Just when Kota and his companions encountered the Mad Bull Pirates.

The Marine Headquarters was discussing their affairs.

In a large office in the tall building in the middle of the Marine Headquarters.

This time, not only Sengoku and the other two, but basically all the vice admirals who remained in the Marine Headquarters were sitting in this office.

They sat on the floor in two rows.

And Sengoku sat at the top right.

Sengoku looked at the only person standing in the room and said,"Branno, tell me! What's the matter with this big meeting?"

"Yes! Marshal."

Brannu saluted.

In private, they usually called Zhan Guo"Mr. Zhan Guo", but in public, they still called him Marshal.

Brannu straightened his face and said seriously;"This time there are mainly two things"

"The first thing is about a pirate group in the East China Sea."

"The second thing is about Ace the Fire Fist"

"Wait, Branno."

At this time, a sturdy man with a thick brown beard, wearing a double-breasted orange suit with a crimson tie, smoking a cigar, smiled and stopped Branno.

"What's wrong, Lord Huoshaoshan?"

Brannu looked at Huoshaoshan in confusion.

"It's nothing. I am interested in Ace's story, but what's so special about the East China Sea Pirates?"

Huoshaoshan asked the doubts of most of the vice admirals.

It's not that they look down on the East China Sea, but since the Pirate King Roger, there has never been a pirate in the East China Sea that they have to take seriously. The vice admirals all turned their heads to look at Branno.

"Don't worry, everyone. I'm going to talk about this pirate group next."

He turned sideways and pointed at a few photos on the blackboard.

In addition to the photos that appeared in Sengoku's office last time, there were also photos of the Dragon Pirates. One of the photos was a close-up photo of the beheaded Colonel Mouse.

I don't know when these guys took the photo.

They took the money and burned down Arlong Paradise.

So they took the photo when Kota and Kuina went to find Ahua and the other two to move the money.

Brannu pointed to the photo of Kota and his group confronting the Creek Pirates and said

"The first time I spotted this group of people was when they were fighting the Creek Pirates."

He then pointed to Kuina, Kota, and the photo of the giant ship that was cut in half.

"From the analysis afterwards, their captain Sorata should be a great swordsman, and this little girl Kuina should be at least a swordsman."

"Great swordsman?"

At this time, the vice admirals all put down their contempt, and a trace of solemnity flashed in their eyes.

Brannu glanced at Zhan Guo and then said:"Since we didn't find any dangerous actions from them last time, and they didn't hang the pirate flag, we didn't pay much attention to it."

Zhan Guo nodded and said:"Well! This is what we discussed last time. Since it's not a big deal, we didn't notify everyone, but only notified the branches of the East China Sea."

Then his eyes flashed with a gleam, and he said seriously:"But this time is different. This time the government asked us to issue a bounty order."

As soon as he got the news, he investigated the whole thing through the Navy of the East China Sea.

Of course, he also knew about the collusion between Colonel Mouse and the Dragon Pirates.

For this matter, it would be fine if Mouse didn't die, but if Mouse died, it would not be just a pirate matter.

According to the meaning of the World Government, it is obvious that the matter of Mouse cannot be known to the public, and even the navy should try to downplay it.

After all, it is not glorious, isn't it?

""Go on, Brannu."

Zhan Guo stared at Brannu and ordered

"Okay, Marshal."

Branno turned around and pointed at the remaining photos and said

"From these photos, we can see that after Kota and his gang defeated Creek, they first went to the sea restaurant Barati. From their sailing route, we can easily see that they were originally heading directly to Rogue Town."

"But for some unknown reason, they suddenly turned from Barati to the Glomi Islands and found the Dragon Pirates stationed there."

"The Dragon Pirates?"

Huoshaoshan asked,"Is it a pirate group formed with the Seven Warlords of the Sea 'Sea Knight Jinbe' and the fish-man who were in the Sun Pirates?"

"Yes, Master Huoshaoshan."

Branno replied,"Arlong, the captain of the Arlong Pirates, was originally imprisoned in Impel Down, and was released by Jinbei with the privileges of the Seven Warlords of the Sea."

He pointed to the photo of the Arlong Pirates and continued,"Their captain Arlong and the officers Kroobi, Chu, and Hachi are all members of the Sun Pirates."

"Hmm! I was wondering why this guy looked so familiar, it turned out to be the fishman Arlong.

Huoshaoshan nodded and said,"Sorry, Branno, please continue. I captured this guy and took him to Impel Down six years ago. I was just curious why he ended up in the East China Sea again."

He was a vice admiral in the New World and didn't pay much attention to the affairs of the four seas. Besides, he was a small pirate with a bounty of 20 million.

He didn't know that Arlong had been released and had formed a pirate group.

""Okay, Master Huoshaoshan."

Brannu paused, then continued,"Based on the situation, they either went directly to the dragon, or they went there because they got some news."

"As for the reason, I don't know for now."

He knew the reason, but he couldn't tell it. He couldn't say that a pirate went there to defeat the dragon and liberate the villagers!

"Then what happened to the death of this mouse colonel?"

At this time, another lieutenant general asked

"As for Colonel Mouse……"

To be honest, he didn't care at all about the death of a black sheep like Mouse. If Mouse hadn't been killed by Kota and his gang, the headquarters wouldn't have let him go.

But since Mouse was dead, this was just another accident.

The World Government didn't intend to let Kota and his gang go for the sake of face!

Anyway, for them, it was just one more pirate group.

Branno thought about it and decided to follow the script.

"The World Government said that the mouse received an order to attack the evil dragon group, but happened to run into Kota's group and was killed."

"So that's it……!"

The navy officers present were not fools. They knew at first glance that this rat was a coward. How could he dare to attack the Arlong Pirates?

Although they knew there was something wrong, they did not ask.

There are many things that cannot be asked in the World Government and the Navy.

Branno pointed to the last photo and said,"This is the latest photo. The pirate flag has been hoisted on their ship. It seems that a pirate group has been fully established."

He pushed his glasses, turned his head, and said loudly with a serious face,"Their killing of fellow navy members this time is a provocation to the Navy and the World Government. We must fight back." He paused, looked at the vice admirals on the scene and said

"This time we are here to discuss how to set a bounty for them."

The vice admirals were all silent at this time.

This was obviously a mission of the World Government.

Let them discuss it.

How to discuss it?

They don't know shit!

A great swordsman who didn't do anything harmful to the world, it would be unreasonable to set a high bounty.

Setting a low bounty would be useless.

They pondered for a while, and then, as if they had telepathy, they all looked up at the Warring States.

"It's your turn, Zhan Guo-san."

Feeling the gazes of the lieutenant generals, Zhan Guo's mouth twitched.

It was because it was difficult to deal with that he called all these lieutenant generals to discuss. Now they are all looking at him, what does that mean?

Zhan Guo knew he couldn't escape, his eyes flashed, staring at the photo on the blackboard and said

"If it's too little, the government will be unhappy, and if it's too much, it's unreasonable."

He lowered his head and pondered for a while,"Then let's set it at 70 million!"

Then he turned his eyes to Kuina's photo,"As for this little girl, let's set it at 30 million! Make it an integer for their pirate group."

The vice admirals around looked at Sengoku and nodded in unison.

Since Sengoku has made the decision, it means that the initial bounty for this group of pirates is 100 million.

100 million!

No pirate group has ever been rewarded so much as soon as it goes out to sea.

Most of the vice admirals were only slightly surprised by the bounty of 100 million, after all, it didn't have much to do with them.

But for the vice admirals of the branch in the first half of the Grand Line, they still care a little.

From the route of this group of people, it can be seen that they will come to the Grand Line soon, and they may have an intersection with them at that time.

Putting aside the 100 million, after all, this is a pirate group with a great swordsman, it is hard not to care.

"Oh... by the way, Marshal, since you have offered a reward, why not give them their titles as well?"

Brannu said to Zhan Guo

"If you want me to do everything, then what are you doing here?"

Zhan Guo took a deep breath, suppressed the urge to complain, and said perfunctorily:"The boy will be called Silver Hair. The girl will be called Blue Hair!"

Everyone twitched their lips at the same time.

"Hey! You are too perfunctory!"

""How can you be so casual?"

However, seeing the gloomy atmosphere exuded by Zhan Guo, they still did not dare to speak.

They stared at the pictures of Kota and Kuina on the blackboard. They could not help but sigh

"So awesome!"

"Looks like the Grand Line is going to be busy again!"

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