On the front deck of the Pseudo-Merry,

Kota was staring at the place where the water and the sky met in the distance.

It was the warmest and most dazzling time of the day, and the blue color that was consistent from top to bottom had an indescribable clarity.

From time to time, you can see a few naughty big fish jumping out of the sea.

The splashing water, intertwined with the morning sunlight through the hazy mist, was like a transparent sapphire shining with cold light.

However, no matter how beautiful the scenery was, it couldn't attract Kota's attention now.




The sound of the wooden board being squeezed came from the ladder.

Kota put down the cup in his hand, turned his head and looked at Kuina who was walking up the stairs, with a flash of surprise in his eyes.

Because she had just finished morning exercise and had just taken a shower, Kuina's dark blue hair with a cold light was as smooth and bright as the sea.

Kuina walked up to Kota, handed him a comb, and said gently:"Kota, comb my hair."

Seeing the love in Kota's eyes for her, she knew that all her efforts were worth it.

Ever since she knew Kota liked kimono, she only wore kimono.

After she knew Kota liked long hair, she kept long hair.

Even though kimono and long hair were inconvenient for fighting, she did not look back, because she loved Kota so much.

Everything about her was the way Kota liked.

Kota took the comb, looked at his back as he squatted in front of him, picked up the comb, and gently combed her soft and silky hair.

Of course he knew about Kuina's change, and he could only repay this love with his whole life.

After combing her hair, he took the red ribbon beside her, tied a ponytail for Kuina, and held her head with a satisfied look.

Hmm! His technique is not bad

""Okay, Kuina."

Kuina stood up, turned around, and looked at Sora's infatuated eyes. She happily turned in front of him, like a pink butterfly, wantonly showing her beauty.

Looking at the woman in front of him who only wanted to show her charm and tenderness to him,

Sora pulled her over and let her lie on him.

Holding her soft body, smelling the fresh scent of shower gel and the unique body fragrance of a girl just out of the bath, he spoke softly and affectionately.

"Kuina, wait another two years until you are eighteen, then we will get married!"

Hearing Kota's voice, Kuina suddenly looked up, staring at the gentle face so close to her in disbelief, tears gushed out like a spring, dripping on Kota's chest drop by drop.

She thought this guy was waiting for her to speak before responding to her love!

Kota looked at Kuina and smiled, his smile was like the ripples of a clear spring, overflowing from the small vortex at the corner of his mouth and spreading all over his face.

He stretched out his right hand to wipe her tears and joked,"What? Don't you want to?"

Kuina nodded quickly,"Yes, I do."

How could she not want to!


Looking at Kuina's cute appearance, Kota couldn't help laughing. He didn't even have a girlfriend in his previous life, but he had a fiancée at the age of seventeen in this life. It's very refreshing.

Isn't it?

Listening to Kota's laughter, Kuina buried her head in his arms, blushing, and gently hit him with her hands.

Her face was hot, and she listened quietly to Kota's strong heartbeat.

At this moment, she felt more at ease than ever before.

Kota smiled and looked at Kuina with tender eyes. The two of them had been together day and night for so many years. He had always regarded Kuina as his sister.

But as this sister grew up, she became more and more dependent on him, and even fell in love with him later, and was willing to change so much for him.

He couldn't be indifferent.

For such a beautiful and beautiful girl, he didn't believe who could not love her.

I have to explain here that he is not a loli control, but a cultivation player!

Stroking Kuina's long hair, as soft and silky as silk, Kota looked up at the sky, with unprecedented determination in his eyes.

This commitment made him more mature and stronger.


Sailing is not an easy thing.

They have been out to sea for three days. They were quite excited for the first two days, and everything was new to them.

However, no matter how beautiful the scenery is, after two days, it will become boring.

Looking around, there is not even a ghost on the sea, except for the sea.

No wonder pirates like to hold banquets, they are all bored.

Because on the sea, apart from exercising, you can only lie down and do nothing. Kota, who was fishing at the bow, stared at the sea blankly. In the comics, can't you catch fish easily?

Why is there nothing here?

Sure enough, the comics are all lies.


At this time, Kuina came over with two cups of Coke, and heard his sigh and asked

"What's wrong?"

"How come it's been three days and there are still no other ships!"

Isn't this the Age of Exploration?

Aren't there countless pirates?

Why can't he meet any here?

Is the East China Sea too big, or are they (the other pirate ships) too lucky? With a frustrated look on his face, he took the Coke handed over by Kuina and shook it a few times.

Ding ding ding--!!!

The ice cubes hit the wall of the cup, making a pleasant and crisp sound.

He raised the cup, tilted his head back, opened his mouth, and took a big sip.

The ice cola went straight to his stomach along his esophagus. He burped first, and then exhaled a cloud of white air.


Kuina looked at Kota and smiled gently.

The smile was like a faint glow, floating across the corner of her mouth.

She reached out to take the cup from Kota's hand and put it on the coffee table beside her.

"There is no rush. After all, it's only three days. We should be able to reach the Baratia restaurant on the sea today."

She paused, licked her lips with her tongue, and then said,"I heard that Baratia is a restaurant on the sea, where there are the best chefs in the entire East China Sea."

""Little greedy cat."

Kota raised his hand and gently tapped Kuina on the head.

Kuina pretended to be in pain, touched her head with both hands, and stared at Kota with her big, misty eyes.

"Humph! Do you dare to say you don't want to eat?"

Kota swallowed his saliva, turned his head and looked at the sea and said stubbornly:"I'm only interested in people who can open a restaurant on the sea, not in where the food is made!"

Kota nodded affirmatively.

"Yes! That's right, that's it."

Kuina saw through Kota's true intentions and didn't point it out. She gently took Kota's hand and held it in her arms, and went fishing with him.

Since she and Kota made an engagement, she became more gentle and playful. This change made Ahua and the others exclaim that Kuina was possessed by evil.

Because Kuina actually smiled at them, this was the first time Kuina smiled at them.

This made them dare not show their heads for the past two days, and they always felt that they were going to get into trouble.


At this moment, the fishing rod in Kota's hand suddenly bent, and the fishing line jumped straight

"Is this a fish?"

Kuina quickly let go of Kota, walked to the side of the boat, lay on the guardrail, and looked at the sea below the boat.

Kota grabbed the fishing rod with both hands, exerted force suddenly, and lifted the fishing rod.

The calm sea surface beside the boat was suddenly disturbed violently, and the boat was shaking constantly due to the disturbance of the water flow.

In an instant, the sea surface following the fishing line was pushed up, and then, the water curtain fell back to the sea surface under the action of gravity, revealing a huge green and yellow black shadow. The front end of the black shadow's body stood high beside the boat, casting a large shadow.

With a wide forehead, his mouth wide open to reveal sharp fangs, and blood-red eyes showing a cold light, he stared at Kota who was holding the fishing rod.

Kota stood in the shadow, looked up at the enlarged version of the conger eel and shouted:"It's you, the king of the near sea."

Then he dropped the fishing rod, touched his chin, thought for a while, and said to it seriously.

"I don't know if you know the one outside the Windmill Village. That one was really fierce. It actually bit off Red Hair's hand. Although that happened more than a decade ago, it was enough for it to brag about it for the rest of its life."

Then he stretched out his right hand, raised it in front of him, and gave the King of the Sea an encouraging look. His second-year soul burst out.

"Come on! I want to block my hand in the East China Sea, too."

The King of the Near Sea really didn't understand what the little guy in front of him was saying, but he seemed to feel humiliated from the other's eyes.

His head paused slightly in the air, and then, like a meteorite falling from the sky, he smashed into the air with force.


The King of the Near Sea felt as if he had hit steel, and his eyes were full of stars.

After waiting for a while, he came to his senses.

He shook his head and looked down at the teeth that fell on the side of the boat, with a face full of grievance. He was just leisurely shopping with the sea fish sister, and suddenly a fish hook was hooked in his mouth without his knowledge.

You said hook it, so hook it! With his size as the King of the Near Sea, he didn't believe that anyone could pull him up.

Who knew that before he could swim a few steps, he was pulled up by the guy in front of him.

Come up if you want to, and break his most handsome teeth.

Who can he go to for justice!


""Sora, stop playing. We spotted a ship at three o'clock."

Luo stood on the observation deck and shouted to Sora.

""Where, where."

Ah Hua, who was slacking off in the kitchen, ran out with a kitchen knife in his hand, leaned on the railing and looked ahead.

They didn't care about the King of the Sea at all.

Instead, they were curious about other ships, especially pirate ships.


A red light flashed in Kota's eyes, and he sensed it.

It was indeed a big ship, much bigger than their ship.

He looked up and apologized to the King of the Near Sea,"Sorry, I can't play with you anymore, I can only send you on your way."

The King of the Near Sea sensed something, his heart tightened, and he quickly retracted his head, trying to dive into the sea.

And a second before Kota finished speaking, a sharp and rapid friction sound was heard.


A silver-white slash crossed the sky, crossed the neck of the King of the Near Sea, and shot into the sky with the remaining force.


Kuina sheathed her knife.

As soon as Kota finished speaking, she drew her knife.


The huge head of the King of the Near Sea smashed into the sea water. After several ups and downs, it finally sank into the sea.

Through the sparkling sea water, you can still see the unwillingness and grievance in its eyes.

And its lower body was still lying on the sea, as if it had never felt that its head had disappeared, and the sticky and fishy blood had begun to flow upward along the smooth incision.

When the wind blew, its stubborn lower body could no longer support itself and fell backwards.


It splashed a bigger splash than when it came up.

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