East China Sea.

Glomi Islands.

A ship with a sheep's head is parked at the simple dock outside the village of Kokosia.

A red flag with a yellow windmill painted on it is flying on the top of the mast of the ship.

The yellow windmill looks like it is always spinning from a distance.

It gives people enthusiasm and happiness.

On the Pseudo-Merry.


It should be on the"Freedom" now. Kota and the other four woke up early. They stood by the ship and looked at the village of Kokosia.

Last night, the villagers were so excited that they were drunk.

It seems that no one will wake up before noon today.

Although Kota and the others drank a lot last night, they were not as drunk as the villagers because of their long-term exercise, so they woke up early in the morning.

"Are you not going to say goodbye?"

Kuina stared at the direction of the village, with a hint of nostalgia in her eyes. This was the first time she felt so happy here.

This was different from the happiness of improving strength. This was a kind of happiness that made people feel great satisfaction from heart to spirit.

Kota rubbed Kuina's head, looked at the direction of the village, and smiled.

"There is nothing to say goodbye to. This is just a beautiful memory in our lives."

"Our journey has just begun, and we are heading towards more unknowns and more adventures."

"Believe me, we will definitely get more satisfaction and happiness on our future adventures."

At this point, a trace of regret flashed in Kota's eyes.

If there is any regret, there is still one thing, that is, I didn't see Nami.

I think she should be on a pirate ship now, fighting thrillingly with pirates!

"Yes! I have always believed in Kota."

After hearing this, Kuina's eyes showed expectation.

Ahua and the other two also nodded quickly.

They all believed that there must be more beautiful people and scenery on the road of adventure in the future.

Kota retracted his gaze and turned towards the sea.

A voice full of excitement and expectation sounded.

"All right, guys, the Liberty is setting sail and our adventure begins now!"


The excitement returned to normal a day after they left the Glomi Islands.

Kota continued his great cause of basking in the sun on the bow.

He basically doesn't train now.

Because ordinary training equipment is completely useless to him now. All he can do now is to squander his Armament Haki infinitely, hoping to improve the quality of his Haki and Zankong as soon as possible.

Kuina spends most of her time training, just like Zoro on the Merry.

The rest of the time she spends drinking tea and reading newspapers on the bow, chatting with Kota and basking in the sun.

As for Ahua and the other two, they are either in the kitchen or lying on the deck, bragging and chatting out of boredom.

The sea is so boring, and only those islands full of unknowns can bring them back to life.

At this moment, Arlo on the observation deck, holding a telescope in his hand, shouted loudly to the people below

"Ship, right in front of 12 o'clock, a pirate ship has been found."

Hearing A Luo's shout, everyone on the ship was cheered up.

There is still a kind of fun in this boring sea.

Of course, that is to meet other pirate groups!

Since they are all small sailboats, they are very fast, and soon the two ships met on the sea.

Looking at the pirate flag on the opposite pirate ship.

Ahua held a stack of bounty orders in his hand, kept flipping through them, and finally stopped at a not so eye-catching bounty order.

He looked up at the pirate flag on the opposite side again, pushed the frame, and said calmly

"Mad Bull Pirates!"

"Captain, 'Kubby Rad’"

"Reward: 15 million berries."

He then took out a stack of newspapers from behind him, pulled out one of them, and said

"Judging from the news in the past few months, Kubi Rad is a rookie pirate who just went to sea a few months ago."

"A new pirate?"

Kota touched his chin and said thoughtfully,"Then this guy's first bounty was 15 million berries. Either he is very strong, or he is a very cruel guy."

A cold light flashed in his eyes.

Obviously, he was more inclined to the latter.

For the East China Sea, where the average bounty is no more than 10 million, there are only two possibilities for such a high bounty in the first place.

You know, Creek's bounty is only 17 million berries.

I don't know what kind of cruel thing this guy did to be rewarded with such a high bounty.

He looked up at Ahua and motioned him to continue.

Ahua looked at the newspaper and continued.

"Even though this guy has only been out at sea for a few months, he has already robbed six towns."


At this moment, Ah Hua's eyes suddenly lit up and he said hurriedly

"Every time this guy robbed a town, he would turn into a huge, hairy bull-headed monster and wreak havoc on the town he robbed."

"So the Navy gave it the title of Mad Bull."


"Could this guy be the devil fruit user that Kota mentioned?"

A Luo and A Tao originally had no interest in this captain of the Mad Bull Pirates.

It wasn't them who were going to deal with him anyway.

But after listening to A Hua's words, they all showed excitement at the same time.

A devil fruit user!

This is the first time they have met one!

What they didn't know was that they had actually seen devil fruit users a long time ago.

One is the Shemale King,"Ambrio Ivankov".

Ivankov is a miracle man who ate the"Hormone Fruit".

His fruit ability can control the body's temperature, pigment, growth, and emotions, transform humans from the inside out, and even change gender to become a new human, that is, a shemale.

If Ivankov had used the power of the fruit when fighting Kota, Kota would have been defeated even faster!

The other is"Imazuna", who has been following Ivankov and can be either male or female.", which means"Lightning".

Lightning is a new human being transformed by Ivankov using the power of his fruit.

He is a scissor man who ate the"Scissor Fruit".

His ability is to turn any part of his body into scissors and cut anything.

And the things he cuts with his ability allow him to use them like cloth for a certain period of time.

So far, it is not certain whether he can cut living things like cutting the ground.

If he can even cut living things, then his ability will be invincible.

The things he can cut with his ability are different from the"Operation Fruit".

The things cut by the Operation Fruit can be restored.

And the cut human body is no different from usual.

But the Scissor Fruit is different.

This thing can only destroy. If it can be used on the human body, it can easily kill anyone.

It seems that such a BUG ability should be impossible to use on living things!

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