Mad Bull Pirates.

The deck of their ship was full of pirates.

These pirates were the pirate partners Kubi Rad had found in the past few months. They were actually just hooligans from the small town where he robbed.

These guys played too late last night and are still in a coma.

Only the lookout and a few pirates in the wheelhouse were still doing their jobs faithfully.

In fact, they also wanted to be like those guys on the deck, but who told them to be on duty today!

There were no special positions on their ship, and they took turns on duty.

At this moment, the extra pirate on the lookout discovered the"Liberty"."

""We have found a pirate ship ahead."

He held a telescope and saw a pirate flag that he had never seen before flying on the opposite ship. He just lazily shouted to the people below and didn't take it seriously.

However, when he thought of their captain's bloodthirsty cruelty to other ships and people, he couldn't help but shudder even though he was one of them.

He turned his head and looked at the Liberty that was approaching quickly, silently mourning for the people on the opposite ship.

"What a poor fellow! On the endless sea, they happened to meet their pirate group."

Thinking of this, a bloodthirsty light flashed in this fellow's eyes.

How good can the people who can be recognized by Kubi Rad and get on the ship be!

These guys are all a group of lawless, evil bastards and villains.


Captain's room.

The snoring sounds that come one after another are like"thunder rolling across the horizon before a rainstorm", and they are constantly transmitted to the outside.

On the sofa, a middle-aged man is lying there, sleeping soundly. The middle-aged man is about 35 years old and ordinary.

If there is anything special, it is only the explosive muscles and the countless large and small scars on the naked body!

This must be the captain of the Mad Bull Pirates,"Kubi Rad"!

Even when this guy is asleep, he exudes an extremely ferocious aura, like a large beast.

Outside the captain's room.

A minor pirate is hesitating whether to wake up their captain.

In the Mad Bull Pirates, no one is not afraid of Kubi Rad.


He hesitated for a moment, but still firmly pushed open the shabby wooden door of the captain's room.

Compared with discovering pirates without reporting, waking up Kubi Rad is not a big deal.

Kubi Rad wanted fame, wanted to surpass Arlong and Creek's fame, and wanted to become the strongest in the East China Sea.

So this guy kept attacking various small towns, as well as other pirate groups, including merchant ships.

As a member of the Mad Bull Pirates, of course he knew all this!

He pushed open the door, walked to Kubi Rad very carefully, and called him softly a few words.

Seeing that he couldn't wake up

, he had no choice but to shout loudly to Kubi Rad:"Captain, Captain!……"


The snoring suddenly stopped.

Kubi Rad opened his blood-red eyes and stared at the Extra Pirate with a fierce look on his face.

He didn't say anything, just stared at the Extra Pirate quietly.

If this guy didn't tell him what he was interested in, then there would be no need for this guy to exist on his pirate ship. The

Extra Pirate was stared at by Kubi Rad's blood-red eyes, and cold sweat broke out all over his body.

He lowered his head and didn't dare to look Kubi Rad in the eye, and said quickly

"Captain, a pirate ship is spotted ahead"

"Pirate ship?"

Hearing this, Kubi Rad's face lost its anger. He sat up slowly. He took out a cigar, lit it, and took a deep breath.

Then he stood up, took the brown coat beside him, and put it on.

"Let's go! Let's go see who's on the other side."

He said as he walked out excitedly.

"I hope the other side can let him do his best!"


As the two boats met, they both folded their sails and stopped on the sea.

Ah Hua and the other two stared at the tall man on the bow of the opposite boat, their eyes full of curiosity.

"Is this the Devil Fruit user? There's nothing strange about it!"

Kota jumped directly onto the opposite ship and stood on the opposite bow railing.

This time he mainly wanted to let Ahua and the other two take a good look at what the Devil Fruit's ability is like.

It can also serve as a reference for them to become Devil Fruit users in the future.

It's not to fight this pirate group that is nothing in his eyes.

He grinned and praised Kubi Rad

"Yo! A bounty of 15 million berries for the mad bull Kubi Rad"

"So scary!"

"You guy, who do you think you are facing?"

At this time, a pirate stood up and shouted at Kong Tai.

Anyone with a discerning eye could see that Kong Tai was mocking their captain just now.


Kota turned and stared at the supporting pirate.

""Get lost."

He had no interest in these extra pirates.

His eyes, which were mixed with the domineering aura of the king, directly stunned the extra pirate. Seeing the extra pirate fainted with a"bang", the other pirates behind him took a breath of cold air.

"What's this?"

"Just glaring at someone can knock someone unconscious"

"This is too scary!"

They looked up at Kota, their eyes full of shock.

Kubi Rad glanced at the fallen pirate, a trace of disgust flashed in his eyes.

"What a waste."

He also felt a bit of momentum just now.

But he didn't take it seriously. He just stunned one of his men, not killed him.

He looked up at Kota and shouted loudly

"Tell me your name, kid. The great Captain Mad Bull doesn't kill nameless people."

Of course, this guy was just joking.

When he got crazy, he even killed his own men. He was a complete lunatic.


"you can���I am a partner of justice."

Kora introduced himself seriously.

"Stop kidding, isn't it ridiculous for a pirate to talk about justice?"

Kubi Rad yelled at Kong Tai:"Pirates are pirates. If you want to do justice, why don't you join the navy!"

"Stop fooling people here!"

He hated justice and hated righteous people.

Because he had never felt justice.

He was caught by human traffickers when he was very young and sold to nobles.

In the decades of being a slave, he never felt the kindness of the world.

From childhood to adulthood, he was either abused or on the way to being abused.

His master, including everyone in his town, never treated him as a human being.

So he was full of hatred for the world. He believed that everything should be destroyed.

When he accidentally ate the"yak fruit", this idea became even stronger.

After gaining the ability, the first thing he did was to kill his master's family.

Then he massacred the town where he lived.

When he saw the people he had to kowtow and look up to in the past suddenly crawling at his feet and begging him to let them go, he went completely crazy.

This feeling of dominating others fascinated him deeply.

He wanted to use this power to rule the entire East China Sea.

He wanted everyone to feel the pain he had felt.

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