Rogue Town.




The tense and quiet atmosphere suddenly relaxed, and people couldn't help but swallow their saliva.

"If you want my sword, you must at least have the strength to match it!"

Kuina made a sword flower with her right hand and sheathed the sword,"With your current strength, how can you take my sword from me?"

She didn't even look at Tashigi, she walked past her and headed towards Smoker.

She now has only one goal, which is to fight the strong and reach the great swordsman as soon as possible.

Tashigi stood stiffly in place, and she didn't relax until Kuina walked by her.


When the blade came just now, the fear of death was like a black hole, sucking her whole mind in.

Now that death was far away, her tense mind relaxed, and her whole body was like mud, instantly collapsing on the ground.

""Sergeant Dashiqi, are you okay?"

A navy officer looked at Dashiqi lying on the ground, walked over and reached out to help her up, but she refused.

"I'm fine."

She turned her head and looked at Kuina's back, shouting angrily:"Blue-haired Kuina, why don't you cut me down? Just because I am an ordinary person, a woman, and my natural strength is not as good as yours, you can let me win in the duel. That would be too humiliating for me."


Kuina stopped and turned to look at Tashigi, a hint of doubt flashing in her eyes.

This character is a bit like her when she was a child!

Could it be that she is really a relative of hers?

She quickly shook off this thought.


She stared at Dashiqi and said something very cruel indifferently.

"So pitiful!"

"The Weak"

"Now, you can't even choose how to die!"

"If you want to achieve your goal, you have to work ten thousand times harder!"

Dashiqi stood up stubbornly, walked to Xiaoye Shiyu, and with a"choke" sound, drew out her knife.

"I practice swordplay, not for fun."

"I have also been practicing hard, hard, and hard!"

She raised her hand, pointed the knife at Kuina, and shouted:"It is true that I am weak, but you who are born with strong physiques, how can you understand the persistence of ordinary people like us?"

"Also, you monsters, do you really think you are strong?"

"Don't be too conceited!"

"My belief cannot be dispelled by your few words!"

She shouted and rushed towards Kuina quickly.

Obviously, Kuina's words, mocking the weak, completely angered Tashigi.

Looking at Tashigi rushing towards her quickly, Kuina was stunned. They were so similar!

Even she thought that the person opposite was herself.

Tashigi's personality was exactly the same as her a few years ago.

Then a trace of anger flashed in her eyes, and she turned around quickly and drew her knife to block Tashigi's attack.


Kuina looked at the face close at hand and shouted loudly

"You not only imitate my face, you also imitate my personality��

"Who imitated you? I have been like this since I was a child. If anyone wants to imitate someone, it should be you!"


"Do you really want to die, woman?"

Kuina pushed Dashiki away with her right hand, quickly raised her knife and swung it downwards. With a clang, she sent Xiaoye Shiyu flying for the second time.

"Also, don’t always imitate the way I speak, especially the way I spoke when I was a child!"

"You made me feel ashamed for a moment, did you know that?"

Then she quickly sheathed her knife, took a few steps forward, and instantly stood in front of Tashigi.

Then she grabbed Tashigi's collar in front of her, pushed upward, and then threw her over her shoulder.


Tashigi lay on the ground, stunned by Kuina's series of actions.

Before she could come to her senses, Kuina instantly straddled her, pulled her collar, and pulled her head in front of her.

Kuina looked gloomy, stared into Tashigi's eyes, and said loudly:"What's wrong with the woman, tell me what's wrong with the woman."

Tashigi came to her senses, staring at Kuina, with stubbornness in her eyes.

"You and I both know that unless a woman is born with a strong physique, she will never be able to surpass a man in terms of strength."

"Who told you that?"

"Am I not a woman?"

"Am I not strong enough?"

Kuina lowered her head, resting her forehead against Tashigi's, and shouted angrily,"Who told you that women can never be better than men?"

"Since you know you can't beat them, then just try to catch up with them a hundred times, a thousand times faster!"

"Stop feeling sorry for yourself here."


Kuina looked at her and couldn't help shouting.

Kuina raised her head, put away the anger on her face, looked at Kota, and a smile appeared on her lips.

"Don't worry, Kota, I'm fine."

Tashigi was indeed a little irritated, especially since this guy looked exactly like her.

Although she didn't care much about the differences between men and women these years, sometimes she couldn't help but have the idea that she was not as good as men, which suddenly popped up.

In fact, when she left Ximoshiki Village, she knew that Zoro had surpassed her in strength.

To be honest, even though she had known that this day would come, she still felt a little unwilling in her heart.

Zoro was one year younger than her and his training was about the same as hers. Now he could surpass her in strength, so after that... she He shook his head.

He didn't think about it any more.

Kota was right. Strength is something that is easy to obtain if you want it. It all depends on your choice. Since you have chosen this path, you should keep going forward and make every day count.

If you can surpass yourself every day, then every day of your life will be your strongest.

This infinitely accumulated power will one day enable you to realize your dream.


This is indeed Kota's chicken soup.

He has said so many chicken soups over the years that he can't remember them all.

Kuina loosened her grip, loosened Tashigi's collar, looked down at Tashigi and said softly

"I was once defeated by the fact that I was not a boy, but after I got over this thought, I became stronger."

"Although women are not as strong as men, they still have a kind of strength that is no less than that of men."

"That is the power of will."

She stood up, walked past Tashigi, and walked back to Smoker.

"People! You can lose anything, but you can never lose your faith in the future. I feel your determination. I hope that one day, you can come to me and snatch my knife again."

"And I will be the strongest female swordsman, waiting for every opponent who comes to challenge me."

As she said this, she paused.

"And! I am not a monster born with a strong physique. If you say that, it will make my efforts over the past ten years look like a fool!"

"Also, don’t impose your own life on other people’s lives!"

"I am also pursuing my dream and I never stop!"

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