"Good opportunity."

Seeing Kuina turn around, Smoker held his right hand and pulled back his hands, then stabbed Kuina's back at a faster speed.

Kuina, sensing the sharp edge behind her, turned around too late. She stomped her legs on the ground, and with a"whoosh" sound, she disappeared from the spot and appeared beside Smoker.

"Don't look down on me, I can shave too!"

Smoker also flashed, and the ten hands in his hand still stabbed towards Kuina.

Looking at the oncoming ten hands, Kuina didn't dodge at all.

She dodged that time mainly to face it head-on.

A red light flashed in her eyes, and her body turned to the right, and her arm passed by the ten hands.

Then she quickly raised the knife, which was covered with armed color domineering, and slashed towards Smoker's open chest. A cold knife light like moonlight flashed.


This time it slashed on the entity.

Smoker's chest was covered with armed color, and taking advantage of this moment , quickly transformed into an element, but Kuina's blade was too fast and easily cut through his Armament Haki defense. His Armament Haki had just awakened and could only harden, and couldn't even wrap around.

So he couldn't block Kuina's fierce sword at all.


Although he avoided most of the damage by turning into an element, he was still cut by this sword, leaving a huge wound on his chest.

The wound was not deep, and blood was constantly oozing out.

Smoker took a few steps back, and except for his head, everything else was elementalized.

He stared at Kuina and said solemnly:"Observation Haki!"

"It's really amazing! He hasn't even mastered the ability of Observation Haki.

This is not a new world where Armament Haki is everywhere!

This is just the East China Sea.

Ever since he was sent to Rogue Town, he rarely used Armament Haki, even though he had the ability of Nature, which was comparable to being invincible in the first half of the Grand Line.

This made him neglect the training of Haki.

He didn't even try to comprehend something that senior naval commanders could comprehend, such as Observation Haki.

But when he felt the dull pain in his chest, he regretted it.

He shouldn't have been immersed in the false invincibility of Nature and neglected to strengthen his Haki.

If he also knew Observation Haki, Kuina would definitely not be able to cut his body.

He stared at Kuina and put away his ten hands.

Then his hands and legs turned into fists and rushed towards Kuina.

""White Fist!"

Facing the swordsman with observation Haki, he could only use long-range attacks to see if he could defeat Kuina.

His Haki could not defend against the opponent's slash, and he would definitely lose in close combat.

Looking at the rapidly approaching white fists, Kuina's eyes flashed red, and she swayed left and right, easily dodging these fists.

Then she put away the knife, leaned forward, put her right hand on the hilt, and stared at Smoker floating in the air. She kicked her feet.

She disappeared in an instant, and appeared behind Smoker in the blink of an eye.


"One sword style: Cut all things!"

A flash of sword light easily cut through Smoker's body.

"It was a close call, he was almost cut in half."

Smoker looked at Kuina, sweating all over. When the knife light came, he felt the breath of death.

He quickly transformed his whole body into elements, so that the whole street was wrapped in smoke.

His smoke had no attack power and could only confuse the enemy.

Although the natural system can use the whole body elementalization to avoid any attack and achieve false invincibility, after the elementalization, it can no longer attack the enemy.

And the whole body elementalization is also very physically demanding.

Therefore, the natural system fruit ability users generally rarely use the whole body elementalization. At the moment of the attack, they just elementalize the attacked part in advance.

Of course, for those who have developed their fruit abilities to a very high level, they can basically passively transform into elements in advance to avoid the enemy's attacks.

These guys don't even need to use Observation Haki.

Of course, for those with a very high level of Observation Haki, passive skills are useless.

Because the opponent is one step faster than you can see.

And if a natural ability user wants to attack the enemy, they can only do so after their body is solid.

So when fighting against a natural ability user, the best way is to remain still in the face of change. If you don't look for him, he will have to come over and fight you in close combat in order to attack you.

Of course, this is only true when fighting against the smoke fruit, where the elements are already in place. It can only be achieved with fruits that do not cause any damage.

It is useless when fighting against magma, fire, lightning, ice, fruits that truly represent the power of nature.

Because these fruits not only have super high and super long attacks, their attacks can even change the weather, and elementalization has real damage.

Hmm... no damage?

It seems that, maybe, there is only the Smoke Fruit!

This is a bit funny.

It deserves to be called the most useless natural fruit.

I feel that even if Smoker is given the"Swamp Fruit", it should be stronger than this Smoke Fruit.

This guy's fruit ability seems to be the only An elemental fruit that does little damage.

In the first half of the Grand Line, it can be said that he is invincible.

Because the pirates in the first half have basically not awakened their Haki, and cannot harm the true body of the natural system.

Moreover, this guy's fruit development has not reached the level of passively avoiding Haki.

In addition, he does not know the Haki of observation, so he may not be able to react to fast attacks, especially those who can use the Haki of observation, and actively avoid them.

And Kuina is a player who can do both.

So this guy will end up in a real defeat if he is not careful.

Looking at the smoke around him, Kuina's eyes glowed red.

"Found it." She quickly slashed out two silver-white slashes to the left front, then kicked the ground with both feet and rushed forward quickly with the slashes.

���Smoker, in the smoke, looked at the oncoming attack with a glimmer of contempt in his eyes.

"It seems that he is not yet a great swordsman.

He is basically immune to the swordsman's attacks.


Just as he was slashed by two blows, breaking through the smoke and revealing his human form,

Kuina suddenly appeared from behind the two blows.

The knife in her hand did not stop, and the purple-black blade with the armed color flashed a faint cold light. In Smoker's horrified eyes, she quickly slashed his chest.

"Razor, One-Sword Style, Divine Slash !"

She knew all the sword skills that Kota knew.


Smoker's elemental body was cut off by the sword, and then rushed backwards with a strong impact.

"With a"bang", it crashed through a house and then fell on another street.

""Colonel Smoker."

Tashigi was not stunned by Kota's domineering aura. She stared at the huge hole in the wall of the house on the right.

She was horrified.

In her mind, Smoker was the synonym of invincibility. She didn't expect that he would be slashed by"Blue Hair Kuina" and now he might be seriously injured.

"How can it be so strong?"

"Is this the person I'm chasing after?"

She just shamelessly tried to snatch the other person's knife!

She shook her head and looked at Kuina with a firm face.

"No matter how strong I am, my faith will never lose to anyone!"

Smoker on another street, holding his chest, sat up.

"Is this the strength of a true swordsman?"

"It's so scary!"

He looked at the blood on his hands, took out a cigarette, lit it, took a deep breath, supported himself on his knees, and stood up.

"Looks like we have to fight for our lives!"

He couldn't remember how long it had been since he had fought for his life. Since he came to Rogue Town, he seemed to have become the king here.

No pirate was not afraid of him. He was the strongest door leading to the Grand Line from the East China Sea, and the thickest shield for the civilians here.

He couldn't lose, at least not so easily.

He glanced at the civilians lying on the street, raised his head to look at the white clouds in the sky, and thought of what his teacher"Zeffa" had always said. If a person relies too much on the power of the fruit, then in the end, he will definitely not become a truly strong man.

Because every strong person should believe in himself the most and believe that he can overcome everything.

The power of this belief will make a person, even an ordinary person, strong.

Thinking of this, he grasped the ten hands, raised them in front of him, and squeezed them hard.

A black domineering aura kept emerging from his arms, and finally wrapped around the ten hands.

"Armament Haki: Entanglement?

He looked up through the huge hole in the house and saw Kuina across from him.

"Thank you so much! Blue-haired Kuina, thank you for waking me up and letting me find the competitive spirit that I had lost for a long time!"

He used to be a genius student in the eyes of teachers and others!

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