
Just then, a group of navy men pushed open the door of the bar and walked in.

The one walking in front was a bearded man who looked like the old man, but this one was a sturdy man.

He hurried to the bar, looked at the old man nervously and asked,

""Father, are you okay?"

He is the wine-making son the old man mentioned, and also the chief of the naval branch in this small town,"Colonel Big Beard".

After receiving the news that Kota and his gang had landed on Prosimus Island, Big Beard was not so anxious.

Because from the intelligence from the Navy Headquarters, this group of pirates were not the kind of pirates who made trouble at will.

Another reason is that his own strength does not allow him to arrest pirates with such a high bounty.

For Kota and his gang, all they, the branch navy, can do is to monitor them at any time and try not to conflict with them.

The task of arresting Kota and his gang was handed over to the major generals and lieutenant generals of the Navy Headquarters. their affairs.

But when he heard that Kota went to his family's tavern, he could not sit still. He quickly summoned the navy and rushed over.

Although Kota and his gang seemed to be a group of pirates who would not hurt civilians, pirates were pirates. It would be bad if they went crazy and hurt his father.

Ever since the navy came in.

The old man, who had always been calm, suddenly became a little nervous.

He did not look at the bearded man, but just stared at Kota.

When the bearded man came in, Kota basically knew what the old man was about.

He looked at the scene with amusement and asked the old man,"Am I so scary?"

The navy that came in with the bearded man all stared at Kota and Kuina nervously.

They didn't speak, making the whole tavern look tense and dull.

The old man stared at Kota for a while, and gradually relaxed. At his age, he was still quite accurate in judging people.

"It's not you who is scary, it's your bounty order that is scary!"

""Old man, I have never seen a pirate with such a high bounty as yours in my life!"

The old man's humorous voice broke the tense atmosphere in the tavern.

Kota turned his chair and scanned the surrounding navy, and finally stopped his gaze on the bearded man.

""Marine, am I so scary?"

His gentle voice did not dispel the nervousness in the navy's heart.

The bearded man stared at Kota closely, suppressed his fear and said loudly:"Pirate, don't be too arrogant, we righteous navy are not afraid of pirates."

He spoke louder and louder, and finally stood straight.

He stared at Kota and shouted

"Justice will prevail"

"Justice will prevail."

The surrounding marines subconsciously straightened their backs and followed the roar.

Kota stared at the bearded man, a smile flashed in his eyes, and he said,"Don't worry, as long as you don't disturb us, we will leave after buying things."

He still admired the bearded man very much. Such marines are good marines.

Even if they are very scared, they still stand at the forefront of the people without hesitation.

Kota didn't pay much attention to the bearded man. He turned around and smiled at the old man,"Old man, we are good citizens who abide by the law and never take a needle or thread from the villagers. Just tell me! How much do you want?" The old man regained his calm demeanor at this moment.

He smoked a cigarette, a gleam of light flashed in his eyes, and he slowly stretched out his right hand, spread out his five fingers, and held them in front of Kota.

"What? It's only 50,000! I thought it was much more expensive?"

Staring at the old man's hand,

Kong Tai breathed a sigh of relief. Just as he was about to take out the money from his pocket to pay, the old man suddenly spoke

"Boy, it’s 500,000, not 50,000!"


Korata stared at the old man, shocked.

""Old man, how much is it?"

He deliberately showed a fierce expression.

His change of expression scared the sailors next to him.

The sailors were sweating and staring at the old man, shouting in their hearts

""Don't seek death, sir. We're facing a big pirate!"

The old man still had that unhurried demeanor. He slowly took off his pipe and knocked on the bar.

Dong! Dongdong!!

The crisp knocking sound was like knocking on the hearts of the marines. They all stiffened their bodies and looked at the old man nervously.

The old man ignored the nervous hearts of these marines.

He looked at Kota and said firmly:"500,000, not a penny less"


The navy officers looked at the old man, their hearts trembling. They could all foresee that Kota was about to get angry.

But they waited for a while, and did not wait for Kota's anger.

Instead, they waited for Kota and the old man to bargain like the aunties in the vegetable market.

"Old man, I have tolerated you for a long time, please don't be so arrogant"

"What's wrong with being arrogant?"

"Hit me!"

"Anyway, I'm leaving it here. 500,000, not a cent less."

"Hey! I can't control you anymore, can I?"


Kota rolled up his sleeves and had a heated argument with the old man, and finally the price was reduced to 300,000.

In the end, Kota paid the money with a frustrated look on his face. On the other hand, the old man was counting the money with a smug look on his face.

From this, we can see that Kota lost the price war in the end.

It turns out that the old man is still the best.


It wasn't until Kota and his men walked out of the tavern that the navy all breathed a sigh of relief.

It wasn't that they were scared! It was because the other party's bounty order was so scary!

The old man smoked and glanced at the bearded man.

Then he took off his pipe and knocked on the bearded man's head.

"They've all left, what are you still looking at? Why don't you go back? Do you want to stay here for dinner?"

The bearded man was brought back to his senses by this knock.

He looked at the old man with excitement.

"Father, are you some great master? I saw you chatting and laughing with that big pirate without changing your expression. You looked so impressive!"

"And he actually paid for the wine obediently."

While he was talking, he analyzed seriously:"No wonder so many people came to you to buy wine before, it turns out that you have always been a hidden master!"

After the analysis, he nodded and looked at the old man with an expression that said I understand everything.

The more the bearded man talked, the uglier the old man's expression became, and in the end he just stayed where he was.

After being stunned for a while, he shook his head, raised his pipe and knocked at the bearded man.

"You must be a fool! Can't you see that I was also nervous at the beginning?"

"Great master, look at me, a great master, I will smash your stupid head."

The bearded man looked at the old man's actions, stepped back a few steps and rushed out of the tavern, and the rest of the navy quickly followed.

The old man put down his pipe, looked at the empty tavern through the green smoke, and pondered for a while.

Then he lay back on the recliner, squinting his eyes and puffing out smoke.

The whole tavern returned to its original state, dim and silent.

At this time, from the bar, the exclamation of the old man and Kota when they first met came out

"The young people nowadays are incredible!"

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