said were all the tortures she was best at in the past. She had never seen a prisoner who did not collapse under such tortures. Their minds were completely destroyed by her. If one torture didn't work, then two, three, four...

Kamiya laughed while holding the Den Den Mushi:"Katakuri, do you want to know who I am?"

"Who are you?" Katakuri's eyes were cold.

"You should have heard of me. My name is Shenluo. If there is no one in the world with the same name as me, then it would be me."


Katakuri's face changed. This name is well-known even in the New World!

"That's right, I am Kamuro, so, you believe that your sister Smoothie is in my hands, right? Now she doesn't want to talk, maybe she thinks that if she does this you won't think she is in my hands. Now she still refuses to talk, Katakuri, you know the consequences."

Katakuri said word by word with a cold tone:"What do you want to do?"

Now, Katakuri believes that Smoothie is in the other party's hands. If someone else said this, Katakuri would not believe it, but Kamuro is different!

This young pirate already has the capital to become a great pirate in the New World. In fact, he only needs a pirate force to be on par with the Big Mom Pirates!

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