Looking at the Liberty going farther and farther away, all the navy officers breathed a sigh of relief.

Facing Kota was too stressful for them.

Even though they all knew that Kota and his gang were completely different from real pirates, and they looked like they were easy to talk to and drunk, the invisible mental pressure from the other party made them dare not cross the line in either psychology or action.

Didn't they see that their superior,"Colonel Smoker", didn't dare to knock away the hand that was patting his shoulder when facing Kota?

Smoker sat on a piece of gravel, looking at the Liberty from a distance, lost in thought.

And Tashigi stood quietly aside, holding"Saya Shigure".

She looked at the sea in the distance, with confusion, determination, and hope in her eyes.

She didn't expect Kuina to actually beat Colonel Smoker, who had always been invincible in her heart.

This made her truly see that women could also surpass men.

She tightened the knife in her hand, and the confusion in her eyes disappeared instantly.

Kuina can do it, she believes, she can do it too.

At this moment, a loud shout suddenly came from the street in the distance.

"Smoker, Smoker, Colonel Smoker"

"Navy Headquarters, urgent, urgent fax."

Along with the voice came a marine who was panting and soaked with sweat.

He ran to Smoker, panting, and then handed the fax in his hand to Smoker with trembling hands.

He had just received this fax a few minutes ago.

When he first saw it, he was shocked by the content.

Then he thought of Smoker leading the navy to fight Kota and his gang at the dock, so he immediately took the fax and rushed to the dock quickly.

When he saw the navy around him safe and sound, he breathed a sigh of relief.

He was really afraid that he would not catch up and see the sea of blood and corpses on the dock!

After all, he had never seen a pirate with a bounty of 500 million in his life!

Smoker took the fax, took a puff of cigarette, and looked down.

As he read it, his hands shook and he almost dropped the fax in his hand.

"Colonel Smoker, what's wrong?"

Tashigi noticed Smoker's condition and asked quickly.

""Look for yourself!"

Smoker said, handing the fax to Tashigi.

His face was filled with anger.

""This department is really a bunch of idiots. They only sent such important information now."

He lowered his head and touched the knife wound on his chest. Although it had already healed, it still oozed blood from time to time.

The more he thought about it, the angrier he got.


He punched the ground in front of him hard.

"What a joke!"

"Is it still justice for the navy to turn a blind eye to the issue? Could it be that the real navy is behind Kota and his gang, not the defected navy?"

"How else can we explain why they have such advanced techniques? And judging from their style of doing things, they are definitely not pirates!"

He touched his chin and thought for a while, then his eyes lit up and the anger on his face disappeared instantly.

"Could it be that Kota and his gang are undercover agents of the navy?"

He smoked a cigarette and nodded continuously.

Now he could understand their strange behavior, and also understand why Kota and Kuina did not hurt them.

From the battle and words, Kuina and Kota seemed to have been encouraging him and Tashigi.

From Kota's last words, it was not wrong, this guy was encouraging them.

Thinking of this, his mood suddenly became very good.

As long as they are not defeated by pirates, they are still undercover agents of the navy after all!

Fighting with your own people, is that called a battle?

At most it is a competition.

Isn't there victory and defeat in competition?

"Ha ha!!"


Shortly after Kota and his friends left Rogue Town, the New World appeared.

This is the sea area in the second half of the Grand Line.

The Red Earth Continent divides the Grand Line into two sections. After crossing the Red Earth Continent where the World Government"Marijoa" or"Fishman Island" 10,000 meters below the sea is located, you will enter the second half of the Grand Line, which is the New World. The overlord of the New World is the Four Emperors. This is the most difficult and dangerous sea area.

It is also the Great Secret Treasure.—"ONE PIECE"The hiding place of the"Raftel".

Now the four emperors have all received the urgent news and bounty orders today.

In a sea area not far from the entrance to the New World.

At this time, an extremely large three-masted giant sailing ship is sailing.

The bow is round and painted in silver-white. From a distance, it looks like a great white whale, extremely large and spectacular.

Even in the turbulent seas of the New World, this ship is like a calm sea.

With an extremely strong momentum, it breaks through the huge waves and overwhelms the sea, and quickly sails towards the unknown sea in the distance.

On both sides of it, there are two ships each, a total of four foreign ships.

These four ships are replicas of the giant ship, but the colors are different.

From a distance, it looks like a giant whale swimming in the sea with four small whales.

This fleet is the main fleet of the"Whitebeard Pirates", one of the four emperors. The largest ship in the middle is the exclusive sailing ship"Moby Dick" of the world's recognized strongest man"Whitebeard Edward Newgate".

On the Moby Dick, Whitebeard was sitting on the deck with his upper body naked, leaning against the front cabin.

On both sides of him, several nurses in sexy pink nurse uniforms were busy changing the IV bottles for him.

He was looking at Marco, the captain of the first team of the Whitebeard Pirates, nicknamed"Phoenix", with a golden punk hairstyle.

"Marco, what's the big deal that makes you so anxious?"

"No, take a look! It's news about your old friend Golden Lion."

"Oh! Golden Lion?"

"I remember this guy seemed to have disappeared for nearly twenty years!"

"It won’t cause news that shocks the world as soon as it comes out, right?"


He took the newspaper handed to him by Marco and started reading it.

He stopped laughing as he read it. When he saw the wanted poster for Kota in the newspaper, he laughed out loud.

"The old guy was defeated by the young man after all!"


He threw away the newspaper, picked up the wine jar beside him, and drank it.

He didn't care much about the sudden appearance of Kota, but just sighed in his heart that another old guy fell into the hands of the young and became a stepping stone for others.

"Dad, stop drinking."

Marco looked at Whitebeard and said loudly,"He's still receiving the IV!"

"Well! Isn't it that the old Golden Lion has left?"

"I have to put it into practice for him!"

""Gulala Lala"

It was obvious that he had found a good excuse to drink.

Marco looked at the bounty order on the ground and was stunned for a while.

"So young!"


Wano Country, Onigashima, the headquarters of the Four Emperors Kaido.

Totland (Tian Guo), Cake Island, the headquarters of the Four Emperors Charlotte Linlin.

The Four Emperors Red Hair. The

Seven Warlords of the Sea...

As long as the pirates, navy, and personal forces who are interested in the situation on the sea and the news have received news about the death of Golden Lion and the unprecedented 500 million bounty on Kota today.

Their reactions are also different.

Shock, excitement, curiosity, indifference, murderous intent, indifference...

No matter what emotions they are, they remember it anyway, they remember a group of East China Sea pirates who just went to sea.

A man named Silver Hair.

A young man who is too young.

A man who offered a sky-high bounty of 500 million Baileys the second time he went to sea.

A man who killed an old legend as soon as he went to sea, and wanted to build his own legend


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