Early in the morning.

The sky was clear.

The warm spring breeze blew slowly across the sea along the ocean current.

The Pseudo-Merry was sailing downwind on the sea, and the sails on the mast were blown full by the wind.

On both sides of the ship, groups of sea fish were sticking to the ship and swimming quickly forward.

Some lively sea fish jumped out of the sea from time to time, splashing waves of water.

The water splashes flashed with colorful brilliance under the morning light.

Around the ship, the sky was full of seabirds hunting.

Since Kota and his friends went to sea, they have never seen so many seabirds.

From this phenomenon, it can be seen that they should be not far from the land.

A few days ago, they had dinner at the sea restaurant Barati, bought a few days of supplies, and set off to the sea to continue sailing.

As for Sanji, Zeff did not mention it, and Kota did not ask.


Kota was lying on the sheep's head at the bow to bask in the sun.

And Kuina was sitting on the lounge chair at the bow, looking at newspapers and nautical charts.

This time they were heading to the Glomi Islands, which was the territory of the Arlong Pirates and the island of Cocosia Village, Nami's hometown.

In order to go to the Glomi Islands, Kota asked old man Zeff for the coordinates of the Glomi Islands.

Otherwise, the East China Sea is so big, and without the nautical chart, he would not be able to find the location of the Glomi Islands in a short time.

"Well, Sorata, why are you going to the Glomi Islands?"

"Is there anything special there?"

Kuina looked up at Kota on the sheep's head and asked the question she wanted to ask at the sea restaurant Barati.

Their original plan was to go directly to Rogue Town, but in Barati, Kota suddenly changed his mind and decided to go to the Glomi Islands first.

Kota opened his eyes, stared at the sun and said softly:"It's nothing, it's just that there lives an evil dragon there, and I want to go and see it."

""Evil Dragon?"

Kuina was stunned for a moment, then said:"You are talking about the Evil Dragon Pirates!"

"um, yes!"

"That has nothing to do with us!"

Kota paused, looking at the black and white seagulls flying across the sky from time to time, and said in a low voice

"The main thing is that the evil dragon is not only oppressing the villages around his territory, but he is also fooling an innocent girl."


Kuina suddenly stood up and said loudly.

Kota also realized that he seemed to have said something he shouldn't have said, and he tried to speak calmly.

"Yes, it’s the girl. Don’t you know that the legend of the evil dragon is always accompanied by a girl?"


Kuina stared at him in confusion.


Kota's voice was more firm than ever before.

Kuina stared at Kota with suspicion for a while and then said

"You just say you want to defeat the dragon, save the village, and be a hero, isn't that enough?"

"It's such a simple thing, but it has to be so complicated."

Guina lowered her head and thought about it, and her calm eyes suddenly lit up.

"Hmm...! A beautiful girl who defeats a dragon, that must be cool!"

She raised her head, stared ahead excitedly, and said loudly

"I made a decision"

"What to decide?"

"I have decided that I will defeat Arlong."

Kuina turned her head and stared at Kota and said firmly

""Okay, okay, okay, our dragon-slaying girl Kuina, you will definitely leave a legend in the future."

Kuina raised her head slightly with a proud look.

Seeing that Kuina no longer asked about the girl, Kota quietly wiped the cold sweat from his head.

He almost let the cat out of the bag.

In fact, he suddenly thought of Nami, and then he thought of the dozens of villages in Arlong's territory that were still suffering from oppression, so he suddenly changed his route and headed straight for the Glomi Islands.

If he doesn't care this time, those dozens of villages will have to wait for another two years until King Luffy goes to sea to be rescued.

How many family tragedies will be caused in these two years.

He can't control what he doesn't know, but since he knows it, he must care.

This is what he grew up with in his previous life. Under the red flag, the sense of justice engraved in his bones cannot be changed throughout his life.

And for him, destroying the Arlong Pirates is as easy as crushing an ant.

Since it is simple and in line with his justice, then he must do it!

In fact, he is not wrong, he is really a partner of justice. Of course, he is not a saint, and he will not let go of any evildoer he meets.

Evil is evil, he does not believe in becoming a Buddha by laying down the butcher knife. If those who do evil can become Buddhas, then... what about those who have been hurt by him?

Who will resolve their grievances and who will pay them back.

So since they have met him, they can only send them all to hell to repent.


As more and more seabirds joined the large group of seabirds flying with them, a long coastline gradually appeared in front of them.

As the distance to the coastline gradually shortened, Kota could already smell the faint scent of soil.

He took a deep breath, sat up straight, lifted his legs up, turned his butt on the sheep's head, faced the coastline in front of him, and took a closer look.


He found that he did not see the entrance to the base of the Arlong Pirates on this side.

If he remembered correctly, the base of the Arlong Pirates was built on the seashore.

He turned around, jumped off the sheep's head, and shouted to the steering room behind:"A Tao, adjust the direction, let's look around the island to see where the entrance of the Arlong Pirates is"

"Got it!"

A Tao, who was sitting in a chair in the steering room in a daze, stood up and shouted to the outside.

He walked to the steering stick, first put the cigarette between his fingers into his mouth, then held the steering stick with both hands and twisted it to the left. The

Pseudo-Merry outside immediately turned to the left.

At this moment, A Tao���He walked out of the kitchen with the wanted warrant in his hand.

He slowly walked to the bow, looked at Kota, stretched out his hand to push the frame, and his eyes flashed.

"As expected, Kota's target is the Arlong Pirates."

Korata looked at Ahua who was walking over and signaled him to give the bounty order to Kuina.

"Kuina, take a look! After all, this is the opponent you are facing. Before you become a great swordsman, don't underestimate any opponent."

"Yes! I know."

Guina took the reward order from Ahua and read it.

"It turns out that the members of the Dragon Pirates are all fishmen!" She sighed as she looked at Arlong's bounty order.

Then she said with a little disdain

"It looks so ugly"

"Don't be fooled by their ugliness. They are new humans that combine the characteristics of fish and humans. They are stronger than ordinary humans, and their strength will be doubled when fighting in water."

Korata explained to Kuina based on the information he knew.

"Six years ago, the fish-man pirates of the Grand Line disbanded, and Dragon was one of them."

"Later, he formed his own Dragon Pirates, came to the East China Sea from the Grand Line, and ruled the Glomi Islands."

"Why do you know so much?"

Kuina stared at Kota in confusion and asked

"Me! But I read newspapers every day, and also some strange books!"

"That's right, I never saw you put down the book when I was a kid."

Kuina nodded, recalled for a moment, and wanted to continue looking at the bounty in her hand.


At this moment, she suddenly turned her head and looked at Ah Hua and the other two who were already standing at the bow.

"You three...what happened?"

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