Kuina took a step forward and slowly raised the knife towards the mouse.

Her movements were a little slow this time, as slow as an old man.

She wanted to let the mouse have a good taste of the approaching death.

As Kuina raised the knife, the mouse's body shook more violently.

His eyes were fixed on Kuina's blade, and the cold and flashing blade reflected his embarrassed and terrified appearance at the moment.

Kuina's right hand, which was constantly raised, was like a black hole, firmly grasping his mind and making his abdomen squirm.

At this moment, he suddenly felt an unbearable urge to urinate.

Then he saw a water mark gradually appear between the mouse's legs. The water mark gradually became larger as time went by, and finally burst out like a flood, gathering under his buttocks and flowing out like a stream. Obviously, the mouse was scared to urinate by Kuina.

Kuina looked at the mouse's bear-like appearance, her eyes full of disgust. With a flash of the knife, she raised her right hand and stabbed the mouse's neck with a clean and sharp knife.

The rat's trembling body suddenly stopped.

He stared at the front with horror, his eyes full of desire for life.

He tried to move his body, but it was useless because his nerve center had been disconnected from his body.

He could already feel that the boundless darkness had come, pulling his soul into the abyss of hell. He had never felt that time was so long, so long that this moment seemed like a century to him.

His eyelids became heavier and heavier, until his soul was completely swallowed up by the boundless darkness, and the last glimmer of light in his eyes dissipated.

This guy didn't know who was on the other side until he died, and why he had to kill him, even if he was wanted.

Kuina stood in place, backhanded a knife, and threw the blood on the knife on the rat.

It was this trace of blood that broke the stillness of the rat's body.

The rat's head suddenly slid backwards and fell to the ground with a"bang!"

And his headless body, like a domino, lost its support and instantly collapsed to the ground.

The blood mixed with his urine flowed into the pool beside him like a stream.

Kuina quietly looked at the stream of blood flowing by her feet, and the disgust in her eyes dissipated a little.

This is the true portrayal of the filthy life of this guy, Rat! There are dirty stains flowing in this guy's blood.

Kuina glanced at the body of Rat indifferently, and then looked at the two navy men who had fainted behind him.

"How to deal with these two people?"

"Kill him?"

She thought about it and shook her head.

"Forget it, let Kota handle it!"

Then she looked at the remaining fishmen.

The fishmen felt the familiar, cold gaze like the god of death staring at them again.

They knew that the female devil was coming to deal with them.

At this time, the instinct of survival temporarily broke the fear in their hearts, allowing them to generate a burst of strength out of thin air.


They roared, dragged their heavy bodies with tired spirits, and rushed to the swimming pool with difficulty and speed.

There was their only way to survive.

Ever since seeing Kota's slash, they no longer believed that their boss Arlong would be alive to save them.

Looking at the swimming pool, their veins were throbbing, and they used the strength they had never used in their lives.

As long as they rushed to the edge of the swimming pool and jumped into the sea, they could escape with their identities as fishmen.

Seeing that the fishmen on the opposite side wanted to run, Kuina quickly kicked the ground with her feet, and rushed over quickly with a"whoosh".

They were about to rush to the edge of the swimming pool, but what made the fishmen despair was that Kuina was already standing at the end of their only way to survive.

In the end, they could only see a flash of knife light, and in a flash, all of their fishmen fell on the way to the swimming pool.

Obviously, this was not their way to survive, but the road to hell.

In the collapsed wall stone pile on the right.

Arlong was lying inside, motionless.

His head was hit by a huge rock, so he couldn't stand up immediately.

In the few tens of seconds when he was confused, the entire Arlong Domain was already a river of blood, and his compatriots had all fallen to the ground and died.

He shook his head and got out of the rubble with a series of"booms".

He raised his head, opened his hazy eyes, and looked at the scene outside. His pupils, which had already expanded, shrank rapidly, and his brain was instantly awake.

Looking at the corpses of fishmen all over the ground, especially the little eight that was cut in half in the pool, he was furious to the extreme.

He just regarded humans as a lowly race, and he was relatively friendly to his own kind.

Especially these fishmen, all followed him out of Fishman Island.

Originally, they came together to enjoy the good life and dominate the world.

Who knew that they were all dead now.

Even the little eight, who was also a member of the former Sun Pirates, died in such a miserable way.

Arlong's eyeballs were congested and all dyed red, emitting an extremely bloodthirsty light.

The pupils in his eyes shrank so small that they were invisible, showing how angry he was at the moment.

He looked at Xiao Ba and suddenly thought of something. He turned to look at Kuina, suppressed his anger, and asked loudly:

""Kroobi and Jiu, were they also killed by you?""

Kroobi and Jiu should have returned by now, but they are nowhere to be found. According to their trajectory, their last stop was Kokosia

Village, and the direction these two humans came from was from Kokosia Village.

���It was certain that Kroobi and the others were dead, but he still couldn't help asking

"You are talking about those stinky fishmen who collect head fees!"

Kuina stared at Aaron coldly, and a cold voice came out of her mouth.

"They should have been dried into fish jerky now!"

She didn't put away the knife, but rushed towards A-Long with it.


Looking at the fast-approaching Kuina, Aaron's blood flowed faster and his whole body turned red.

The bulging blood vessels were like pythons wrapped around his body.

His already tall body swelled even more, and from a distance he looked like a walking blood-red monster.

He pulled out a large saw from the rubble, held the handle with both hands, quickly raised it above his head, and fiercely chopped at Kuina who was already close.

"Go to hell! You lowly human being."

He believed that Kuina would never be able to take his blow.

The power of his blow was nearly twice as strong as the last one. This was a blow that burned his life.

""Angry Shark Saw!"

Looking at the big saw blade that was rapidly cutting through the air above her head, Kuina did not try to take it head-on.

She was not stupid. She could not handle the force of the blade, but it was easy to dodge.

A red light flashed in her eyes, and her observation Haki was quietly activated. She lightly turned to the left, letting the blade of the big saw blade, close to her nose, pass in front of her and chop to the ground.


The hard stone slab on the ground suddenly broke into several pieces and shot in all directions.

The big saw blade continued to move forward, fiercely blasting a large hole in the ground under the stone slab.

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