It was evening.

The cold moonlight filled the whole world.

In Ximozhiji Village, the lights of all the houses had basically gone out.

Only in the dojo halfway up the mountain, the sound of bamboo swords hitting the target could still be heard.





A breeze blew over the Dragon Head ship.

A dark figure appeared in the shadows on the deck.

Ivankov sensed the movement and complained to the dark figure,"How slow, Dragon? How long do you want me to wait?""

"I'm sorry."

Long came out of the shadows with a child in his arms.

When he got closer and saw what Long was holding, Ivankov asked in confusion,"What's that in your hand?"

The other people on the boat gathered around after hearing the noise, and when they saw the child's appearance, they were surprised.

"What a serious injury!"


"How cruel! It looks like it was caused by a cannonball!"

"We need to treat him quickly."

One of them carefully took the child from Long and rushed to the ship's doctor's office.

Everyone quickly made way.

Watching the man escort the child into the cabin, Ivankov turned his head and asked Long:"Really, where have you been?"

Long turned around and said calmly,"I went to visit the celebration of the world's nobles."

"How could you go to such a place without telling me?

Ivankov was shocked.

"If you were here, it would be too conspicuous.

Long gradually walked to the side of the boat and looked at the quiet village.


"My face, my face……"

Ivankov touched his face in panic.

Long turned around and said loudly to everyone on the deck,"We must concentrate our strength immediately. Where is the food?"

"The food was given to us by Murakami's dojo," Yifu stepped forward and stood up and replied.


Long turned his head and stared at the dojo on the hillside in the distance. After a pause, he suddenly looked at the bow.

On the dragon head at the bow, a little boy appeared at some point.

The boy was wearing a moon-white robe, with a long sword hanging from his waist. His silver-white hair reflected a bright white light under the moonlight.

He stood there quietly, with bright blue eyes with silver mist and undispersed starlight.

Staring at the boy's eyes that were more charming than the starry sky, Long spoke in a deep voice.

"Who are you?"

"What are you doing here?"

As soon as Kota arrived, he set his eyes on Long.

Even though the other party was shrouded in a dark green coat, he still recognized him at a glance.

That aura as vast as the sea cannot be hidden.

When Long looked up at him, he could see the red square tattoo on Long's left cheek and the light stubble on his chin.

Looking more closely, Long actually had no eyebrows.

Kota curled the corners of his mouth and said with a smile:"It's nothing, I just came to see a friend off."

Such a strong man is not someone he can fight against now, not even a single blow.

After all, reality is not a comic book. If the gap is too big, he can really be killed in one blow, even if he can't be injured, but there is no need for that.

He didn't pay much attention to Long, but looked at Ivakov.

"Hey! Little Ivan, do you want to leave without saying goodbye?"

Seeing Kota's eyes looking at him, Ivankov asked with emotion:"Little Kota, are you here to see us off specially?"


"Aren't we friends?"

Kota stared at Ivankov and shouted,"Friends shouldn't leave without saying goodbye! You bastard!""

"I'm sorry."

Ivankov bowed and apologized to Kota.

"My friends! I wish you all the best. This flower of friendship will encourage us to meet again one day."

When Ivankov straightened up, only Kota's faint blessing was left on the scene. He was so moved that he burst into tears.

Long, with a confused look on his face, stood there in a daze.

It was not until Lightning came over and told him what happened during the day that he suddenly realized.

A magical boy who can control space.

Then he turned around and shouted to everyone:"Prepare to set sail, return to Baldigo"


There was a bustle on the boat.


On the roof of the dojo sword hall.

Kota stood there for a while.

He was staring at the sea, lost in thought.

The huge ship outside the port had already sailed to where it should go under the moonlight.

On the distant sea level, only a small black dot remained.

Then in the blink of an eye, it completely disappeared from the sea level, as if it had never been there.

But Ivankov's crying voice was still faintly floating in the sea, so he knew it was not a delusion.

Kota was not going to go at first, but in the end he couldn't help but ran to take a look.


The leader of the Revolutionary Army, the number one enemy of the World Government, and the true world's top combat power.

The gap is a bit big.

He shook his head vigorously.

So what if he is a dragon, so what if he is the world's top.

He has enough confidence that he will definitely surpass the other party.

He raised his head and looked at the sea, with stars in his eyes. Now that he has seen the peak, he will move towards the peak. Isn't this the romance of the world of One Piece?


Time flies, and five years have passed in the blink of an eye.

In the woods behind the Taoist temple, there was a sudden sound of weapons colliding.

Clang clang clang...!!

Zooming in, one could only see two white lights crossing and colliding in the open space in the woods.

Kuina, who was already sixteen years old, had grown into a graceful and elegant lady. Her long hair was tied back into a ponytail with a red headband, and she was wearing a tight white training suit.

She held the sword with both hands above her head and slashed it quickly. A silver-white slash flew quickly towards Zoro.

Zoro was shirtless, revealing his muscular body, and he wore a green headscarf on his head.

He held a long sword in each hand, and another in his mouth. It seemed that he had chosen the three-sword style.

He swung his three swords vigorously and slashed quickly at the flying slash.

""Demon Slash!""Dang——!"

The slash was changed in direction and flew up into the sky, dropping leaves all over the sky.

Kuina took advantage of the stalemate when Zoro had just used all his strength to quickly sheath her sword, stomped her feet hard on the ground, and rushed towards Zoro with a"whoosh".

"" Shave, draw your sword!"

Looking at the blade in front of him, Zoro only had time to cross his two swords and try his best to block the blade.


After a stalemate, he was pushed by this force and shot quickly to the back, and hit a giant tree with a"dong".

Kuina made a beautiful sword flower with her right hand, sheathed the sword, and made a crisp sound.

At this time, Kota's voice sounded beside her,"One point, so far, the winner is Kuina, ten thousand wins and zero losses."

Hearing Kota's voice, Kuina turned around, put away the indifferent look on her face, and showed a smile like a hundred flowers blooming.

She walked quickly to Kota and looked at Kota with a smile. The seventeen-year-old Kota no longer looked immature. On his resolute and angular face, there was always a gentle smile, and silver mist flowed in his pale blue eyes.

All this made him look so handsome and masculine.

He had a strong and slender figure, and his height of 1.9 meters seemed very tall.

He was wearing a moon-white robe, with a slashing sword and a wine gourd hanging on his left waist. Ashi.

Not being able to drink in the pirate world is not a good thing.

The ocean is too big, and fresh water cannot be stored for too long, so a small amount of low-alcohol rum is stored on every ship.

And because of the high demand, this kind of wine is available on almost every island in this world.

Looking at the approaching Kuina, Sorata spread out the pink kimono hanging on his arm and draped it over Kuina.

The kimono is embroidered with white flowers, and it looks so beautiful on Kuina, who is now over 1.7 meters tall.

Kuina looked at Sorata, who was helping her tie the belt, with tender eyes, and spoke softly

"Kota, father and the others are waiting for us at the port."


Kota raised his head and met Kuina's eyes. A hint of tenderness flashed in his eyes, and he stretched out his right hand to help her wipe the sweat from her forehead.

"I have to say goodbye to Zoro before I leave."

Kuina took Kota's hand and held her in her arms.

Feeling the touch on his arm, Kota couldn't help but sigh. In the end, he became the person he hated the most (his favorite person) and completed his training.

Then he turned his head to look at Zoro, and said with gloating:"Zoro, you lost again! Obviously you have really become stronger!"

Zoro looked at Kota calmly, he was immune to such ridicule.

He could sense that his physical fitness should have surpassed Kuina, and only his swordsmanship was still a little worse. He believed that it would not take long for him to truly surpass Kuina.

Compared with Kuina, he could still see the surpass, but Kota, this guy, was always unfathomable.

Originally, I wanted to see his true strength before Kota went out to sea.

But this guy insisted that he and Kuina complete this last competition.

Now it's good, I got the achievement of ten thousand defeats

"Now that you are satisfied, you can let me see your current strength!"

""Okay, I'll satisfy you."

Kota glanced at Kuina, who understood and let go of her hands, stepped back a few steps and stood aside.

Kota held the Zankong in his left hand and walked towards the open space in front.

As he moved forward, a whirlwind appeared out of thin air, with him as the center, rolling up the fallen leaves on the ground and floating in all directions.

He stood in the middle, bent down slightly, staring at the white clouds in the sky, and put his right hand on the hilt. A light purple-black domineering aura swirled around Zankong. Just when his momentum reached its peak, he quickly slashed upwards with a knife.

""God slash!"

Then the world suddenly became quiet, he stood up, and retracted his momentum, as if he had never moved.

Ding——! At this time, the sound of the sword being sheathed broke the silence around.

Only then did they see a light purple-black slash quickly slashing towards the sky.

And with unparalleled speed and power, it cut through the clouds.

Suddenly, the wind and clouds surged, and Koshiro and his people at the port hurriedly looked up at the sky.


The originally clear sky suddenly cracked open, followed by lightning and thunder, and the clouds flowed towards the crack like flowing water.

Everyone was stunned and stared at the sky blankly.

"The sky cracked, is this the end of the world?"

Iku turned his head and stared at Koshiro who was looking towards the back mountain and asked in surprise:"It's Kota!"


Koshiro said without even turning his head,"You've grown to this point!"

Kota looked at Zoro who was standing there in a daze, and remembered the words Hawkeye used to encourage Zoro, and suddenly said to Zoro in a serious tone

"Zoro, see yourself clearly, know the world, and become stronger! Surpass my sword, surpass me, and you will become the strongest swordsman."

Zoro came back to his senses after listening to Kota's voice, and stared at Kota with a firm look in his eyes.

"You guys, wait for me at the strongest position. From now on, I will never lose again. Wait for me, wait until I stand in front of you."

He didn't doubt at all that Kota couldn't be the strongest, just like he always firmly believed that he would definitely be the strongest.


Kota turned around with satisfaction and headed towards the port with Kuina.

Without Kuina's death, would Zoro still be so determined to become Liu Zoro?

He didn't know.

But he believed that he could fulfill today's promise, because he was Zoro, and he would achieve his goal once he set it.

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