
As the last ‘ROOM’ pirate ship in the left sky smashed directly into the cloud-like ocean, it was obviously made of clouds, but the pirate ship did not fall, but floated on it.

“This is the empty island? It’s so beautiful! Monet looked around curiously, especially the cloud-like ocean, made a little girl-like voice, and said in amazement.

“Hmph! Women like Ru just like to make a fuss. Hancock said with his head held high proudly.

However, it can be seen from the slightly side-eyed eyes, it is obvious that Hancock is also very curious about such a situation.

In the legend of the blue ocean, the empty island is a legendary place, and now suddenly came to such a legendary place.

Although Hancock has become more and more like the future female emperor after eating the sweet fruit, he still retains the curiosity of a little girl.

“Don’t look at the ability!” Monet pouted and said disdainfully.

“You…” Hancock glared angrily at Monet.

“ROOM Strength Exchange!”

Zuo Kong hooked his finger again, and the last few pirates left on the ship completely fell to the ground, recovered their bodies, and said flatly: “Little sugar, they will be handed over to you, use it to form your knights!” ”

“Hmm! Well! ”

Little Sugar immediately jumped over and turned them into dolls one by one, and then compressed and formed a new doll knight.

During this time, Zuo Kong’s revenge mentality was enough to destroy three or four naval branches, which made everyone on the sea look sideways, and they did not expect that there were really people who dared to provoke the world government.

Those elite navies were all integrated into the doll bear by sugar, and the rest were turned into knights, and now the knights of sugar have expanded by two hundred people, and the quality has also improved.

“This should be an empty island.” Zuo Kong looked around, Mo. Rubbing his chin, he said with a slight frown.

Zuo Kong frowned and looked around, to be honest, the empty island is completely unknown territory, and now Zuo Kong is also black in both eyes, completely confused!

Where is this?

“What is the master going to do next?” Monet floated around and ran back, saying strangely.


Zuo Kong was just about to answer, when suddenly the corner of his mouth hooked, and he smiled evilly: “The ready-made guide is here.” ”


At this time, I saw a few people floating over with special clouds, and they looked fierce and evil, and they didn’t look like good people.

“Hey! You low-grade blue ocean people, deliver 10 billion Ike immediately, otherwise you will be wanted by our kingdom, presumably these women should be able to sell one…” one of the fierce gods said viciously.

“Boss, boss! That low-grade blue ocean woman is too beautiful to be as good as us…” the other soldier said evilly.

“I see it can!”

“yes! Boss, let’s cool off! ”

“That’s right, cool.”

Hearing these filth words, Hancock’s face immediately turned cold as ice, and without waiting for him to make a move, the left space suddenly disappeared.

“What were you just talking about?” Pinching the soldier’s throat with one hand, Zuo Kong’s voice said in an extremely gloomy voice.

“Blue Ocean Man, you are looking for…” Even though he had been caught, the soldier still roared wildly.


Zuo Kong directly pinched his neck, casually put it into the mouth of the sea king who had poked his head out, and sneered even more viciously: “Do you know something more terrible than death?” ”

“Let me tell you, it’s better to live than to die!”

“ROOM Heart Cut!”


The heart suddenly fell into Zuo Kong’s hand, crushed fiercely, and the five soldiers showed extremely painful looks at the same time, and wailed violently.

“ROOM Life Assembly!”

It was hooked again, the heart was assembled, and only four times in a row, these soldiers were already foaming at the mouth and having a mental breakdown.

“Remember in the next life, don’t mess with people you shouldn’t, you’re left left.” Zuo Kong set his gaze on the last soldier and asked coldly.


The remaining soldiers fell directly to their knees, trembling. Shaking and saying, “My lord, no… Ancestors! I beg you, let me go, villain fundamental, fundamental…”

“Good, just understand what to do.” Zuo Kong nodded with satisfaction, still gloomy.

“Where is this?”

“My lord, this is the entry and exit port of the Becca Kingdom, and everyone who enters and exits from here must pay a fee of 10 billion Ick.” The soldier said in horror.


Zuo Kong frowned slightly, chanting the name, which seemed familiar, but forgot where this place was.

“Do you know who Anilu is?” Zuo Kong asked coldly.

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