"Your pirate group?"

Sorata breathed a sigh of relief as he watched the ships below him gradually move away from the sea.

No matter if he wanted to fight with the strong to exercise his domineering power, or if Golden Lion came to find him for something.

He knew that he and Golden Lion would definitely clash and fight.

This kind of battle is not something the villagers on the small island below can withstand.

For ordinary people, the battle between the strong is almost the same as a natural disaster.

Especially for a strong man like Golden Lion who has the ability to destroy the world, he should hide as far away as possible.

It has to be said that the bearded man is really a good navy. Not only can he kneel down to the pirates for the sake of the residents on the island. He also untied Sorata from his restraints, allowing him to fight Golden Lion without being timid.

Sorata looked up at the second strongest man he had ever met in the world of One Piece, or the strongest man.

Because he didn't know how strong Long was.

Thoughts were churning in his mind.

"Is this guy Golden Lion in his seventies or eighties now?"

"Well... judging from his condition, he is definitely not at his peak, and his physical fitness is definitely not as good as his."

He remembered that this old guy should not be able to use his Conqueror Haki now because of his age and the rudder on his head.

The amount of Armament Haki should not be too much due to his physical fitness.

"And my strength……"

"Now we can win."

He still admired the other party very much, and actually gave him time to recover his strength.

Don't look at it as just a thousand cuts, you have to know that this thousand cuts were issued in an instant.

Even with his physical strength, it will take a while to recover.

This is not a one-by-one cut, one-by-one cut. Not to mention a thousand cuts, he can complete even ten thousand.

The peak of physical strength, plus the villagers below have all retreated, and this old guy is definitely not able to beat him now.

He also relaxed, and his expression has returned to his usual indifference.

Often the unknown is the source of fear. In this world, he is not afraid of everything known.

He stared at the Golden Lion and said easily:"Hey! Old man, do you still have a pirate group now?"

He remembered that this guy's pirate group was re-established two years later


The Golden Lion laughed, opened his arms, and invited Kota again.

He really admired Kota.

He and Kota were so compatible.

"From your eyes, I can feel that you know who I am. Since you know who I am, you should know my strength. As long as you can join, my pirate group can be re-established now."

After a pause, he laughed again

"Hahahaha! Silver-haired Sorata, be my right arm! With my plan and your potential, I can make the World Government feel pain now."

"Let them know that I... the Golden Lion is back"


Kota stared at the crazy laughing golden lion, and could feel his crazy ambition from his expression and words.

This guy now only wants to destroy the world, he has gone completely crazy.

When he no longer believes in his own strength, but instead deals with those mutant beasts, in fact, this guy is no longer the world's top powerhouse.

He is now in a state where his strength and ambition are obviously not commensurate.

In fact, with his ability, he doesn't need to deal with any beasts. He can just lose dozens of islands and run away. It won't take him minutes to destroy the East China Sea.

Not to mention the East China Sea, even the various branches of the navy were destroyed by him.

Hmm...! There may be secrets that he doesn't know!


Kota pulled the wine gourd from his waist, raised it to his mouth, tilted his head back, took a sip, and burped.


I have to say that this 300,000 yuan wine is really good.

With a curl of his lips, Kota smiled at the golden lion and said,"Old man, now that you are old, you should find a place with birds singing and flowers blooming to spend your retirement."

"Why do you have to come out and show off? Wouldn't it be better to just become a legend?" He paused and took a sip of wine.

He then sneered,"You are so old, and you come out to proclaim that you want to destroy the world or something. Don't you know this is funny?"

"Destroy the world, make the world feel pain, and so on, do you think you are Pein?"

Golden Lion listened to Kota's voice and slowly stopped laughing.

He looked at Kota, frowned slightly, took a deep puff of smoke, reached out to take the cigar from his mouth, shook the ashes in front of him, and the anger on his body was rising.

"So, this is your answer!"

Then an astonishing aura slowly emanated from the golden lion.

This was not the domineering aura, but the aura of a strong man that he always exuded from being in a high position.

Looking at Kota who was still calm and didn't take him seriously at all, a fierce light flashed in the golden lion's eyes, and he smiled grimly.

"Hahahaha! Since this is your answer, then go to hell!"

He is the Golden Lion, even Roger can't ignore him.

Since his debut, no one dares to look at him like this.

"You little brat, do you really think I'm too old to lift a knife?"

"I will show you the horror of a real pirate."

He stepped back and kicked the two swords tied to his legs towards Kota. Suddenly, two huge crescent-shaped golden slashes flew towards Kota.

""Zhan Bo!"

Kong Tai drew out the Zan Kong slowly, holding the hilt with both hands, facing the golden lion's slash, and quickly slashed twice.

Two equally huge silver-grey slashes quickly rushed towards the golden slash.

Clang clang--!!

The collision of the two slashes made a huge sound like metal collision, and then there was a stalemate for a while, and the two slashes passed by each other, the golden one flew into the sea, and the silver one flew into the sky.

Everyone on the fleet that was sailing quickly towards the direction of Rogue Town heard���The voices in the air all raised their heads.

They just happened to see the sky that seemed to be split open by the silver slash.

Through the split clouds, they could clearly see the outline of the huge island above.

Everyone on the boat broke out in a cold sweat.

There really are other islands on it!

At this moment, they only felt a golden light flashing before their eyes.

Then they saw a deep crack suddenly appeared on the sea not far from their fleet.

Then the sea water rushed fiercely into the crack.

And their ship was also pulled by the water flow of the crack and gradually changed its direction.

Everyone on the boat hurriedly changed the direction of the sails, and with the power of the wind, they quickly got out of the sea current of the crack.

Looking at the crack on the sea behind them that looked like an abyss, the cracked sky, and Prostheus Island that was split open by another golden slash.

They couldn't help but feel lucky that the two guys didn't start fighting at the beginning.

If they were still on Prostheus Island, who knows how many people would die.

Thinking of this, they couldn't help but cast grateful eyes towards the direction of the navy's military navigation in front.

At first they complained about Colonel Big Beard, thinking he was making a big fuss.

If Big Beard and his father hadn't had such high prestige on Prosius Island, they might not have followed Big Beard to evacuate.

"If you don't evacuate……"

Thinking of this, they all shuddered and felt even more grateful to the bearded colonel.

"It's really exaggerated! These two guys are just like myths."

Tao held a cigarette in her hand, her hands trembling, and she looked at the sky and exclaimed

"Yes! This is too powerful, the sky is split, the sea is split, and there are floating islands."

Luo also sighed at this time:"Is this the power of the legendary pirate?"

"If the legendary pirates are all this strong, then we should just lie down!"


At this time, Ahua punched A Luo on the head,"You are the last one, so of course you should lie down."

"After all, you are just that capable."


"Do you want to fight again?"

"I'm always here for you."

Luo reached for the pistol at his waist.

"Fight me if you want, who cares about you?"

The two guys butted their heads together, glaring at each other.

Boom boom!

Just then, Kuina came over and knocked them to the ground with two punches.

Ah Tao stood by and pursed her lips at Ah Hua and the other man, who had two big bumps on their heads.

"Really retarded"

"Don't you see what time it is? You dare to quarrel."

Kuina looked at the cracks in the sea and the sky, her eyes excited.

She was not too worried about Kota. Even if she was facing a legendary pirate, she believed that Kota would win.

If it wasn't too dangerous on Prosimus Island for fear of affecting Kota, she would have wanted to stay on Prosimus Island to watch the peak duel of the great swordsmen.

She tightened the knife at her waist, her eyes determined.

"One day, she will be able to perform such a strike."

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