Rogue Town, dock.

Ahua and his two companions were carrying boxes of things to the Liberty.

Food, weapons, clothes... everything, of course the most abundant were fresh water and carrots.

In order to buy as many carrots as possible, Ahua and his two companions could be said to have visited all the vegetable markets in Rogue Town.

And around them, a circle of navy surrounded them from a distance.

This time the navy learned their lesson and did not raise their guns. Their colonel was still fighting with the second in command on the opposite side on the street!

It seemed that he was still at a disadvantage.

Now there was no civilian except them on the dock. The entire dock was blocked by the navy.

"Kale Kale!!"

"Can you eat all the carrots you bought?"

Indigo stood by the boat, helping to carry the supplies with ropes. He looked at the deck full of carrots and laughed.

"If you don’t know, you might think we have a lot of rabbits on our boat!"


"You better stop laughing," Ah Hua rolled his eyes, looked at the carrot basket in his arms, and nodded with satisfaction.

"These are our treasures for becoming stronger!"

He couldn't wait to use the carrots to start his training career.

Since they were young, the three of them had wanted to train with Kota, just like Kuina and Zoro.

However, they didn't realize their dream because of their poor physical fitness when they were young.

As a result, their strength can now be described as garbage.

But now it's different.

He jumped onto the boat and looked at the mountain of carrots in front of him, his eyes red with excitement.

Thinking of becoming stronger in the future, two rabbit ears appeared on his head involuntarily.

Then, in a puff of white smoke, this guy"banged" and turned into a fat rabbit that walked upright.

This guy hasn't controlled the ability of the fruit yet. If he is too emotional, he will turn into a rabbit involuntarily. He can't even maintain the human-beast form.


"What are you doing?" A Luo looked at A Hua, a trace of dissatisfaction flashed in his eyes,"Are you trying to steal food again?"

A Hua had already stolen a basket of radishes on the way.

If he and A Tao hadn't been watching, they thought that this pile of radishes would definitely not be enough for this guy to eat for a day.

Since eating the fruit, he and A Hua instantly became big belly kings. He usually eats the least, but now he eats the most on the boat.

According to Kota, they are now typical of just starting to develop.

The more they eat, the faster they grow.

"Kuina is still fighting!"

A Tao stood by the boat carrying a bundle of planks, smoking a cigarette, and watching Kuina and Smoker still fighting.

This smoking man, worthy of being the one guarding the largest naval base in the East China Sea, could actually fight Kuina until now.

He turned around and put the planks���On the side of the boat, looking towards the boat

"Hey! You two guys, stop standing there and help. Get it done soon. We'll set off when Kota comes back."

He shook his head, holding a cigarette in his hand, shaking off the ash with his index finger, looking at the sea in the distance, with a hint of excitement in his eyes.

"The Great Route?"

"I'm really looking forward to it!"

At this moment, at the gate of Rogue Town, in the area covered by smoke, there was a sudden sound of steel breaking.

Looking closer, it turned out to be the Ten-handed Sword in Smoker's hand. After a long battle, it was finally defeated by the famous sword in Kuina's hand,"Wado Ichimonji".

It was directly broken in the middle.

"You lose."

Smoker tilted his head to look at the sharp blade that was shining with a faint light across his neck, and exhaled lightly.

Then he threw away the half of the ten-hand on his right hand and spit out the cigarette holder in his mouth.

With trembling hands, he pulled the cigar from his chest and relit it.

He raised his head and looked at Kuina through the smoke, with a trace of confusion in his eyes.

Even though he knew that he would lose this battle, when the failure came, he was still a little unwilling.


"Still want to fight?"

Kuina looked at Smoker for a long time without saying anything, and frowned.

"No, we've lost, so go!"

Smoker took a deep breath, stared at Kuina, and cleared the smoke around him.

Then he asked,"What is your purpose in going to the Grand Line, and who taught you the Six Styles of the Navy?"


Kuina sheathed her sword and slowly walked past Smoker.

"Of course, it's risky to go to the Grand Line. As for the Six Styles of the Navy, I don't even know what you're talking about."

After saying that, she ignored Smoker and brushed past Tashigi who was rushing over here. Under the gaze of a group of navy officers, she calmly walked through the passage they had cleared to the Freedom.

"Colonel Smoker, are you okay?"

Dashiqi walked to Smoker and looked at him with concern.

"It's okay."

Smoker glanced at Tashigi, then turned and looked at Kuina's back, his eyes fixed.

""Are you taking a risk?"

He didn't know if what Kuina said was true, but he was sure that the other side was indeed different from ordinary pirates.

He didn't know if the other side had just set out to sea and hadn't adapted yet, nor did he know if the navy behind the other side was guiding this group of people, making them so different.

Without thinking too much, he took a puff of cigarette, exhaled a big smoke ring, turned his head and stared at a navy coming from behind, and said

"Do you know where 'Silver Hair·Korata' is now?"

He just glanced at the other ship and didn't see Kota.

"Following the report from Silver-haired's colleague, Silver-haired should now be on the execution platform in the central square."

"Execution Platform"

"Yes! It is on the execution platform.

The Navy officer who summoned the message paused for a moment, then continued,"Since Silver Hair left for Goer,·D·Roger's tavern, bought some wine, and went straight to the central square, and then stayed on the execution platform until I got the news."

Smoker looked at the central square, a little absent-minded.

Execution platform, Pirate King, Roger

"Silver-haired Kota, what exactly is your purpose?"


Just as he was thinking about Kota, Kota appeared in his sight.

At the end of the street, a handsome man with silver hair and a big wine barrel on his back gradually walked over.

The handsome man, with a red face, staggered at a speed that looked very slow, but was actually very fast, like a flash, and appeared in front of Smoker in the blink of an eye.

Until Kota stood in front of him, the afterimage on the street behind him had not yet dissipated.


Kota reached out and patted Smoker on the shoulder and laughed.

"Smoking man, you guys are done fighting!"

"I thought you were going to fight for a long time!"

He glanced at the broken hands on the ground, and a glimmer of understanding flashed in his eyes.

"Ha ha ha ha……"

"You are such a useless guy!" He kept patting Smoker on the shoulder, and then said in a serious tone

"You can't practice the beliefs in your heart if you behave like this!"

"Wait another two years, and by then, big events will come one after another, and you will be eliminated very quickly."

Smoker smoked a cigarette, standing there with ease.

He was in a very bad condition now, with blood still oozing out of his chest, and he couldn't resist Kota at all.

Since he couldn't resist, he had to endure it silently!

But when he heard the words two years later, he couldn't help it.

"Two years later?"

He looked at Kota, frowning, with a gleam in his eyes.

"Let me be clear, what happened two years later?"

"Also, why two years later?"


"Did I say anything?"

Korata's eyes flashed with clarity for a moment, then returned to the haziness. He shook his head and walked past Smoker.

He glanced at Tashigi who was standing next to Smoker.

"And you, Ms. Dashiqi, if you want to firmly practice your ideals, you have to work hard!"

He gave Dashiqi a thumbs up.

"Otherwise, you and the Smoking Man will stay in the East China Sea for the rest of your life and stick to your ridiculous dream!"

"In the future, you won't always meet people as easy to talk to as us!"

He walked past them, shaking his head, and walked towards his companions who were already standing at the bow waiting for him.

After a few steps, his figure disappeared and appeared at the bow in an instant.

Then he put the big wine jar on the deck and collapsed on the recliner like Ge You.

"Ha ha ha ha……"

"lets go!"

"Friends, let’s set out towards the Great Route!"


Ah Hua and the other two cheered loudly and quickly took action.

Then, under the watchful eyes of countless navy officers at the dock, the Liberty quickly sailed towards the far sea.


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