Leaving the Golden Lion's palace island.

Kota took Indigo on the door panel and flew quickly towards Rogue Town.

When they were about to reach Rogue Town, they met the Liberty.

Originally, it only took one day to get from Prosimus Island to Rogue Town, but because the ship was full of people and the waves were too big in the first half, it took Kuina and her crew a day and a half to get there.

They sent the villagers to Rogue Town and did not enter the town. Instead, they changed course and returned quickly.

Watching Kota step on the door panel and land on the deck.

Kuina, who was standing at the bow, showed a bright smile on her cold face.

She walked quickly to Kota, hugged his arm, looked up and stared at him, without even looking at Indigo. It was difficult for her eyes to be attracted by other things. Basically, her eyes were always on Kota.

"Kota, you're finally back. I thought you were going to fight for a long time!"

"Hmm! That old guy is really something. Even though he was about to die, he could fight me for a day and two nights with his will."

Korata stretched out his hand and rubbed Kuina's head. He liked to rub Kuina's head and it was a habit.

Kuina also squinted her eyes in enjoyment and rubbed her head like a cat.

Every time she let Kota mess up her hair, and then let Kota comb it for her with his hands.

She enjoyed the process.

"Hmm! Who is this?"

After a while, she turned her gaze to Indigo.

"This is Doctor Indigo, he is now our ship's doctor."

Korata looked at Indigo and introduced him.

"Oh! Hello, Doctor Indigo."

Kuina's voice was cool, not too cold, nor too enthusiastic.

Although she was not very interested in anything other than training and fighting.

But since Indigo was recognized by Kota, they would be partners in the same boat in the future, so she was still very friendly to her partners.

"Well, hello, from now on, just leave your health to me!"

Indigo made two"puffs" and turned around in a circle, doing a gentleman's etiquette.

"Wow! Why are you so weird?"

At this time, Arlo slid down from the mast.

"That's right, he looks like a performer in an amusement park!"

Ahua walked out of the kitchen, pushing up his glasses. I don't know what this guy has been doing in the kitchen. Anyway, he stays in the kitchen whenever he has nothing to do.

"I say, you two guys, why don't you pull the sail quickly?"

Just then, A Tao's head popped out of the door of the cab and shouted loudly.

After picking up Kota, they were going to turn and return to Rogue Town.

A Luo and A Hua hurried to help adjust the sail.

After adjusting the route, the three guys surrounded Indigo, and all kinds of weird questions followed.

And Indigo also got along well with the three guys.

He would also use a magic bullet from time to time, making the three guys scream.

If you don't know, you would really think that Indigo is a magician!

At the bow, Kota lay back on his exclusive lounge chair.

He glanced at A Hua. This guy is so ignorant! Didn't he see that the boss is back?

He didn't even take the initiative to serve him a glass of juice. It seems that he has to take better care of him in the future.

Looking at Kuina beside him, he sat up, took her hand, asked her to sit next to him, and told him about the battle with the Golden Lion.

Including all the knowledge he learned about swordsmanship, and Skills in using Haki.

It has actually been more than a year since Kuina reached the realm of a swordsman. I believe that with these skills, a few more big battles, and more practice of Armament Haki, she will be able to quickly be promoted to a great swordsman.

In fact, the difference between a swordsman and a great swordsman is quite large, except for the power of the slash.

The great swordsman can add Haki to his slash, which not only has high damage in close combat, but also has strong damage in long-range combat. On the other hand, the swordsman's slash is actually very weak, far less than the damage caused by direct close combat and slashing the enemy with a sword.

This is why swordsmen rarely use slashes, but directly use swords in close combat.

Therefore, to be promoted to a great swordsman, one must not only comprehend the iron-cutting, that is, the breathing of all things, but also go a step further to the observation Haki. The Armament

Haki must also be practiced to a high level for use. Let me talk about the difference between Armament Haki.

Armament Haki has different usage techniques due to its flowable characteristics, which can be divided into"hardening Haki" and"hardening Haki"."、"Entanglement"、"External"、"Internal destruction.

There are different levels of skill in using Armament Haki, but it does not represent the strength of Armament Haki, nor does it represent the strength. It is precisely because of its fluidity that it is called"Ryu Sakura" in Wano Country.

Hardening is easy to understand. It means covering the body with Armament Haki, which can make the body harder than steel and improve its own defense and attack power.

In addition to using it on your own body, it can also be used on objects.

This is also the most common and basic way to use Armament Haki in the New World.

Entanglement is to entangle the gaseous Armament Haki outside the body, which can improve its own defense and attack power. It can be wrapped around weapons and flying objects (arrows and bullets) for a certain period of time. It can be used together with hardening.

External release is an advanced application. The Armament Haki is gathered on the hands or weapons and released. It directly evolves into substantial attack power or defense power. It can deliver a powerful impact to repel the enemy, form a protective wall, and even defend against invisible attacks.

As for the highest internal destruction, there are not many people in the world who can use this thing.

This thing can release the Armament Haki and pass through the surface of an object, directly destroying the inside of the object.

And"hardening"、"Entanglement"、""External" and"External" can be used at the same time.

He has just reached the point of releasing Armament Haki.

Although the battle with the Golden Lion has strengthened his Haki a lot, it is not yet at its highest level, so he has to work harder.

He is using Haki to cleanse the Sky Slash all the time. He believes that when the Sky Slash reaches the Black Sword, he will be able to reach the highest Haki.

The Great Swordsman's slash is the strongest slash with super long-range attack formed by the use of high-level Armament Haki and the Great Swordsman's unparalleled slash.

This kind of slash is not only fast and has high attack power, but can also hurt the natural system.

So many people are afraid of the Great Swordsman.

Don't think that there are many swordsmen in the New World because it seems that everyone can use weapons, and even slash with their bodies.

However, the fact is just the opposite.

The slashes of these guys are completely different from the real The flying slash of each swordsman is different.

The swordsman's slash is the result of years of training, one sword at a time.

Not only is it condensed, but it also carries each swordsman's own unique understanding of the sword.

Each swordsman's slash is the product of his own unique training.

We can learn how to condense slashes from other swordsmen, but we can't learn their real slashes.

This is why the slashes of each swordsman, including the great swordsmen, are different.

So if you want to be promoted to a great swordsman, you must first train from a young age, and be promoted step by step to the point where there is no room for improvement.

At this point, as long as your aptitude is not very bad, you can basically awaken the Armament Haki, and then you can comprehend the breathing of all things, then you are definitely a swordsman.

Next, if you want to be a great swordsman, you really need aptitude.

High Armament Haki The ability to use this thing at the highest level is actually exclusive to monsters and geniuses.

Monsters have strong innate talents. Once they awaken their Armament Haki, as long as they are not useless, they can easily reach the point of Armament Haki in battle and daily training.

Take Luffy and Liu Zoro as an example.

It has only been a short time since these two awakened, but their Armament Haki is basically at the maximum level.

Armament Haki is like tempering steel. The more you use it, the more condensed it becomes. The more condensed it is, the easier it is to control.

In the end, you will be promoted naturally.

It is difficult for ordinary people to awaken Armament Haki. Even if you ask them to use it infinitely, they don’t have the capacity!

That’s why the swordsman’s swordsman realm and the great swordsman realm stump so many people.

Because the difference between these two realms is so great, for ordinary people, it’s like the difference between heaven and earth..

This is not a realm that you can reach through hard work and desperate efforts.

It is just that it is not innate.

As for Kuina, of course she has enough qualifications.

She was able to fight Liu Zoro 10,000 times and win. If not the top qualifications, then at least she is one of the best.

In addition, she has been training with Kota since she was a child, and has so much experience as a great swordsman. She has also worked hard enough, but she didn't expect that it would be difficult to become a great swordsman.

In fact, Zoro has been training with him for so long, as long as he awakens his observation Haki, he will soon be able to become a swordsman.

As for armament Haki, I believe Zoro may not even have to wait until King Luffy goes to sea in two years to awaken it.

I don't know if two years later, when King Luffy goes to sea and meets Zoro, who is already a strong swordsman, he can still get Zoro on board with his personal charm.

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