"White Hunter Smoker, the last opponent on the way to the Grand Line."

Kuina walked to about four or five meters away from Smoker and shouted,"Please show all your strength and duel with me, or someone will die."

This was what she and Kota had agreed on before. Smoker is a user of the"Nature-type Smoke Fruit".

Fighting against nature-types can not only accumulate experience, but also train observation Haki.

She had just received the advanced training techniques of Haki from Kota, and she had long wanted to try them.

Smoker glanced at Tashigi, then looked up at Kuina.

Veins popped out on his forehead.

"One or two, they don't take him seriously"

"Do you really think that he gave himself the title of White Hunter?"

He glanced at Sorata.

"Well! Don't worry! I won't interfere."

Korata leaned on his motorcycle, picked up the wine gourd, raised his head and took a sip.


He tilted his head back, the wine gourd hanging upside down, shook it up and down, one drop, two drops, and it was gone.

"Hey! It's uncomfortable."

Then he shouted to Ah Hua and the other two:"Hey! Let's go and buy supplies first."

"Oh! OK, OK."

Ahua and the other two were stunned and hurried to Kota.

"Stop, who told you to move?"

The surrounding navy quickly turned their guns and pointed them at Ah Hua and the other two.

"Wow! How scary!"

Kota turned his head, stared at Smoker, and chuckled,"Colonel Smoker, could you please ask these navy men to put away their guns?"

"Weapons and such are terrifying!"

""Pirates, be aware of your status and don't be too arrogant."

Smoker looked at Kota and shouted fiercely,"Action, shoot and arrest these pirates."

The navy, who had been waiting impatiently, immediately pulled the trigger after hearing Smoker's order.



Then countless black solid bullets, like a net, hit Ahua and the other two like an overwhelming force.

Kota looked at Smoker, frowned, and a trace of anger flashed in his eyes.

"I told you not to use such a dangerous weapon, why don’t you listen?"

"You really think I don't dare to kill people, right?"

Then a domineering aura swept across the entire dock, and the bullets fired at Ah Hua and the other two automatically stopped in place as soon as they entered the space 20 meters away from the sky.

The entire dock was instantly quiet.

Then the navy on the dock and the crowd watching the excitement all rolled their eyes and fell to the ground with a"bang".

""Conqueror Haki!"

Smoker stared at Kota in horror.

This was definitely Conqueror Haki, which only one person out of a million could awaken. It was the Haki of a king.

Kota put away his Haki and domain.

Amid a series of"ding ding ding" sounds, he looked at Smoker.

"I've told you, but you just won't listen. Can't you just listen?"

Smoker put away the shock in his eyes and stared at Kota solemnly.

"A man like you, why did you go out to sea only now?"

How could this guy go out to sea only now!

With the appearance of a king and such strong strength, how could he bear to go out to sea for so long?


Kota looked at Smoker and a smile appeared on his face again.

"Of course he is underage!"

He looked at Smoker and said strangely

"Don't they all go to sea when they are adults?"

He remembered that Luffy, Ace, and Zoro all went to sea when they were adults.


Smoker's mouth twitched. He didn't expect Kota to answer like this, which left him speechless for a moment.

"Yes, you can only go out to sea when you are an adult!"

Kota nodded,"I went out to sea as soon as I turned 17, without wasting a single day."

Then he stared at Smoker seriously and asked curiously,"Do you want me to go out to sea earlier so that you can beat me?"

He patted Smoker on the shoulder and laughed,"Haha!! Don't joke, for you, even if I am ten years old, you can't beat me."

"You bastard."

Smoker opened Kota's hand, pulled out ten hands with his right hand, and quickly thrust them towards Kota.

"Don't be too arrogant!"

"Are you angry out of shame?"

Kota teleported in front of Ahua and the other two and said to Smoker with a smile:"I'm telling the truth! Don't be so stingy!"

"And your opponent is not me!"

"You'll get hurt if you're not careful!"

Just as Smoker was about to make his move, Kuina had already drawn out the Wado Ichimonji, held the knife in both hands, raised it above her head, and stepped quickly on the ground.

"With a whoosh, he disappeared instantly.

""Shave, Step Forward!" In an instant, Kuina appeared at the side of Smoker. At this time, Smoker had just swung out his ten hands, and he had no time to defend himself, so he was hit hard by Kuina's sword.

I saw Wado Ichimonji cut Smoker in an instant, and circled under him, and was caught by Kuina's sword.


There was no entity at all. Kuina looked up at Smoker and saw white smoke coming out of the place where Smoker was cut by her, but there was no trace of blood.

"Is this the natural system?"

"It's amazing."

Smoker slowly withdrew his ten hands, spit out the cigarette holder in his mouth, pulled out two cigars from his chest, held them in his mouth, and lit them.

He took a deep breath and looked at Kuina with his brows almost knitted together.


"You actually know the Six Styles of the Navy."

His eyes fixed, and he said seriously,"Who taught you?"

He was a little suspicious now, whether there was a senior general who betrayed the Navy behind the silver-haired group.

"Are you talking about this high-speed move?"

Kuina looked at Smoker, who suddenly became extremely serious, and said something extremely sarcastic in a cold tone.

"Isn't it possible to do it automatically if you just practice?"

"Stop kidding, you know that only senior officers in the entire navy can learn and master these skills?"

Smoker didn't believe Kuina's nonsense at all.

"Okay, let me tell you, are you going to fight or not?"

"You are so hesitant and not decisive at all. If you don't come, I will come!"

Kuina looked at Smoker, a red light flashed in her eyes, and she quickly drew her sword.

""One-sword style, draw the sword and cut!"

A flash of sword light quickly slashed towards Smoker. This time, Smoker didn't dare to use his body to block it. He sensed the breath of armed color domineering from this sword.

He quickly withdrew his hand, and the ten hands in his hand were raised in front of him. With a"clang", they were just in front of Kuina's blade.

Then, in a burst of sparks, his ten-handed fork twisted and instantly stuck to the Wado Ichimonji.

"Don't think that you can defeat that stupid woman Tashigi and ignore me, a captain of the Marine Headquarters."

As he said this, his other hand quickly transformed into an element and hit Kuina's head.

""White Snake!"

Kuina's eyes flashed red, and she tilted her head to the left, easily dodging the punch.

Then she pushed down with both hands, causing Smoker's hands to loosen.

During this time, she quickly drew out the Wado Ichimonji, turned around, and quickly chopped at the returning white snake head.


The snake head was chopped off, but just like before.

The real thing was not chopped off.

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