“That guy is a demon, a monster, a tyrant…” At the mention of this name, the remaining soldier immediately gritted his teeth and said with resentment on his face.

“It’s kind of interesting, it seems that this guy Anilu has already obtained the ability of the Thunder Fruit.” Zuo Kong dragged his chin and said interestingly.


The palm hooked, and in an instant Zuo Kong returned to the ship with the soldier, casually threw the soldier aside, and continued to ask.

“I thought you and Anilu were in the same group, but now it seems that you should belong to other forces?” Zuo Kong was also unceremonious, sat down directly and leaned into the arms of Han Cook behind him, and asked interestingly.

“I owe allegiance to the true king of the Kingdom of Beca, His Majesty Ars!” At the mention of this name, the panicked soldier showed a look of worship and said very respectfully.


“Brothers, look what I found?”

“It’s a blue ocean man! Above! Brothers, kill the men, take the women. ”


Zuo Kong pondered something slightly, his fingers hooked slightly, and the purple space quickly expanded and surrounded the more than ten insolent soldiers who rushed out from nowhere.

“ROOM Air Bomb!”


The violent explosion formed beautiful fireworks, which exploded in front of the soldiers, and in their terrified eyes, all the soldiers became flesh foam, and there were no bones!


Swallowing deeply, he felt real fear at this moment.

“Okay, don’t talk nonsense, take me to your king.” Zuo Kong suddenly spoke.

“Huh?” The soldier apparently did not react and said in amazement.

“Do you have an opinion?” Zuo Kong said murderously.

“No, no adults!” The soldier immediately stood up in a panic, pointed in one direction, and hurriedly said: “Sir, since the demon of Anilu snatched the kingdom of Beka through demonic means, our great King Ars has been hiding on a cloud island near Beka. ”

Zuo Kong waved his hand impatiently and said, “Don’t lead the way with nonsense!” ”

In those eyes full of killing intent, the soldier obediently closed his mouth and pointed the direction, and Monet’s manipulator pirate ship rushed in that direction.

“Why is it so slow to let Odin’s group of bastards collect some money?” A man who looked to be in his thirties was sitting on Cloud Island and cursed and said.

He said so, but there was a trace of worry in his eyes, he was defeated by Anilu, the entire kingdom was violently captured, and in the end only these hundred and ten people were willing to follow him and leave, even if others knew that they were only afraid of Anilu’s demonic power, but betrayal was betrayal.

“King Ars, a pirate ship of the Blue Sea people has come.” The vigilant guards immediately reported nervously after discovering Zuo Kong’s group.

“Not good!” Ars immediately stood up and shouted loudly.

“Get ready for battle, the group of low-level pirates of the Blue Ocean People has called.”

“Inferior pirates, are you referring to me?” Suddenly, a faint voice came, and I don’t know when a hand on the left air pinched the soldier’s throat, and it had appeared in front of Ars, and said coldly.


Before Ars could speak, his abdomen was punched by Zuo Kong, even if Zuo Kong did not use any fruit ability, or even used domineering, but with the power of Zuo Kong’s punch now, it was still hard to form a shockwave-like impact, and the sea of clouds behind Ars was shattered.


Spitting blood and kneeling on the ground, Ars looked hideous, and struggled violently to get up several times, but in the end he could only lie weakly at the foot of Zuo Kong.

“Protect the King!”

“The wind blows snow…”

“Kiss the gun !!!”

The blizzard was flying, pink arrows shot out of the pink peach heart, snowflakes penetrated the human body and brought up blood flowers, but the pink arrows brought up stone statues.


This was a roar like a wild beast, and two hideous giant snakes rose up into the sky, emitting a crazy roar, and quickly swept away the guards who had surrounded here.

“King Ars is it! I want to make a deal with you, and you’d better agree, otherwise I’m sure your family definitely has people willing to work with. Zuo Kong grabbed Ars’s head and brought it up to him, chuckling and saying.

“What deal do you want to make?” Ars turned pale and his voice trembled. Trembling asked.

Although the heart hates to peel the left air and eat the flesh, he must put on a humble look on his face, which is what a conspirator should do.

“Good, it seems that you are very satisfied with me, let your people stop!” Zuo Empty continued.

Soon, under the command of Ars, only a few moments left more than twenty guards hurriedly surrounded, and Zuo Kong said: “I will help you drive away Anilu in the palace, and all you need to do is spend the resources of the entire country to build a pirate ship for me made of ‘shells’ unique to the empty island.” ”

“This is not…” Ars immediately refused without thinking.


A deep pit appeared directly on the cloud surface, and Zuo Kong clenched his fist with one hand, and said with an evil smile: “You are not qualified to resist!” In addition to agreeing to this deal, you must agree. ”

PS: Everyone, the last one of the public chapters will be on the shelves tomorrow morning, I hope you can give a first order, ask for support!

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