Pirates: Let the world know the truth

Pirates: Let the world know the truth


278 Chapters Ongoing Status

Story of: Pirates: Let the world know the truth

Chu Si traveled to the world of pirates and went to sea in order to survive. He used the paper fruit ability to establish a platform for broadc


Story of: Pirates: Let the world know the truth

Chu Si traveled to the world of pirates and went to sea in order to survive. He used the paper fruit ability to establish a platform for broadcasting and communication, popularizing knowledge and truth to the world, gradually awakening the people's sense of resistance in the world, and overthrowing the world government bit by bit. But all this is not over yet, new challenges are still waiting for him.(This book is basically based on fruit development. The system does not have the function of improving strength. It should not be considered a completely enjoyable article. The introduction is weak and the content is more exciting)


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