Protheus Island.

On the streets of the small town on the island.

Kota and Kuina met up with Ahua, who was carrying a lot of bags and was heading towards the port.

Behind them, the bearded man led a team of navy officers and followed them from a distance.

They were just monitoring them and did not come up to disturb them.

It seemed that they really listened to what Kota said in the tavern.

Kota was holding a large bag of fruit in his left hand and holding his wanted poster in his right hand, looking at it as he walked.

He was quite speechless about the title of perfunctory treatment on the wanted poster.

"What the hell?"

"Silver hair, blue hair, why are you being so perfunctory?"

The Navy felt that he was not qualified enough, or that he was not strong enough. Therefore, the Navy could not spend more energy to get a better title.

So they just picked one by the way.

He touched his chin and thought about it.

Or was this a conspiracy of the Navy?

The Navy wanted them to compete with Red Hair for the position of the strongest hair pirate group.


Kota nodded. He seemed to know the navy's conspiracy.

"How insidious! Zhan Guo-san."

This is obviously Zhan Guo's plan.

If Zhan Guo heard this, he would be so angry that he would spit out some old blood.

Reputation hurts people!

Zhan Guo is the most upright person in the navy!

This time it's really, really, really perfunctory, not some conspiracy!


Kota suddenly looked up at the sky and stopped.

His smiling face was instantly filled with gloom.

The navy behind him saw Kota and his men stop and panicked.

"What happened?"

"have no idea,"

"The silver-haired group suddenly stopped"

"Could he have changed his mind and wanted to rob our town?"

""Everyone be quiet."

The bearded man roared, his eyes fixed on Kota. He could feel the gloomy aura on him.

But he didn't know why Kota's aura suddenly changed.

He nervously followed Kota's gaze and looked up at the sky.

Kuina and Ahua noticed Kota's strangeness and also looked up at the sky.

If Kota's face changed drastically, then something big must be happening.

Sure enough, after a while, in their sight, a big fireball with a fiery red tail appeared from the clouds.

Looking at the direction where the fireball fell, it was undoubtedly the island below them.

"Hey! Are you kidding me?"

At this time, the navy behind the bearded man also looked up and saw the fireball.

""It's broad daylight, I'm not dreaming!"

Some of the navy officers wiped their eyes in disbelief.

But when they looked up again and saw the fireball approaching, they collapsed to the ground in fear.

Their eyes widened and they kept muttering:

"Impossible, Impossible, Impossible"

"Hallucination, hallucination, it must be a hallucination."

The bearded man still maintained basic rationality. He suppressed the panic in his heart, turned around and shouted to the other navy:"Don't waste time here, get up quickly, go inform the villagers, and run as many as possible."

As he said that, he rushed to the houses on both sides.

Now is not the time to waste time, the meteorite will fall soon.

They can't stop it, so they can only inform everyone as soon as possible, and as many as possible can run. Kota

's face is now gloomy.

He found that it was not a meteorite at all, but an island.

On the meteorite, you can still find ruined houses and some trees.

"This must be man-made. How can there be such a continuous flow of ocean currents?"

I remembered that I was still talking about the bad luck of that Corgi Island a few days ago.

I didn't expect that retribution would come so soon.

He could guarantee that when this island fell, the five of them would be safe.


He turned his head and looked at the navy behind him and the villagers who rushed out of the houses like headless flies. He could not let the island fall as he listened to the crying of children, the angry scolding of adults, and the collision of people in panic.


Hearing Kuina's shout, Sora turned back and met Kuina's slightly panicked eyes.

She was not worried about her own safety, she was worried about this town.

If the island fell, at least 90% of the residents in this town would die.

"Is there a way?"

She always believed that Kota was omnipotent.

She believed that Kota would be able to do it this time.

Kota reached out and rubbed his head, looked up at the fireball that was getting closer, and said in a firm voice

"I will do my best to prevent the island from falling on the town."

He then said seriously:"We can't let it get any closer, otherwise even if we cut it into pieces, it will cause heavy casualties to the villagers on the island."

As he spoke, he instantly disappeared from the spot, leaving only a large basket of fruit on the ground.

But no one cared about the fruit now, they all looked at the sky with nervous faces.

Kota teleported to the side of the island, staring at this behemoth, and thought a lot in an instant. It was very easy for him to take on this thing, but he couldn't catch it all.

This is a big island, not a small meteorite, and his space domain can only control a radius of 20 meters now.

If you have the highest level of domineering skills, it is actually very simple to smash this thing.

He has a lot of domineering now, but unfortunately, the quality and skills are not at the highest level.

When domineering is used to the highest level, it can cause internal damage to the enemy.

This kind of domineering application skill that can make domineering flow like gas, and even in the end, it can be used to attack and destroy the enemy's internal organs is called"Ryu Sakura" in Wano Country.

Unfortunately, this thing is the ultimate domineering skill that can only be mastered after a lot of actual combat.

He has been staying in the dojo, how can he master this highest domineering skill!

In fact, he I have already learned the method of practicing the"Ryu Sakura" technique from Koshiro.

However, it is useless.

Without a lot of actual combat, even if you are King Luffy, you can't master"Ryu Sakura".

Now there is only one way, that is, to use hard power to chop up this island.

He can teleport around the island hundreds or thousands of times in an instant.

Send out white slashes and thousand slashes to chop up the island.

But this method makes him a little hesitant.

Because this move will consume a lot of his physical strength.

As soon as he teleported into the air, he had discovered that there were a large number of islands in the clouds above.

Moreover, on the island in the middle, there was a figure like a lion, exuding the aura of dominating the world.

The moment he sensed that breath, he knew who the other party was.

In the East China Sea, the breath like a lion, the floating island.

He didn't know who this information was, so he had watched One Piece for so many years in vain.

This old guy didn't come earlier or later, but he showed up at this time.

Maybe he came to find him specifically

"What a damn bad luck."

A trace of anger flashed across Kota's gloomy face.

If you want to find him, just fight him openly. What's the matter with throwing an island first when you meet!

Just throw it! And throw it to an inhabited island.

Looking at the island passing by, Kota put away his resentment towards the Golden Lion.

There is no time to think about these things.

He will deal with that old guy later. He believes that he can defeat him even if he consumes a lot of physical strength.

Staring at the rapidly falling island in front of him, Kota's pupils suddenly shrank, and nebulae flowed in his eyes.

He grasped the handle of the air-cutting knife with his right hand and silently activated the teleportation.

In an instant, as if time stood still, countless Kotas appeared around the island.

They drew their swords together and swung countless huge silver-gray slashes at the island.

Then all the shadows of Kota merged into one, standing in place, as if he had never moved.

But judging from Kota's slightly rapid breathing, he still moved.


This is the sound of the knife being sheathed.

""Shun Qian Zhan!"

The voice broke the still time.

Then the falling island suddenly stopped in the air, and countless dazzling lights emanated from the center of the island.

Then with a huge roar, the island exploded instantly, splitting into countless tiny stones, dragging a fiery red tail and shooting in all directions.

Kota stood quietly in place, adjusting his breath to fight the golden lion flying towards him.

The shock wave generated by the explosion automatically moved to both sides as soon as it reached his side, just like running water hitting a blade.

The villagers and navy who were fleeing on the island stopped in unison when they heard the shocking explosion, and looked up at the sky.

They saw a scene they would never forget in their lives.

The meteorite falling in the sky suddenly exploded, and the dust in the sky instantly covered the entire sky, making the sky and the earth dark all of a sudden.

Then countless tiny stones rushed out from the dust in the sky.

These stones dragged long fiery red���The tail shot out in all directions like a meteor.

The scene was like a super-large firework, very beautiful.

And where the meteorite was originally located, there was a figure looming in the dust.

"Wow! Is it a god?"

"It must be! Only gods have this ability!"

Some of the villagers who survived the disaster cried, some laughed loudly, and some collapsed on the ground and gasped.

The bearded man stared at the sky blankly, and then suddenly he seemed to have lost all his strength and collapsed to the ground.

This feeling of surviving a disaster reminded him of twenty years ago.

In a daze, he suddenly thought of something and turned his gaze to Kota's group. Not seeing Kota, he was stunned again.

Then he looked up at the figure in the sky and murmured:

"How terrifying!’"

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