Kuina was not affected by the huge roar behind her.

She stepped forward, passed under Arlong's arm, and raised the knife in her hand, swinging it towards Arlong's open chest.

After Arlong's knife missed, he knew he was in trouble.

But he had been in the Grand Line before, and he had a lot of combat experience. He knew that he couldn't dodge Kuina's knife, so he simply didn't dodge.

He showed anger in his eyes, lowered his head, and smashed it hard at Kuina with his head. He wanted to pierce Kuina with his long, jagged nose.

""Go to hell!"

If he could stab him, it wouldn't matter if he got stabbed.

Unfortunately, Kuina wouldn't give him this chance.

Kuina's eyes flashed red, and she stopped her forward momentum in advance. She turned to the right, took a small step back, and stood on the left side of A'long.

The knife she swung out turned a circle and inserted into the scabbard.

A'long couldn't imagine that Kuina could stop her forward body like this, and she seemed to have predicted his nose and dodged it in advance.

He didn't have time to think about it. He couldn't stop his momentum, so his head could only stab into the ground fiercely.

However, Kuina at this time, She raised her right foot, and when Aaron's head lowered, she kicked him hard on the chin.


A wave of wind formed by air pressure swung out from Aaron's chin to all around.

This kick directly shocked his completely bloodshot eyes, and his entire body left the ground. Just as

Aaron's body flew upward, Kuina quickly retracted her right foot, stood still, then twisted her waist, turned around, raised her left foot, and hit Aaron's waist hard.


There was another louder dull sound, and a bigger wave of air rushed out to all around.


This kick made Aaron spit out a mouthful of blood.

His huge body, which was rising, was immediately changed in direction by the force of this kick, and it quickly crashed into the tower-like building behind.

"With a loud bang, it crashed through the house and hit the wall behind it.


The collision between his back and the wall made Aaron spit out another mouthful of blood.

He bent over, leaned against the wall, shook his head, covered his waist with his left hand, and coughed.

"Cough cough cough……!!"

This kick not only caused him internal injuries, but also reminded him of the ability of the opponent to dodge his attacks in advance every time.

He raised his head, and the blood red in his eyes instantly faded, turning into horror.

He looked at Kuina outside through the big hole in the house and asked loudly

"It's the observation Haki, right?"

Kuina looked at Aaron in confusion. This guy must have been beaten silly! His voice was so small.

"What did you say?"

Aaron's body has slowly recovered by now. He stood up straight and kept reaching his hands into his mouth to pull out his teeth.

Each time his teeth grew back, they were sharper than the last.

In the end, all that was left in his mouth was a set of huge teeth covered with steel knives.

He stared at Kuina and shouted,"Don't think that I can't do anything to you just because you have Observation Haki. As long as you are bitten by this set of teeth, I can bite you to pieces in an instant."

Then he bent his legs, pushed hard on the ground, and shot out quickly. With his head in front, he rushed towards Kuina like a torpedo.

Kuina looked at Aaron who was rushing towards her, and a trace of disdain flashed in her cold eyes.

To outsiders, Aaron's speed was very fast, but in Kuina's eyes, it was still too slow.

She slightly turned her body and easily dodged the attack.

However, what Kuina didn't know was that Aaron didn't want to fight to the death with Kuina.

When this guy found out that Kuina could be domineering, he already knew that he couldn't win even if he risked his life.

After all, he had been in the Grand Line for so long, how could he not know domineering? Existence.

This thing has absolute restraint on people like them who have no domineering power.

You can't hit the opponent, but the opponent can hit you.

In this case, no matter how strong you are, you can't change the outcome of the battle.

And the opponent is a swordsman, the swordsman with the strongest attack power.

Seeing the waterway in sight, Aaron couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief.

As long as he reaches the sea, he won't have to be afraid of this guy anymore.

After all, the sea is the home ground of their fishmen.

In the sea, not only will their strength be doubled, but their speed will also be faster.

At that time, as long as he hides in the deep sea, and waits for these two terrible guys to leave, he will still be the evil dragon that rules the entire island.


At this moment, he suddenly showed a puzzled expression. Why was the waterway that should have been in front of him still far away?

He seemed to be suspended in the air.

But he could feel that he was flying all the time!

At this moment, he suddenly found that the silver-haired human on the wall had stood beside him at some point.

"Well, I almost let you run away, how scary!"

Kota pretended to be surprised and stared at Aaron who was still flying in his space domain.

"You, what kind of ability is this?"

Aaron had already discovered the problem. He was indeed flying, but it was as if he was flying in the same place.

This did not freeze him, but stretched the space.

He stopped his body and stood at the edge of the pool. One step forward would lead him to the sea surface he had always dreamed of, but this step, for him now, was a distance that he could never cross.

He looked at Kota, his face full of fear, no longer having the arrogance of the past.

At this moment, a large sea king with a cow body and a fish tail suddenly appeared on the sea in the distance.

It made an angry sound. Roaring, it quickly rushed towards Arlong Paradise.

Obviously, its target was Sorata by the pool.

Seeing this sea king, Arlong's eyes lit up, and he couldn't help but feel a glimmer of hope in his heart, but what happened in the next moment made him completely despair.

Sorata didn't even look at the sea king, he simply drew his sword, swung it, and put it away.

With a silver-gray slash, he easily cut the sea king in half.

Arlong's pupils shrank extremely, and he couldn't speak clearly. Obviously, he knew what the swordsman who could make such a huge slash meant.

"big big big……"

"Great swordsman."

Kota stared at Aaron and said frivolously:"Guess what ability I have that has trapped you. If you guess correctly, there will be a prize!"

"Space, space... a devil fruit."

Aaron replied, trembling all over.


He lowered his head and touched his chin to think for a while, then looked up at Aaron and said with a smile

"Unfortunately, you guessed wrong and you have to be punished."

"Well! What's the punishment for you?"

"Otherwise, I'll punish you to death! How about that?"

Korata stared at Aaron and said the cruelest words jokingly.

Seeing that Aaron didn't speak, he nodded and continued:"Since you don't answer, it means you agree."

"I don't agree with it."

Along stared at Kota with horror and anger. The pressure from all around him made it impossible for him to open his mouth.

He struggled like a drowning man, but it was no use.

"Kuina, do it!"

Korata turned his head and looked at Kuina and smiled.

Kuina pursed her lips and looked at Arlong coldly.

"Damn guy, he almost made her look bad in front of Kota. If Long had escaped, she would have been laughed at for a long time."

She walked up to Arlong, drew her sword, and slashed at Arlong's neck at an angle, apparently to behead him.

Arlong felt the blade coming at him quickly, and struggled even more violently. His originally fierce eyes were now filled with grievance and humiliation.

Rather than dying in such a suffocating way, he might as well fight with Kuina to death.

The blade slashed across Arlong's neck in an instant, and his struggling body stopped immediately. His eyes were full of nostalgia for life, but it was useless.

Kota stared at Arlong, who had no vital signs, and retracted the space domain.

Arlong's huge body immediately fell into the pool.


A not very big splash of water appeared. It seemed that if Arlong went diving, he would definitely get a high score.

Then his head and body separated quickly.

He would never have thought that he would be beheaded and killed by humans in the East China Sea like a real fish pressed on a chopping board.

It can only be said that this is his fate as a fish.

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