Just as Kota finished telling Kuina about the battle with the Golden Lion and what he had gained, on the deck below, suddenly there was a loud cry from Ahua and the other two.


"No way!"

"It's really a devil fruit!"

Ahua and the other two looked at the box in Indigo's hand with shining eyes.

The box had been opened, and inside lay two strange-looking fruits, one black and one white, covered with spiral patterns.

This is the treasure of the sea, the devil fruit?

It looks delicious.

Ahua and the other two stared at the box greedily and swallowed their saliva.

The two fruits seemed to have magic, exuding an incomparable and tempting scent, like the most delicious food in the world, making people want to eat it immediately.

They did not reach out to take it, but turned their eyes away with great perseverance and raised their hands together. They looked up at Kota who came down from the bow.

They never thought that just a few days ago, Kota was still telling them about devil fruits.

It wasn't long after that, but Kota brought back two.

Kota walked past them and didn't laugh at their ugly appearance at this time.

Not to mention Ahua and the other two, this thing was a little tempting to him.

Because the devil fruit is like the devil's temptation to ordinary people.

Greed, desire, and wanting to take it for oneself immediately are all human nature.

Most of the devil fruits are eaten when they are found, and only a very few can be left. Those who are left are either the people who found them and have eaten the devil fruit, or they are not ordinary people at all.

Because ordinary people can't resist the temptation of this thing.

Even though they don't even know what a devil fruit is.

Because of this, the devil fruits circulating in the world are so rare.

However, for most people, pirates, and forces in this world, this is something that can only be obtained by luck and strong financial resources. For the high and mighty Celestial Dragons, it is just an ordinary toy.

They can even feed devil fruits to slaves for fun.

So the devil fruit is... If this thing is precious, it is only precious relative to ordinary people.

For big shots, only the extremely rare fruits such as natural type and mythical beast type can be considered precious.

Ordinary animal type or superhuman type are just ordinary fruits to them. The reason why these two fruits can be kept is because to the Golden Lion, this thing is worthless.

Even if it is exchanged for weapons, it cannot be sold at a high price.

Seeing Kota coming over, Indigo hurriedly made a"puff" sound, stepped forward, and handed the box in his hand to Kota.

He looked at him with curiosity and smiled:"Kale! Kale! Captain, there are three friends here, but there are only two fruits. How do you divide them!"

Kota first took out the black devil fruit from the box and threw it to Luo casually.

Looking at Luo who hurriedly took the fruit, he explained

"This devil fruit is an ant fruit. As for its ability, you will know it after you eat it."

He paused, glanced at Ahua and Atao, and said with a smile:"As for why I gave it to Luo, it's because I think this devil fruit is most suitable for Luo's personality."


A Luo looked puzzled.

"Yeah! That's the character."

Korata looked at Luo with a hint of admiration in his eyes.

Luo is the typical person who will strictly complete the tasks assigned to him.

He can stay on the lookout for 24 hours.

You know, it is a great quality for a person to be able to endure loneliness and stay in a small place for a long time.

Luo is also the only one among the three of them who has been in society, and he knows what a team needs most.

That's why he practices shooting.

Because there are enough swordsmen on their ship, for those of them who are not swordsmen yet, guns are the most lethal weapons.

Luo is also the one who desires power the most among the three, otherwise he would not give up getting married and go out to sea with Kota.

In fact, when Luo got on the ship, Kota discovered his hidden ambition.

It should be because he has been in society and been beaten too many times in the past two years!

He looked at Luo and smiled,"Not only do people choose devil fruits, but devil fruits also choose people."

"People who are more compatible with devil fruits are more likely to develop their fruit abilities to a higher level."

He glanced at the ant fruit in Luo's hand, and then said:"And the fruit in your hand is very consistent with your personality. You care about the team, work hard, do your job, and are brave and fearless."

"This fruit is indeed very weak in the eyes of others, but in my opinion, as long as it is developed to a high level, it should be very strong."

Korata looked at A Luo and gave him an encouraging look.

He believed in A Luo and his intuition. He felt that the Ant Fruit could not be as weak as recorded in the books.

After all, in nature, there are no more insects than ants.

Looking at Kota's encouraging eyes, A Luo did not think much. Since Kota gave it to him, he would take it.

He raised the Ant Fruit, opened his mouth wide, and took a big bite of the devil fruit.


At this moment, he felt that the fruit in his mouth was not a delicious food, but a moldy and smelly sea fish that had been left for dozens of days.

It was a disgusting taste that he could not describe, running rampant in his mouth. If he had not closed his mouth quickly, he would have vomited it out the first time he bit it.

A Luo suppressed his nausea, a fierce look flashed in his eyes, and swallowed the fruit in his mouth in one gulp.

He looked at the remaining fruit in his hand, and did not stop. He quickly ate the whole fruit in a few big mouthfuls.

Just when he finished eating the fruit, he felt his stomach churning and felt uncomfortable, and a super disgusting breath in his throat.���He covered his mouth, his face flushed red, he was afraid that he would spit out the fruit he had just eaten.


This guy endured for a while, but finally couldn't help it, and quickly fell to the ground and retched.

Ah Hua and the others looked at A Luo, who was retching with tears and snot, and swallowed hard.

Then they turned their heads and looked at the white devil fruit left in the box in Indigo's hand.

A trace of fear flashed across their faces.

Is this thing so scary?

How bad must it taste to make A Luo retching like this!

Kota and Indigo grinned and laughed.

Kuina even supported her hands on Kota's back, bent over, and laughed like a goose.

The devil fruit is notoriously unpalatable. It is said to be more unpalatable than shit. I don't know which expert has tried the difference between the two and made the conclusion. Kota can only express his deep admiration for the expert.

He knew that this thing tasted bad, but he didn't expect it to be so unpalatable.

Looking at A Luo's appearance, I'm afraid he doesn't want to see the devil fruit again in his life!

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