"What qualifications do you have to look down on me?"

Kota looked at the tall pirate in front of him, stretched out his hand, and gently patted him on the shoulder.


The tall pirate immediately knelt on the ground.

"Hey! Qilige, what are you doing!"

A supporting pirate at the back shouted to Qilige, the tall pirate in front of Kota,"Why don't you kill this guy?"

At this moment, all the pirates realized something was wrong.

Qilige was kneeling in front of Kota, his head tilted up, his eyes dull, and a stream of urine flowed out from his crotch.

Then he let out a loud roar of extreme fear and fainted.

I don't know what this guy saw that made him so scared.

Kota looked at Qilige, and a trace of disgust flashed in his eyes

"What bad luck."

This guy looks so brave, but he is so timid. He was actually scared to death by his Conqueror Haki.

He was just trying to control the range of Conqueror Haki on this guy.

He only showed a little bit of it, and this guy was like this.

""What did you do to Qilige?"

The pirates behind him looked at Qilige who fell to the ground for no reason, and shouted at Kota in a stern voice.

As if this could drive away the fear in their hearts at this moment.

This guy didn't make a move, but just patted Qilige lightly. Qilige was frightened and fainted.

It was too scary!

At this moment, there was a"pop".

One of the guys couldn't help but shoot at Kota.

Seeing that their companions had taken action, the remaining pirates shouted together and rushed towards Kota.

"Just fall down!"

Kota didn't plan to play with them, or to amuse the boss here, he would have dealt with these pirates directly after getting the wine.

He didn't even look at the bullet shot at him, and under his control, the domineering aura swept across the entire tavern in an instant, except for the old man.

And the bullet shot at him hit the outside of his skin with a"bang", as if it hit a transparent wall, and could no longer move forward.

Then he and the pirates with their eyes rolled back fell to the ground together.

The boss has been staring at Kota since Kota said the same thing as Roger.

He is almost dead, and he is not afraid of anyone or anything. He is just afraid that in this era created by Roger, there will be no brave pirates who can continue to challenge the Grand Line.

But he saw it today.

He looked at Kota as if he was looking at Roger in the past.

Looking at Kota sitting back on the stool, he pulled off the hat on his head, revealing the sparse light purple hair on his head.

"How dare you say such a thing in this store?"

"I just said what was obvious."

Korata looked at the old man and chuckled.

"Haha!! You don't think I'm joking!"

"I never do such boring things!"



Then the old man laughed out loud.

"Hehehehe! , since I can meet a guest like you, I think I can live a few more years."

"I thought I would never see anyone like Roger challenge that devil sea again!"

"Hmm! Is that so?"

Korata took out the wine gourd and pushed it in front of the boss.

"In that case, could you please, boss, fill up my bottle of your strongest liquor for me and give me a discount?"


The old man looked at the wine gourd in front of him, puzzled, and then his face became serious.

"Little guy, don't even think about it. Even if Roger comes to me, I will still pay the original price. If you want a discount, you're a hundred years too early!"


Kota fell on the bar counter as if all his energy had been drained from his body.

He looked at the old man and muttered,"Just now he seemed to admire me, but it turned out that everything was fake!"

He thought that he could get a discount on the wine from this old man by saying what Roger said and what Wang Luffy said!

"Okay, kid, since you are so happy today, I will buy you a drink!"

He took out two glasses from behind the bar and poured two glasses of wine. He pushed one glass in front of Kota.

"What's wrong, boy? This is the best wine I have here!"

The old man smiled.

"If I wasn't in a good mood today, do you think you could drink it? Don't lie down, let's have a toast!"When

Kota heard that it was good wine, or the best wine, he instantly became energetic.

He quickly reached out and picked up the wine glass, his face full of smiles. He raised it and clinked glasses with the old man.

"For adventure, for the Grand Line."

The old man said loudly:"For the Pirate King Roger"


"Ha ha ha ha……"

"Hey Hey……"

Gulp Gulp……


On the way to the execution platform in the central square of Rogue Town,

Kota was walking forward with a red face, carrying a large wine jar on his back.

"That old man is really good!"

He staggered to the entrance of the square.


Although the old man offered a glass of wine, after a glass of wine, he unconsciously competed with Kota in drinking. As soon as this old man drinks, he talks endlessly. He heard a lot about Roger's past.

Looking up and looking at the execution platform in the distance, Kota's eyes flashed a smile.

He never thought that Roger was a replica of Luffy when he was a child, even more naughty.

It really deserves to be the owner of the same hat!


"Why is Red Hair different?"

Korata touched his chin and thought about it.

Sure enough, the hat is the protagonist?

Red Hair is just a tool to pass the hat, of course it is different. He shook his head to dispel the random thoughts that suddenly popped up in his mind, then raised his head and stared at the execution platform, lost in thought. It was as if the beginning of the anime that he had watched hundreds and thousands of times appeared in front of him again.


The scene before death.

"Want my treasure?"

"If you want, I can give you all of them. Go find it! I put all my treasures there."

The last scene freezes on the guy laughing.

In order to keep his dream going, this guy started a chaotic pirate era.

People died.

Kota didn't comment too much.

What he could think of was, can people really give up their lives for their dreams?

Although it is incredible, the answer is yes.

In this world that seems passionate on the surface but is actually very cruel.

It seems that everyone is fighting for the dreams, big or small, in their hearts.

No matter good or bad, no matter good or evil.

Kota pulled down the wine gourd, raised his head and took a sip.

Who cares! Since he came to this world, there must be his legend in this world.

"Ha ha ha ha……"

Kota laughed loudly, then instantly disappeared from his original position and appeared on the execution platform.

He turned around and looked at the square full of people, his eyes full of excitement.

"Whether it's the Four Emperors or the Navy"

"Whether it's the Celestial Dragons or some Im"

"Wait, wait, wait for Lord Kong to come and enjoy it!"

Since he has come to this world, he will visit every place he wants to go, including the last island,"Lafdel","one piece".

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