A new day has arrived.

After arranging for two soldiers to make breakfast for the rats to eat, Xia Yu waved his hand and said happily, “Everyone, the weather is good, it’s a good day to work!” Our task today is to clear all the wasteland that was not reclaimed yesterday… Well, it was so pleasantly decided, leaving two soldiers to wash the dishes, and the others to follow me! ”

Although the rat was very reluctant, he still resisted the hoe and led the soldiers to follow Xia Yu to the wasteland again.

Today, Xia Yu was not idle, taking the lead in twisting the hoe and starting to dry.

Seeing this, the mouse was even more afraid to speak, and honestly followed Xia Yu and waved the hoe vigorously.

Half an hour later.

“Haha, good motivation rat!”

Seeing that the mouse was wielding the hoe more smoothly than himself, Xia Yu put the hoe down, then took out two packs of cigarettes from his bag, and then said, “Come on, brothers, rest for a while, smoke a cigarette!” ”

Saying that, Xia Yu threw one of the packs to the mouse, and then looked at a soldier not far away, “Still stunned to do something, come and smoke, am I so terrible!” ”

There was not much left after a pack of cigarettes was issued, Xia Yu himself did not smoke, and he was too lazy to stay around, and directly threw the rest to one of the soldiers, “Good job, these are for you!” ”

The naval soldier who suddenly received Xia Yu’s gift was stunned at first, and then laughed happily, “Thank you, Mr. Xia Yu!” ”

“Haha, don’t be so polite!”

Xia Yu waved his hand very grandly, and said in a shi xing, “There is no idle field in the four seas, and the farmer is starving to death.” On the afternoon of hoeing day, sweat drops into the soil. Come on, finish this cigarette, and continue to sweat and sweat into the soil! ”


Cocosia Village, Dragon Empire.

Aaron sat on the top chair that belonged to him with a hideous face, and his mood was called a wave of ups and downs.

Originally wanted to borrow the Captain Mouse to clean up the owner of the mushroom house, and by the way, he tested how strong the owner of the mushroom house was, but he never dreamed that the rat, who was a captain in the Navy, was pulled by the owner of the mushroom house to reclaim the wasteland.

When he heard the news, he was so angry that he almost spewed out a mouthful of salt soda!

“Along, the owner of that mushroom house, it doesn’t seem to be simple.”

Xiao Ba, who was standing beside Along, saw that Along’s face was terrifyingly gloomy, and carefully spoke, “We are not inferior to his family now, and the Bailey handed over by the villagers of these twenty villages alone has tens of millions every month!” ”

“Do I care about his little pele?”

Along glared at Xiao Ba and said in an evil voice, “I can’t swallow this breath.” ”

“But now even that navy has been pulled by him to dig the ground!” Xiao Ba hesitated, and then said, “So, let’s not provoke him, Aaron!” ”

For the owner of this magical mushroom house, whether it was Xiao Ba or the other cadres and members of the Evil Dragon Pirate Group, they were a little afraid. First they had a drink with Shanks, who was the fourth emperor, and now they drove the captain to work as a coolie, such a fierce existence, they did not dare to provoke.

Aaron certainly has scruples.

However, he was still unwilling. If this allowed Xia Yu to live very moisturized in the village under his rule, where would his face go?

“That’s right!”

Suddenly, Along’s eyes lit up, and he grinned bloodthirstyly, “I have a bold idea!” The owner of this mushroom house, who can be with monsters like Shanks, should be rich! If he went and stole all his treasures, he wouldn’t be able to live in Moshi Village, right? Scared hahaha, I’m so imaginative. Xiaoba, go find Nami immediately, it’s time for her little thief cat to appear! ”

“Well, I don’t know where she is now!” Xiao Ba shook his head and continued, “She has been running around all this year! ”

“No rush!”

Along waved his hand and said, “When she comes back, let her come to see me immediately!” ”

Time passes quietly.

In the blink of an eye, a week passed.

A group of coolies reduced to coolies reclaimed all the wasteland around the mushroom house, although the area is not large, but looking at the fertile land that has been reclaimed, Xia Yu is also very satisfied! The next thing Xia Yu had to do was to open a canal to lead the mountain spring over. As long as the mountain spring is brought over, the first phase of Xia Yu’s expansion of the mushroom house can be regarded as a great success!

During this week, all the naval soldiers were familiar with Xia Yu. At first, they still thought that Xia Yu was a very scary man, but in these days of getting along, they found that this man was not only not terrible, but also very good!

In this way, they no longer trembled, and completely let go and mingled with Xia Yu.

Xia Yu, on the other hand, called their act of helping to reclaim the wasteland this time ‘Metamorphosis!’ It is even more famous for letting them, who have been floating on the sea all year round, return to the embrace of Mother Earth and rebuild!

Obviously, Xia Yu’s so-called ‘metamorphosis’ was very successful!

Because during this week, even their Colonel Mouse experienced the joy of labor, and became a model worker among them every morning and evening!

Of course, the rat is not really transformed! The reason why he was completely honest and became a model worker was nothing more than wanting to complete this damn act of reclamation and return to the Navy headquarters as soon as possible, and then report to the headquarters the owner of the mushroom house who dared to attack the captain and let them come to the desert to open the land!

Once the headquarters knew about it, with the fact that Xia Yu attacked them, Xia Yu would definitely not be able to escape!

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