The breeze, the sea, and the morning sun.

The cool mist enveloped the entire world, and the morning light of the morning sun filtered through the thin clouds, scattering on the sea, making the waves sparkle.

On the blue sea, the early-rising seabirds kept calling, and from time to time a seabird would dive into the sea as fast as a fighter jet, pick up a sea fish and fly away.

However, even the most elite warriors can fail sometimes, and there are always a few unlucky seabirds that never come up again.

I thought, maybe they didn't check the almanac before going out today!

Although this is not a rare wonder, it is exciting enough for Kota and his crew who just went out to sea.


The wooden cabin door made a dull sound, startling the seabirds that were combing their feathers on the cabin.

A fat man in a white chef's uniform and glasses, holding a tray in his left hand with two glasses of juice on it, pushed the door and walked out.

Seeing Kota lying on the lounge chair at the bow, he hurried over and put the juice on the coffee table next to Kota.

"Kota, take a look at the lemon apple juice I made."

"Well! Thank you, Ahua."

Kongta put down the navigation book in his hand, looked up and said thank you gently to Ahua who was standing beside him.

At this time, a head with a Shamatte hairstyle suddenly popped out from the edge of the observation deck on the mast and shouted loudly to the people below.

"Ah Hua, where's my juice!"

Ah Hua pushed his glasses and looked up calmly,"It's in the kitchen. If you want to drink it, go get it yourself. Do you think you are Kota and Kuina? I'll bring it out for you."

"As a cook, you should serve us fighters well."

The Shamatte youth climbed down the mast and stood on the middle deck of the ship and shouted provocatively.

Ah Hua heard this, veins popped out on his forehead, and rushed towards the Shamatte in leather pants.

"A Luo, do you want to fight?"

He thought that since they were already out to sea, he should not be impulsive anymore and should be mature and calm.

But A Luo was always looking for trouble on the boat, which always made him lose his defense.

At this time, a young man with a sausage mouth came out of the room on the second floor. He was wearing jeans and a cowboy hat. If he was not a little fat, he really looked like a cowboy.

He hurried down the stairs and pulled them apart.

"You two guys always have a few quarrels every day, from childhood to adulthood. Now that you are out to sea, can't you just quiet down?"

"Ah Tao, don't worry about it."

"Today I must let this guy know who is the second strongest person on this ship."

Ahua rolled up his sleeves and prepared to fight with A Luo.

A Tao looked at the two of them speechlessly.

You are so eager to fight for the second to last place, why don't you challenge Kuina!

Speaking of Kuina, Kuina is here.

Kuina was wearing a pink kimono and slippers. She walked up from the stairs next to the cabin. There were still traces of water on her dark blue hair.

She wiped her hair and walked calmly past Ahua and the others. When she passed by, she glanced at them lightly.

Just this one glance made the three guys stand up straight immediately.

A Luo and Ahua, who were originally leaning against each other, even made a gesture, standing side by side with their left shoulders on their right shoulders. They looked like good friends.

They were not afraid of each other, not even Sorata, but only of Kuina.

Each of them was beaten by Kuina when they grew up, and they all had psychological trauma.

If Zoro hadn't come later, their experience might have been even worse. It was not until Kuina walked to the bow that they all breathed a sigh of relief and wiped the sweat off their foreheads.

A Luo and A Hua, who were hugging each other, suddenly remembered after a while that they were still hugging each other.

Then they looked disgusted and quickly let go of each other.

As if they were hugging something terrible, they quickly took a few steps back, looked at each other, snorted at the same time, glanced to both sides, and spit on the ground.



Ah Tao looked at the two guys and sighed.

I am the third best player on the ship, but I am not as good at making pictures as you guys.

He shook his head, fished out a cigarette box from his trouser pocket, took out a cigarette, and put it in his mouth.

Snap! He lit it, took a deep breath, and blew out a smoke ring quite coolly.

Then he raised his head, walked proudly past Ah Hua and the others, and went to the cabin. Does n't the juice smell good?


Very good.

Sour and sweet, very delicious.

Kota lazily lay on the recliner, holding the cup, shaking it gently, and then took a sip.

Looking at the three funny guys below, he smiled.

I have to say that Ah Hua is still very talented as a chef. This guy has loved eating since he was a child, which has led to him being fat all the time.

Even though his father sent him to the sword hall, he failed to lose weight.

This guy went home two years ago to inherit his family's restaurant and became a chef. He was already a famous chef in the surrounding area before going to sea.

When Kota started to invite this guy to go to sea, he was still reluctant.

According to him, he was eating and drinking well at home, so he didn't want to go out to sea with Kota to suffer!

In the end, it was Kuina who came to let this guy come.

I don't know what method Kuina used to make this guy run over with a bruised face the next day, crying and begging him to let him get on the boat.

Oh! So miserable.

Seeing this guy so sincere, he could only reluctantly agree.

But Ah Hua will never know that it was Kota who intentionally or unintentionally revealed to Kuina the idea of inviting him to go out to sea.

Thinking about it, he couldn't help but show a hint of pride on his face.

As for A Luo, I don't know what he has experienced in the past few years to become a Shamatte youth.

Maybe it's for love!

This guy was about to get married according to his family's arrangement some time ago.

As a result, when he heard the news that Kota was going to sea, he hurriedly pulled A Tao, who was about to inherit the family shipyard and become the king of the sea, to find Koshiro.

When Koshiro found Kota, he was trying to find a boat.

Now, isn't it here? It's really timely rain!

He agreed on the spot.

They were all friends who grew up together. He was not doing this for the shipbuilder Tao and his family's discounted boat!

Then he spent all the savings he and Kuina had saved over the years, and borrowed several million berries from Koshiro to pay for the shipbuilding.

This was the price Tao's family only charged for the material costs.

He was a time traveler, but he had to borrow money to build a ship.

Thinking of this, he couldn't help but say sorry to all the time travelers in his heart.

He really embarrassed the time travelers.

This ship is a fast sailing ship with a triangular sail on the back mast, a central rudder at the stern, and a sheep's head at the bow.

As for why it is a sheep's head, of course it is imitating the Merry!

Who doesn't want to have a ship like the Merry after watching One Piece!

Not only is it a sheep's head, he also asked to build an orchard on the ship, but replaced the orange trees with lemon trees.

The deck of the ship is upward, and the cabin at the rear is two-story. The first floor is the kitchen, and the second floor is the helm and the place to rest.

As for the bedrooms, storage rooms and toilets, they are all below the deck.

His ship, like the Merry, has no steering wheel. It turns by operating the rudder stick left and right to move the planks behind the ship.

As for the cannon, he felt that it was useless if it was close, and it could not hit if it was far away. The range was not as far as his slash, so he only installed a large cannon in the front cabin, and none on the sides.

This not only saves space, but also reduces the weight, making the ship's navigation lighter and faster.

In addition to the only cannon in the front cabin, there is also an anchor winch and some daily necessities for the sea.

Kota's eyes swept across the entire ship and he lowered his head in thought.

Lookout A Luo, helmsman and repairman A Tao, chef A Hua.

Navigator, he himself is a navigator. He has read countless books on navigation in the past ten years, and these are not read in vain.

Although he can't reach the level of Nami, he is still more confident in ordinary natural disasters.

Besides, his current space domain can be expanded to a radius of 20 meters, which is enough for him to fly with the ship.

Hmm! What else is missing?

Then his eyes lit up and he showed an expression of sudden enlightenment.

It turns out that he still needs a doctor!

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