
Looking at the dishes gradually filling up the entire table, Kota and his friends, who were already starving, immediately started to eat.

Needless to say, the dishes made by Sanji were really delicious.

At least, this table was the most delicious they had ever eaten.


Time goes back a few hours.

Shortly after Kota and his crew had just killed the Creek Pirates, something happened in the Navy.

The Navy Headquarters,"Marinford".

In the One Piece world, it is the center of the entire Navy organization and the location of the Navy's strongest combat power.

The overall architecture here was built for war.

From a distance, this is a huge military fortress.

When you get closer, the entire fortress looks even more spectacular.

In the huge circular port in front of the fortress, countless military ships of different sizes are coming in and out.

These military ships are full of navy ships, and on some of them, you can see some pirates chained with iron chains.

Among these pirates, those with a bounty of tens of millions are just at the bottom.

You can even see the pirates with bounties of 70 to 80 million, or even over 100 million, which are often seen in newspapers.

This is the daily work of the navy who maintain law and order in the world's oceans in the name of absolute justice.

Capturing pirates.

Due to the large number of people and the fact that the pirates are restless even when they are locked up, the port is also unusually noisy.

Compared to the hustle and bustle of the port, the Marshal's Office in the largest building in the middle of the fortress seemed excessively quiet. There were three people sitting in the Marshal's Office.

They were the one sitting in the middle, the one known as"Buddha's Warring States" and the other one sitting in the middle."、"The Admiral of the Navy Headquarters, Sengoku, who is known as the"wise general".

Sitting on the left is the Vice Admiral of the Navy Headquarters, Crane, who is known as the"chief of staff". Sitting on the right is the Lieutenant Commander of the Navy Headquarters, Branno, who is in charge of intelligence transmission.

At this time, Sengoku was wearing a pair of frog glasses, his long beard on his chin was tied into a braid, and he was wearing a hat with a seagull model that symbolized the"navy" on his head.

He was looking down at the two photos and information on the table in front of him, thinking for a while.

The photos showed the pictures of Kota and his companions.

The first picture showed the five of them standing on the guardrail of the dreadnought battleship Sabre, confronting the Creek Pirates.

The second picture showed the Pseudo-Merry rushing through the middle of the disconnected dreadnought battleship Sabre.

"Brannu, tell me about the information you analyzed!"

Zhan Guo suddenly looked up at Brannu on the right and said

"Yes, Mr. Sengoku."

Branno, with green curly hair, sunglasses, thick lips, a white and blue striped shirt, and a navy cape, stood up quickly.

He walked to a blackboard next to him, picked up a baton, pointed at the photo on the blackboard and said seriously:"The Creek Pirates, the captain has a bounty of 17 million, and is known as the strongest pirate group in the East China Sea."

"Okay, Branno, get to the point."

Zhan Guo put his hands on the table, a gleam in his eyes, and interrupted Branno calmly.

He didn't care about the Creek Pirates in the East China Sea. He just heard that there seemed to be a great swordsman on a ship that had just set sail, so he was a little interested.

Otherwise, why would he, a marshal, personally deal with a group of rookies who had just set sail!

Did he really think that the profession of marshal was very leisurely?

""Okay, Mr. Sengoku."

Brannu skipped over Creek's bounty order and pointed to the four photos next to him. In addition to the two photos on the table, there were two close-up photos of Kota and Kuina.

However, these photos were not very clear, and it seemed that they were taken from a very high altitude.

It has to be said that the navy, or should I say, the intelligence of the World Government is really terrifying.

I don't know if it was a coincidence or something, but there happened to be a World Government intelligence seagull near the sea where Kota and his group fought with the Creek Pirates.

After receiving the photos from the World Government, the navy took less than two hours to quickly figure out the information about Kota and his group.

Brannu first pointed at Kota's photo and said,"Korata, a student of Isshin Dojo in Seymoshiki Village near the Kingdom of Gaya in the East China Sea. He just went out to sea a few days ago. At present, his purpose is unknown."

Then he pointed to Kuina,"Kuina, also from Seymoshiki Village and Isshin Dojo, but she is not a student, she is the daughter of the gym owner of the dojo."

He paused, stared at Sengoku and Crane, and said solemnly:"Based on the known information, Kuina should be a swordsman, and Kota... is likely to be a great swordsman."

He couldn't help but take this seriously. There are many swordsmen in this world, but there are not many great swordsmen in the whole world.

"Can you tell me their destination?"

At this moment, Chief of Staff He, who had white hair, a pair of emerald earrings on his ears, and two gold bracelets on his right hand, leaned on the table with both hands, looked at the blackboard calmly and asked.

Hearing He's question, Brannu pointed to a map of the East China Sea and said

"From their route analysis, they did not stop at any island, but went straight to Rogue Town. As expected, their destination should be the Grand Route.’"

He paused, then pointed to a photo of the fake Merry and said

"Also, judging from the fact that there was no pirate flag on their ship, they might just be there for fun."


Zhan Guo nodded, looked at He and asked,"He, what do you think?"

He lowered his head and thought for a while, then looked up and stared at Zhan Guo and replied,"From the current intelligence, I haven't found any harm from them. My suggestion is to observe first. Since their destination is the Grand Line, we will naturally know their purpose when they arrive at the Grand Line."

"And with their strength, even if they reach the Grand Line, they will not be unknown."

"Well! That's it for now!"

Zhan Guo turned to look at Brannu and ordered:"Brannu, first send their photos to the branches in the East China Sea and inform them that as long as this group of people don't do anything harmful, don't provoke them easily."

""Yes, Mr. Sengoku."

Branno saluted and turned to leave the office.

At this time, Sengoku and He were the only two people in the office, and Sengoku's slightly serious expression relaxed.

He leaned back in the chair and sighed to He:"He, I can clearly feel that the number of pirates going out to sea has gradually increased in the past two years!"

"Yes! Not only in the four seas, but also in the Grand Line, there are a large number of pirates, and there are many powerful pirates among them, which has gradually increased the pressure on the navy in recent years."

"Okay, let's not talk about this anymore."

Sengoku frowned, rubbed his temples with his fingers and said with a headache:"The one who is worrying me now is Garp's grandson Ace. I heard he went to challenge Whitebeard."

"Yes! This old guy is in the New World right now, I hope nothing happens to him!"

He was also quite troubled.

They were troubled by Garp.

In the East China Sea, on the military aircraft outside the Barati, the sea restaurant, at the 123 base, the base commander, Colonel Last, was troubled by the matter in front of him.

"What, what did you say?"

Rast looked at the navy soldiers in front of him and asked loudly

"Mr. Zhepu asked you to have dinner in the restaurant"

"The previous sentence was not this one."

One of the marines asked in confusion:"The previous sentence, um...! The previous sentence was."

Another marine interrupted his thoughts.

"There are several suspicious people in the restaurant, four men and one woman."

"Yes, yes, that's it. Those four men were wearing lots of gold jewelry. You can tell at a glance that they were robbed."

The navy who spoke first quickly took over the conversation and exaggerated it.

He just couldn't stand the nouveau riche temperament of the other party.

"Look and see if it's them?"

Last handed them the photo in his hand.

This was the reason why he didn't go to the restaurant. He originally came to eat, but suddenly he received a message and a fax from the base.

The news was transmitted from the Navy Headquarters to the Navy Branch Base.

The navy left behind in the base saw that the sea area where their base commander was currently patrolling was exactly the direction where Kota and his group were heading, so they quickly sent the news and photos to the military aviation.

After reading the photos and messages, he was still sighing that he was about to return to the ship and end this patrol mission, so he would not have the chance to run into Kota and his group.

Unexpectedly, the surprise came so suddenly, and he ran into them.

"Yes, it's them," the navy soldiers took the photo, looked at it, and nodded repeatedly.

Although the photo was not very clear, they still recognized at a glance that it was the five people in the restaurant.

Kota's silver hair and Kuina's dark blue hair were too easy to identify.

Hearing the answers of several people, Rast's face became serious. He lowered his head and thought for a while, then raised his head and gave instructions to the navy.

"Set sail and return to base 123. Our mission is over."

"Hey! Colonel Last, aren't you going to have dinner?" The sailors asked in confusion.

""No, take a look at this!"

He then handed another piece of paper to them.

The navy took the paper, formed a circle, and looked at the content on the paper. As they looked at it, their faces changed drastically.

They could never imagine that the silver-haired kid in that group of people might actually be a great swordsman.

Thinking of this, they couldn't help but shudder and sweat.

A great swordsman, that is a strong existence in the Grand Line.

They were just thinking of dragging Captain Last to find trouble with that guy!

Then they all breathed a sigh of relief. Fortunately, fortunately, they didn't really conflict with that group of people just now.

"Captain, let's go out and prepare to set sail."

The navy said hurriedly, they didn't want to stay here now.

"Well, go ahead!"

Looking at these navy officers rushing out of the captain's room like their butts were on fire.

Last also breathed a sigh of relief. Since the headquarters said not to provoke them, he would stay away.

Well...! He was not afraid.

He just didn't want to conflict with the other side. After all, there were so many pirates in the sea nearby, waiting for him, the commander of the 123 base, to deal with them!

He didn't have time to deal with these little brats who were not even pirates!

Well! That's it.

Last lay on the chair and nodded continuously.


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