April 15, 1518, Haiyuan Calendar.

East China Sea.

A huge sailing ship with a three-deck bow shaped like a black panther is sailing with its back to the rising sun. On the top of the mast of the ship, there is a dark skull flag filled with sea breeze.

On both sides of the white skull on the flag, there is a red hourglass, representing the captured prey and the deadline of death, which also means"you will surrender to me sooner or later, it's just a matter of time."

In the East China Sea, most people should recognize this flag and this ship!

After all, the other party is the pirate group with the highest bounty in the East China Sea today.

On the Pseudo-Merry, Tao held a few bounty orders in her hand, stared at the pirate ship in the distance and explained

"The Creek Pirates, the largest pirate group in the East China Sea with 5,000 members"

"Captain, Admiral Creek, bounty of 17 million berries, known as the Overlord of the East China Sea"

"Captain, Ghost Man Ajin, offers a reward of 12 million berries"


"Since there are 5,000 men under his command, why do we only see one ship?"

Ahua pushed the frame of the camera, looked at the bounty order in Atao's hand, and asked in confusion

"They should be out to inspect the various territories. It is impossible for Creek to gather all his men together. Isn't this a living target for the navy?"

A Luo slid down from the mast, walked over quickly, and replied.

He looked up at the huge ship rushing towards them and said

"This ship should be the main ship that Creek was on, the Dreadnought Sabre’"

"This means that Creek must be on this ship."

As they said this, they all looked at Kota who was standing at the bow, waiting for his instructions.

They were not worried about the East China Sea Overlord, because compared to Kota, these pirates were fragile and vulnerable.

After all, Kota was a monster who could fight the legendary Shemale King to a draw five years ago.

The bounty for the Shemale King was over 80 million.

When Kota and his crew discovered the Creek Pirates, the other side also discovered them.

The other side turned around and rushed straight towards them.

The pirates would never have thought that they would face such a cruel ending.

In fact, ignorance is also a kind of happiness, so that they can do whatever they want without any scruples. I don't know whether this is lucky or unfortunate!

I don't know whether the pirates are lucky or not, but for Kota and his crew, it is lucky.

Because they can finally have a little more fun in this boring sailing trip.

Looking at the Fearless Battleship Sword that was rushing over quickly, Kota turned around and looked at Ahua and the other two who were excited and had shining eyes. He curled the corners of his mouth and revealed a grim smile

"I'll take care of Creek, Kuina will take care of the cadres, and you guys will take care of the rest."


Ahua and the other two jumped up excitedly. After learning swordsmanship for more than ten years, if they didn't have the heart to be a swordsman and kill the evildoers, they wouldn't have been able to persist for so long.

If they hadn't seen no hope in recent years, they wouldn't have left the sword hall.

Now they are facing all the heinous people, and there is no psychological burden to kill them.

Ignoring the three excited people, Kota turned his head and looked at the Creek Pirates, his mind churning.

In fact, most people in the One Piece world still have justice in their hearts. The justice here is not the justice of the World Government, but the justice of daring to draw their swords when encountering injustice and villains.

Even the navy, which has always been called the running dogs of the World Government, is not all, but at least more than 90%, who are truly righteous people.

Obviously, their ship is full of such people.

And pirates are just criminals under the banner of dreams.

The sea will bring endless wealth. There are always some people who will accumulate wealth quickly because of luck, courage, strategy or strength.

And the job of most pirates is to obtain wealth from these people who accumulate wealth quickly by robbing.

The money comes so quickly and quickly that they don't need to spend too much energy.

They can spend the stolen money to their heart's content.

They are free.

They are unrestrained.

They are even lawless.

It cannot be said that there are no pirates like Luffy who really have dreams, but they are rare.

This is why those who have a little ambition and strength yearn to become such criminals.

Most of them, under the instigation and stimulation of others, give the most important work of their lives to pirates.

Here we have to talk about One Piece,"Gol·D·Roger".

This guy's dying words made those who hesitated, wandered, and even those who had no idea at all, rush to the sea.

Although there are some people who really want to fight for some great secret treasure, I believe that most of them just want to be pirates.

They don't believe in any great secret treasure.

They only believe in Berry in front of them and the wanton life.

So they just go with the flow. Just based on this, Gol·D·Roger deserves to die. Not only does the World Government hate him, the Navy hates him, and most of the civilians living on the island hate him even more.

Pirates have never been cruel based on their strength. Most of them are villains and scum who bully the weak and fear the strong.

And the weaker the pirates are, the more cruel they are. They can't rob merchant ships with guards and firepower, so they will set their sights on remote villages without naval bases.

They may just rob at first, but as the robbery continues, it will turn into murder and arson, and finally it will become a massacre of the village.

He has read a lot of such newspapers over the years.



Suddenly a loud roar interrupted his surging thoughts.

"I'm going to beat ten of them,"

Ah Hua rushed to the cabin first.


A Luo pursed his lips and quickly followed,"I want to beat fifteen"

"Then I will give twenty."

Ah Tao, who came last, looked at the two people who were arguing again in silence, held her forehead and said,"Then let's compare and see who has more."

"Just compare"


Kota looked away, ignoring the three idiots who were trying to get their weapons. He turned to look at Kuina who had been staring straight ahead, stretched out his right hand and placed it on her shoulder and asked,

"Kuina, are you nervous?"

"I am going to be the strongest female swordsman, how can I be nervous!"

Kuina turned to look at Kota, a hint of excitement appeared on her calm face.

He looked back at the Creek Pirates with a firm look in his eyes and said

"From the moment I went out to sea, I left my nervousness behind."


"Enjoy the fight! Anyway, the opponents are all damned."

Even if the opponents don't come over, he won't let them go.

He has seen the news of the opponents robbing towns in the newspaper more than once.

He is not a saint.

But for the evil people in front of him, he had to let them all go to hell.

Even if there are some newcomers who have not committed crimes and are not so cruel on the opposite ship.

But so what.

He is not Wang Luffy, he will not spend energy to distinguish which ones have committed crimes and which ones are not guilty.

He is not a policeman.

He is not a judge.

He is not Lu Pan.

He is just an ordinary person who grew up under the red flag in his previous life.

If he had justice in his heart, he should have left such a pirate group long ago. Those who stayed, whether they did it or not, at least they wanted to be evil in their hearts.

He is just an ordinary person, and he can only treat them equally.

At this time, the two sailboats, one large and one small, finally met.

The Fearless Battleship Sabre was arrogantly crossing in front of their small boat from the opposite side.

Yes, compared to the behemoth in front of them, the Pseudo-Merry was like a child facing an adult

"What! It turns out it’s not a merchant ship!"

The pirates lay on the guardrail beside the ship, looking down at the tiny sailboat below, with disappointment on their fierce faces.

At first, when they saw a small boat without a flag, they thought it was a merchant ship, so they quickly adjusted their direction and rushed over.

This time the harvest was a little small, just in time for looting.

When they got closer, they found that the deck of the boat below was empty, with only five young men with long swords hanging on their waists standing calmly at the bow.

They hated such ships.

Because you can tell at a glance that they are rookies who have just gone to sea and are playing pirates.

They have seen a lot of such rookies, and they have no money at all. So even if they are standing in the front, the man and woman who are too handsome and beautiful can't attract them at all.

After all, they are not slave ships.

They only know how to plunder, plundering all kinds of materials they need


The pirates sighed.

They lowered the rope ladder and prepared to go down to the boat below. After all, no matter how small a mosquito is, it is still meat!

At this moment, a sharp and rapid friction sound was heard.


A silver sound���The color slash came from below, slashing towards them very quickly.



The slow-reacting pirates only had time to scream before they were cut on the neck and stood there in a daze.

A line of blood first appeared on their necks and then quickly grew larger.


The heads soared into the sky and quickly fell backwards.




The pirates who reacted quickly and had just retreated to the deck heard the sound behind them and stood stiffly in place.

At this moment, they felt something rolling to their feet. They slowly lowered their heads and looked at the head on the ground with its eyes wide open and an expression of unwillingness to close its eyes.

The pirates felt a cold air rushing from the soles of their feet to the top of their heads, instantly making them cold all over and their scalps numb.

They didn't dare to look back. They knew about the swordsman's flying slash, which was not something they could deal with. Only the captain or cadres could fight it.

They hurriedly ran to the middle of the deck, shouting in fear as they ran:"Enemy attack, enemy attack"

""What are you making so much noise for?"

A calm but majestic voice came from the pirates.

The pirates quickly parted to the sides, revealing a passage.

A tall figure walked out of the passage. He was wearing golden armor, black boots, and a large cloak. His purple hair was tied with a headscarf. His eyes were fierce. You could tell at a glance that he was a character who was not easy to mess with.

On his left was a thin man wearing a striped headscarf, a green T-shirt, a gray coat and pants.

On his right was a shield man with bubbles on his head and round shields all over his body.

Looking at the captain and officers who came to them, the pirates trembled and told what had just happened again.


Creek looked at the headless body lying beside the boat and the head rolling to the side, and his anger rose.

The crew who dared to kill him, Creek, in the East China Sea, really didn't want to live.

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