Kota and his men had no idea what the navy members were discussing, nor was there any need to know.

They were now looking at the small island in the distance with great excitement.

This was the fourth day since they left the Glomi Islands.

Although they had encountered the Mad Bull Pirates during this period, it was not much fun.

For the next three days, they were like salted fish that had lost their dreams and were extremely bored with this unchanging sea.

Now that they finally saw an island, it was no wonder that they were so excited. After sailing on the sea for a long time, most people still like to be lively, unless they are people who like to be alone.

This is also one of the reasons why most pirate groups like to hold banquets.

"According to the map, this island is called 'Prosius', and it is an ordinary island with a naval branch."

Guina held the map in her hand, looking at the coastline in the distance, and spoke lightly.

She would not be bored on the boat. As long as she had free time, it was the same for her wherever she was.

""Navy base?"

Ah Hua was subconsciously startled at first.

After all, they have now formed a pirate group, so they are still afraid of the navy.

Not afraid of fighting with the navy.

It's the kind of subconscious reaction that thieves have when they meet the police.

Then he seemed to have thought of something, his face returned to normal, he puffed out his fat belly, and shouted loudly:

"No matter if he has a naval base or not, we have no bounty on our heads, so why should we be afraid?"

"Yes! That's right, the navy can't control us."

Tao added.

Kuina glanced at them indifferently,"Anyway, you should be careful! After so many days, the navy should have offered a reward."

"Kota and I are not afraid, we are just afraid that you will be caught by the navy and put in jail."

"Hey! Kuina, why do you look down on us like that?"

At this time, Luo came from behind and shouted

"Hmm...! Do you have any opinion?"

"No, no, no……"

Seeing the look coming from Kuina, A Luo quickly shook his head and waved his hands, loudly denying

"Damn, I almost got carried away."

Ah Hua and Ah Tao quickly moved away from Ah Luo, staring intently ahead, pretending that it had nothing to do with them.

Kota withdrew his gaze from Prosius Island and smiled at Kuina.

"Kuina, this time the bounty should only be offered by you and me. It has nothing to do with Ahua and the others, so don't worry."

After hearing what Kota said, Ahua and the other two didn't know whether they should be happy or unhappy.

They felt that they were mocked by Kota again.

""Yeah... I know."

Kuina looked at Kota, the corners of her mouth curled up and she smiled.

Then she said with a slightly sarcastic tone:"It's impossible for the three of them to be rewarded!"

Hearing Kuina's sarcastic words, Ahua and the other two dared not speak out and were trembling with anger.

"When will they really stand up?"


Soon the Liberty entered the harbor of Prosimus Island.

They parked the ship between several fishing boats, folded the sails, dropped the anchor, and disembarked.


"It feels good to be down to earth!"

Ah Hua took the lead and stood on the dock, jumping excitedly on the spot

"Hmm... why are there so few people?"

A Luo smoked a cigarette and looked around.

This was a little different from what they had imagined. They had thought it was a lively island, but it was so deserted.

"Maybe they are all in the town!"

Kota glanced casually at the street ahead.


At this moment, he suddenly glanced at the naval observation tower on the right.

After a pause, he turned to Ahua and the other two as if nothing had happened and said,"Guina and I will go to the tavern to inquire about the news and see if there is any special wine."

As he said that, he shook the wine gourd in his hand, but there was no sound, so it seemed to be empty.

He had finished the good wine in the"Sea Restaurant Barati" a long time ago.

Although he has not been at sea for a long time, his alcohol tolerance has suddenly increased recently.

Although he is not yet at the level of an old drunkard, he can be called a little drunkard.

The ordinary rum on their ship is almost the same as beer to him now.

And he really doesn't like the taste.

So now he has another interest, that is, every time he arrives at a place, he will look for local fine wine.

"Don't worry! Kota, we also have our own things to do, you and Kuina go ahead and do your work!"

"Well! Then we'll go."

Looking at the backs of Kota and the others as they walked away, Ahua and the other two also dispersed and went to find what they wanted.

Ahua went to buy fresh ingredients and fruits, and replenish the fresh water on the boat.

A Tao went to see if there were any new ship repair tools, and some items that could be used at sea.

As for Luo.

This guy has been playing with guns recently, and he wanted to see if there were any better guns.

The guns he is using now were picked up from the Creek Pirates.

They were just some ordinary guns, not that good.

He complained to Kota a few days ago, why didn't he leave him a few of Creek's good guns.

As a result, he doesn't have a single gun that he can use now.

As Kota and his gang walked into the town one by one and disappeared into the streets.

The navy hiding in the lookout on the right side of the pier breathed a sigh of relief. Kota's previous look almost scared him to death.

After all, not everyone has the courage to face a big pirate with a bounty of 70 million berries. Pirate.

Kota was the pirate with the highest bounty that he had ever seen in his life. When the navy issues a bounty, it will be faxed to each branch immediately.

Then the bounty will be handed over to the World News Organization, and the news organization will use the news bird that is spread all over the world to distribute it to the whole world in the latest news.

Therefore, the bounty for Kota and Kuina first appeared in the various branches of the Japanese Navy.

As for other places, the time when the bounty is received will probably be a few days later than the navy branch.

Of course, some remote places will be slower.

The navy on guard noticed the Liberty when it just entered the port, but the pirate flag without the skull on the ship made him not think of it at the first time.

He just felt that the windmill flag was familiar, and thought it was a merchant ship he had seen somewhere before!

So he didn't take it seriously.

But when Kota and the others got off the ship and saw Kota's iconic silver hair, he was suddenly startled and panicked in an instant.

"Can't you be so unlucky?"

He hurriedly took out from his pocket the wanted poster that the base had issued two days ago. The headshot on it was Kota.

Although the sun outside was warm, it couldn't warm his cold heart. He looked up again in disbelief, glanced at Kota cautiously, and then quickly looked away.

He didn't dare to look at him for even a second, for fear of being discovered.

"It's really him."

Looking at the glaring 7 on the bounty order, and the long string of zeros at the end, he felt like he was standing on ice. A chill rushed from the soles of his feet to the top of his head, making him shiver.

He was stunned in the lookout for a while, then he turned around and ran towards the naval base.

What does this have to do with the low-level people like them?

Such a big pirate will naturally be dealt with by the tall ones.

He will go find the tall ones to take on them.

Although he knew that no one in the small naval base on Prosimus Island could withstand it.

But that was the business of the tall ones, and what did it have to do with a small patrolman like him!

"Yeah! The plan works."

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