In the air.

The Golden Lion found that his slashing could not do anything to Kota, so he put his feet together and raised them slightly.

The famous sword on his feet, with the tip of the sword closed together, quickly stabbed at Kota.

Kota's eyes flashed red, and he held the sword with both hands and slashed at the rapidly approaching tip of the sword.


A huge wave of air rushed out from the center of the battle in all directions.

"The speed is not slow, but the use of Haki is too low."

The Golden Lion stared at Kota and laughed arrogantly:"Hahahaha! Boy, is this all you can do?"

Kota felt the place where the sword collided, and his Haki was collapsing rapidly. He had to increase the output of Haki to maintain the protection of Haki, otherwise the air cut would be easily damaged.

"Old man, it's just the beginning, why are you in such a hurry? Do you want to see how far I can go? I'm afraid you can't bear it."

He stared at Golden Lion with a face full of arrogance. Speaking of arrogance and pride, no one in this world should be able to compare to him.

He didn't show it before because no one could make him show his arrogance and pride.

He used both hands to slightly push away the tip of Golden Lion's knife, and then quickly slashed towards Golden Lion's chest along the tip of the knife. The blade of the air-cutting knife passed through Golden Lion's famous swords"Ying Ju" and"Mu Ku", and sparks flashed.

Golden Lion had rich combat experience, how could he be hit by Kota.

In the past twenty years, he has used his feet to swing the knife, which is as flexible as his hands. He kicked Kota's knife away with one knife, and the other knife did not change direction and stabbed directly at Kota's head.

Kota quickly dodged the knife by turning sideways, and then quickly approached Golden Lion, flipped the knife in his hand, and slashed hard at his stump.

Golden Lion laughed:"Little boy, you want to hit me, you are still a long way off!"


He quickly floated backwards, crossed his two swords in front of him, and easily blocked Kota's sword.


The Golden Lion stared at the place where the swords collided and laughed,"Hahahaha! Boy, how can you fight me with such low-level domineering aura!"

"If this is all you can do, I'll be disappointed."

He kicked at Kota quickly.

Kota turned around and blocked the golden lion's attack.


The swords collided, then quickly separated, and then collided again at an even faster speed.

Clang! Clang!

Clang! Clang!

Sparks flashed where the two men were fighting. The golden lion floated in the air, waving its feet and leaving afterimages, and Kota's hands were almost invisible.

Waves of air continued to rush around from the two men's fight.

These air waves formed a hurricane that easily dispersed the thick clouds above, revealing a dozen floating islands suspended in it.

In the repeated fights, Kota clearly felt the solidification of the domineering aura, and he was not in a hurry, so he used the golden lion to condense the domineering aura.

Gradually, the golden lion felt something was wrong.

"This silver-haired brat wants to use him to practice his Haki.

He used his sword to swipe Kota away, and used the force to float backwards.

"Kid, I have to say that your aptitude is one of the best among all the people I know."

As he said that, he raised his toes and slashed at Kota with a huge blow.

Kota stood still, and when the slash was about to get close, he moved to the side and easily dodged the slash.

Then he kicked the air with both feet and quickly approached the golden lion.

He didn't want to fight with the other party's flying slash! That would be useless. The golden lion looked at Kota who was approaching him quickly with a grim smile on his face, and swung his feet quickly, and saw several golden crescent-shaped slashes flying towards Kota.

"The Lion Chikiri Ya!"

"Don't forget, kid, I'm still a great swordsman with two swords!"

His slash was dozens of times more powerful than an ordinary slash.

Kota's eyes were full of stars, staring at the golden slashes in the sky.

He stopped where he was, retracted his slash, and then a powerful aura rose from him.

""Conqueror's Haki?"

The Golden Lion stared at the charged Kota in surprise. He was too familiar with this aura, because before the rudder was inserted into his head, he was emitting this kind of Haki all the time.

But now that he was old, and the rudder had too much influence on his mind, he could no longer burst out Conqueror's Haki.

Kota held the Zankong with his right hand, leaned forward, and bent his left leg.

A light purple-black Haki wrapped around Zankong along his arm.

The light purple-black Haki, like a tentacle, spread out in all directions, but was pressed into the knife's cut by Kota's will.

Kota opened fire at full power, and even purple lightning appeared around him.

He raised his head and stared closely at the golden slashes in the sky.

Instantly the knife came out

""Divine Slash!"

I saw a huge light purple and black slash, flying towards the countless golden slashes at a rapid speed.


The sound resounded throughout the world.

Then there was a strong light that pierced the entire world and shot towards all the visible places.

After the strong light, the light purple and black slash instantly cut off the golden slash, and slashed towards the golden lion with the remaining power.

Looking at this huge light purple and black slash, the golden lion couldn't help but think of his nemesis Roger.

In fact, he used the same slash often before.

This is the"Hegemonic Color Entanglement!" that can only be achieved by using the Conqueror's Color to the extreme.

He didn't know how this kid did it, but there was no doubt that Kota could be called the top powerhouse in this sea.

As far as he knew, only Roger, Whitebeard, and his former self could do it.

As for Charlotte Linlin and Kaido, these two guys definitely couldn't do it twenty years ago.

He shook his head and stared at Kota arrogantly:"The kid is really amazing. He can even make such a slash."

"But do you think you can defeat me like this?"

Then he laughed loudly:"Hahahaha! Who do you think I am? I am Shiki the Golden Lion!"

He would not retreat, nor could he retreat.

Facing the oncoming attack, he pulled off the double swords on his feet and replaced them with double swords in his hands.

"Little boy, today I will let you see the real world's top slash."

Then he swung his hands quickly, slashing out two huge golden slashes towards the light purple and black slashes.


It was obvious that he had a knife in both hands, and his strength had reached a new level.


The purple-black slash and the golden slash were in a stalemate for a while, and both flew into the sky.

"With a"bang", it easily cut a small island in half, and its remaining power disappeared at the end of the sky.

The cut island tilted to both sides, and countless huge beasts fell from it.

Kota ignored the beasts above and rushed towards the golden lion quickly.


Seeing Kota approaching, the golden lion just raised his hand slightly and caught the fierce knife.

He looked at Kota in front of him with a ferocious face and a fierce light in his eyes.

"Little brat, from now on, I will let you feel the fear of the real gap between you and me."

Kurota stared at Jinshizi and pursed his lips, sneering:"Old man, my physical strength can last for a few days like this, as for you, how long can you fight?"

Jinshizi's forehead was bulging with veins,"Little brat, don't be so arrogant, who do you think I am!"

He pushed Kota away with a powerful sword and flew backwards, just in front of the falling island.

Controlling the two famous swords to fly back to his legs, he lowered his head and looked down at Kota. He raised his right hand backwards, controlled the island behind him, and smashed down on Kota with force.

"Today I will let you feel my ability to dominate the sea!"

"Lion's Might - Earth Scroll!"

The island behind him that was cut in half instantly turned into two huge lion heads, roaring at Kota.

Following the golden lion's gesture, it rushed towards Kota quickly.

Kota slashed with two swords and easily cut the lion heads in half.


He was about to continue rushing towards the golden lion.

But the lion's head closed instantly as if nothing had happened and continued to rush towards him.

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