Marin Fandor, Navy Headquarters Building, Marshal’s Office.

Sengoku, the current marshal of the Navy headquarters, wore a hat with a white dove and looked at a document with a serious face.

“Blu Bru~”

At this moment, the telephone worm on the desk in front of him suddenly rang.

As soon as the phone worm rang, the Warring States very skillfully took the phone worm over with a free hand, and said in a deep voice, “Marshal of the Navy Headquarters, Warring States!” ”

“Lord Marshal, something is wrong!”

As soon as the Sengoku voice fell, an exaggerated voice came from the phone worm, “I am the intelligence officer of the 16th Division of the East China Sea!” Colonel Rat left the branch a week ago and has not been heard from until now. We tried to contact Colonel Mouse, but we couldn’t get in touch no matter how we got in touch, and our subordinates suspected that he was attacked by pirates, and the whole army was destroyed! ”


Hearing the news from the phone worm, Sengoku stood up abruptly and said in a deep voice, “Have you been looking for it?” ”

“Looked for it! I also asked other divisions, and they all said that they had never seen Colonel Mouse and his warship appear! ”

“Damn it!”

Warring States’ face instantly tensed, and then said, “You guys continue to inquire, tell me as soon as there is news!” ”

After speaking, Sengoku ended the call, but turned around and came to the floor-to-ceiling window with a solemn face.

A few years ago, a warship in the town of Shells was attacked by pirates, and all the soldiers on the entire warship except for one soldier named Monka died tragically. Fortunately, the pirates who attacked the warship were arrested by the only surviving named Monka!

Now if the rats of the 16th Division are really attacked by pirates, then it is urgent to rectify the security of the East China Sea!

“Blu Blu ~~”

Suddenly, the phone worm that had just been put back by the Warring States rang again.

Seeing this, Sengoku quickly turned around and picked up the phone worm. Without waiting for him to speak, a hearty laugh came from the phone worm, “Ahahaha, Sengoku?” I’m Karp! ”

“Karp? Aren’t you taking turns off? ”

Seeing that it was the phone worm from Karp, Sengoku was stunned at first, and then his eyes lit up and asked, “Where are you now?” ”

“Just left Rogue Town, ready to go back to Windmill Village! What’s wrong? Is there something going on? ”

Hearing this, the Warring States were overjoyed, “Something, of course there is something!” Colonel Rat of the 16th Division of the East China Sea and his warship disappeared a week ago, although you are on a rotation, but this matter cannot be sloppy, you have to go and see what the situation is! ”


In Moshi Village, the reclamation of the wasteland around the mushroom house is still in full swing.

Xia Yu, who resisted the hoe, led a group of naval soldiers to the mountain spring at the foot of the mountain, and after surveying the terrain, said to the Colonel Mouse beside him, “Mouse, what do you think, how about opening a canal to divert water from here?” ”

“Mr. Xia Yu, you have to think about where you should enter the sea if you open a canal from here to bring water to the mushroom house. Otherwise, if you lead this mountain spring completely to the mushroom house, you may eventually flood the mushroom house! ”

After the mouse finished speaking, he jumped onto a stone and looked at the distance, “I think that I should first build a main canal to the sea, and then build some auxiliary canals to separate the mountain spring water, some for irrigation or into the pond, and some for daily needs!” ”

“Wow, yes! So, we’ll have to build a few ponds next to the mushroom house! ”

Hearing the mouse’s suggestion, Xia Yu’s eyes lit up and praised angrily, “I can’t see that Your Excellency Mouse actually has talent in this area.” Just listen to you and get started! ”

The mouse did not hesitate, directly rolled up his sleeves, and shouted to the group of naval soldiers, “Brothers, don’t be stunned.” Listen to me and get dry! ”

The naval soldiers, seeing that their colonel was so energetic, did not dare to slacken, and they all picked up their hoes and started to work. However, they only saw the energy of the mouse, but they could not see the darkness in the mouse’s heart!

The rat cooperated with Xia Yu’s work so much, it was nothing more than escaping this ghost place early, and then taking revenge on Xia Yu fiercely!

The water diversion project is very important for the mushroom house.

Even if it wasn’t for irrigation, Xia Yu had to channel the mountain spring water here. Otherwise, he would have to run long distances every day to jump in mountain springs for daily needs.

Now that there is free labor, he will of course solve the problem of drinking water and irrigation once and for all!

Looking at the energetic navy, Xia Yu nodded with great satisfaction, and then returned to the mushroom house with a flat head.

“Pingtou, I haven’t drunk snake soup in a week!”

As soon as he returned to the yard, Xia Yu said to the honey badger beside him, “Go grab a spicy strip and come back, let’s make snake soup and drink!” ”


Cocosia Village, Dragon Empire.

“Damn, what are those navies for! For a whole week, still digging in the village of Moshi? ”

Along, who was sitting on his top chair, looked at Xiao Ba beside him with a fierce face, and said in a deep voice, “Nami hasn’t come back yet?” If she doesn’t show up again, go and get her back!” The first priority now is to make that damn mushroom house owner suffer a little first, otherwise my heart hurts when I see him happy in Moxi Village! ”

Xiao Ba did not speak, but simply jumped into the pool in the yard and disappeared!

For Xiao Ba, he really didn’t want to provoke the owner of that mushroom house, after all, an existence that could drink with the Four Emperors Shanks, and even leave the navy to do coolies for a whole week, was certainly not a simple character.

But Aaron doesn’t wait to see the owner of the mushroom house, and he can’t help it!

Of course, Along knows that the people of the mushroom house are not simple, but he is cruel by nature, and seeing the owner of the mushroom house roam in the village he rules makes him feel like a cattle in his throat, which is very uncomfortable!


In other words, are there brothers watching, and the flower collection scoring ticket has wood? If so, can it be good to squeak? There are so many saved manuscripts, it will be embarrassing if there is no brother to read it~

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