Pirates: My Piltover is far ahead in technology

Chapter 1 Starting Point: Valley of the Gods

Chapter 1 Starting Place - Valley of the Gods

West Sea, Valley of the Gods.

A large number of warships have surrounded this place, the flag of the World Government flutters in the wind, and the black and blue cross symbol is very dazzling under the reflection of the sun.

On the island, two high mountains stand here, and the steep mountain walls are as sharp as a knife and an axe.

The sky is dark and cloudy, as if a downpour will come at any time. In this dimness, a flash of light suddenly flashed.

The space was distorted, and a strange light burst out.

In the light curtain, a huge ship slowly emerged. It was made of black metal materials. The hull was as smooth as a mirror, but there was no reflection at all, which looked mysterious and solemn.


The light curtain in the sky disappeared abruptly, and with the sound of a heavy object falling to the ground, the mysterious black ship ran aground in the canyon.

Looking closer, a gear-like mark was engraved on the hull, indicating the owner of the ship.

"Ahem... this time the noise is a bit loud..."

Accompanied by a cough, a figure walked out of the cabin, and the dust around him could not cover the pale blue eyes.

A head of pink short hair, which looks both individual and full of vitality, and a pair of glasses seems to add a bit of bookish air to him.

"But this impact experiment is considered a success. This level of impact can no longer cause any impact. Now it's time to try another aspect."

The corners of his mouth rose slightly, and he patted his chest with great satisfaction. With a burst of blue light, the exoskeleton armor-like equipment seemed to enter a new mode.

But before he could conduct the next round of experiments, he realized some new problems. The environment here is completely different from the place where he moored the ship before.


It seems that this is not the first time he has experienced this kind of thing. The man did not seem panicked. He glanced at the dashboard on his wrist that monitors his physical condition. After confirming that he was not dreaming, he began to check the equipment on the ship.

"The compass is damaged, the power supply system is partially damaged, the defense system is operating normally, and no supplies are lost... It's not bad, not as bad as I thought.

But where is this place? There is no such thing in Bilgewater... Ionia?"

The man was wondering where he was sent to and tried to repair the damaged compass, but at this time, a shout came from a distance.

"Brother, do you want to sail away from here? Give up, that's impossible. The navy has surrounded the Valley of the Gods for a long time. It's impossible for the ship to leave here? Hee ha!"

Although the cliff on the side is steep, there are several natural rock platforms. At this time, on a relatively low platform, a slightly exaggerated big face has been exposed.

At this time, a big-faced man was lying on the edge of the cliff and waving here, and there was another person behind him to hold him to prevent the big-faced man from falling directly from above.

As the word Valley of the Gods entered his mind, the man also realized something wrong, such as the language spoken here was not the language he usually used.

It's just that he is proficient in many languages, so this is not a problem.

The man's name is Sidilir Oran. As expected, he has no father or mother.

He finally passed the postgraduate entrance examination, but encountered a reopening incident on the eve of graduation.

His soul came to the world of League of Legends - Piltover in Valoran, a city with highly developed commerce and technology.

This time, Oran also received the double blessing of the orphan buff.

There are many mysteries on this magical continent. One night, Oran discovered his talent - dream.

This is also the reason why Oran first determined whether he was in the dream world.

Every night, he will fall asleep. Unlike ordinary people, Oran's dreams seem to connect to fantastic places, and even exceed the limitations of time and space in some areas.

Through countless nights, his knowledge has grown rapidly, and he has gradually emerged in Piltover and become a rookie whose reputation is catching up with Heimerdinger.

Heimerdinger has a significant academic status in Piltover, and all of them are real talents and knowledge, which can be said to be the best evaluation of newcomers.

Previously, Orlan personally led a ship to Bilgewater to purchase a batch of special materials and planned to negotiate a new business. Unexpectedly, after an experiment in his spare time, Orlan seemed to encounter that mysterious incident again.

Even his body underwent some changes in the process, becoming much younger and returning to the appearance of sixteen or seventeen years old.

Due to his dream ability, Orlan's memory is quite good. Even if more than twenty years have passed since he came to Valoran, he still remembers some previous things, including the term "Valley of the Gods".

But it is limited to major events, such as the final result of a certain war.

He can't remember the specific details.

There are two people who questioned Orlan, in addition to this strange-behaving big-faced man with an afro, there is also a little girl who looks dirty and has a target painted on her clothes.

"Don't be stunned, brother, my goal is to survive. You don't want to wait for death here, do you? If that's the case, I won't waste time here, hehe!"

After confirming that Orlan had noticed him, the big-faced man stood up and made a strange move, continuing to wait for Orlan's answer.

"Let me first clarify one thing. What are your names?"

"My name is Ginny, and this is my older brother Ivankov. Is this something important? And little brother, shouldn't you tell me your own name?

Or should I just call you brother? "

Ginny was still stuffing food into her mouth when she asked. The dark food didn't look appetizing, but she ate it with relish.

"Just call me Oran. Let's talk about it later. Your goal is to survive, so you have to have a plan, right?"

With the slightly familiar name and the address of the Valley of the Gods, Olan could already judge the time and specific events at this time, and was completely sure of where he had arrived.

Compared to the birthplace of the world of Valoran that he had previously suspected, this place could be said to be terrible.

Ivankov has not yet become the Monster King, but his face is eye-catching enough. According to Oran's memory, Ivankov must have escaped successfully, otherwise there would be no future Monster King.

However, he did not intend to follow the other party directly. It is better to seek help from others than to ask for yourself. Only himself is the most reliable. Now that he appears here, he is already a variable. It is not a wise move to put the future on others.

Oran also remembers some of the situation in the Valley of the Gods. Whether it is a big pirate like Rocks or Roger, or a navy like Garp, or one of the Five Old Stars, Sartan, almost all named characters in the future will be there. This saw their presence.

But they have one thing in common. No one cares about the ordinary people on the island. If they don't want to be wiped out by the world government, they have to rely on themselves.

Oran needs Ivankov and the others to provide some specific conditions on the island so that he can study his own countermeasures. If there is enough time, the things he brings on board can cope with this situation.

The reason why Ivankov took the initiative to find them was also very simple. He knew that he and Ginny alone were not capable of escaping from here, so he needed some helpers to form an escape team.

Whether they are slaves or the original residents of the Valley of Gods, they are the prey of the Celestial Dragons, so they naturally have a common stance.

While looking for their companions, they were attracted by the sounds here. When Ivankov and Ginny arrived here, they saw the black ship that had already completed the journey.

With the help of trees and canes, Ivankov and Ginny slid down the gentle slope and came under the ship where Oran was.

The dark hull is different from the mainstream hulls on the sea, and the metallic luster is even rarer.

But before they could think too much, Olan dropped the rope ladder from above, looked at each other, and the two climbed onto the deck of the ship one after the other.

However, the formal meeting was not very friendly. As soon as their feet stepped onto the deck, the seemingly tight-fitting deck flipped over, and two black gun barrels protruded from it and aimed at them.

"Don't be nervous. It's just the automatic defense mechanism on my ship. Come on up. They won't attack you unless you act aggressively."

Looking at Ivankov and Ginny who were at a loss, Oran motioned for them to relax.

The waters of the Valoran continent are not peaceful, and Oran's ship is naturally equipped with a lot of heavy firepower. This is why he dares to let outsiders board his ship. In a sense, this is also a way to remind strangers not to mess around.

The panic disappeared in Ivankov's eyes, replaced by a kind of joy. In this case, meeting a person with a large number of weapons is not a bad thing.

"Don't look at it for now. If necessary, I will naturally let them play their due role. So now, is it time to talk about the information you have?"

Oran could see what Ivankov was thinking. Oran didn't care about some weapons, as long as they worked.

In this case, there is nothing wrong with sharing some supplies toward the end goal.

"Let me tell you, you probably don't know this. All in all, those Tianlong people will organize such an event every once in a while.

Disobedient slaves, criminals, or natives of the country chosen as a site will all become their prey.

In three weeks of hunting, the entire island will be slaughtered by them, and the island will become the new territory of the World Government. "

Ginny told her own information. It takes a certain amount of time for Tianlong to select a site and prepare for activities. The journey to the destination also takes time. It was this time that allowed Ginny and Ivankov to see some opportunities.

"The Tianlong people will give out prizes to the winners of the event, and those prizes are the key to our escape."


While listening to Ginny's plan, Oran also rechecked the equipment on the ship. In this case, Oran wanted to confirm that there was something on the ship that could be used to prevent accidents from happening.

"Yes, I am an expert in stealing and eavesdropping. Two of the prizes are the most powerful devil fruit that can transform into the phantom beast Blue Dragon when eaten.

There is also a meat ball fruit that can send you or others flying to a distant island. As long as we grab these two fruits, we can escape with the power of the fruit. If we are lucky, we can get dozens more people out. Not impossible. "

Having said this, Ginny waved her hand to the sky as if to cheer her up, as if this would increase her confidence.

"Xi Bulu, little brother, this is our plan. Can the cannon on your ship be removed? The prize is in the center of the island. It won't work if we don't prepare it properly.

We need more people..."

Ivankov looked up and down the things on Oran's ship. Everything here was new to him. Whether it was the special materials or the equipment on the ship, they were things he had never seen before.

Ginny's movements were not as obvious as his, but there was also curiosity in her eyes that could not be hidden.

"Those weapons are not suitable for mobile use. Come with me. I do have some things that can be used here. I just want to share my ideas with you.

I'll remind you in advance, don't touch things randomly, it will be bad if you get hurt."

Oran led the two to the direction of the cabin. As Oran said, they followed Oran carefully.

The previous automatic defense artillery still had a certain effect. Even if they were curious about the things on the ship, Ivankov and his team did not touch them, and temporarily buried the problem in their hearts.

Due to the damage of part of the power supply system, the cabin was a little dim. The unknown environment made Ginny a little nervous, but she continued:

"I have already spread the news before. I hope that the prize can attract other people. Anyway, this is it for the time being. Do you have anything to add?"

Ginny and Ivankov's plan has no details yet. After all, it is absolutely impossible to succeed with only the two of them, so they only made a rough framework.

"First of all, it is certain that ordinary ships cannot leave here, right?"

"Well, the warships have surrounded this place. I don't know how strong those people are. It may be difficult to fly out...

Your ship looks powerful, but it can't withstand that kind of firepower."

Ivankov's face was very ugly. Their plan only found a glimmer of hope in despair, and did not change the situation from the root.

"So, what do you think of this?"

After walking through a corridor, Orlan returned to his studio, took out a pair of spherical objects from the box on the table, and fixed them on the table.

The surface of the sphere is not a single metallic color, but is covered with complex golden decorations. These decorations present a sophisticated mechanical texture, as if telling some unknown story.

As Orlan pressed a switch, some cracks appeared on the sphere, and through the gap, a faint blue glow could be seen in the center.

In the puzzled eyes of Ivankov and Ginny, Ora casually picked up a screwdriver on the table and placed it on one end of one of the spheres.

The next moment, with the sound of gears rotating, the brilliant blue light condensed like ripples, the screwdriver was gradually assimilated by the light, the gears on the outside of the other sphere began to rotate, and the port also lit up at this moment.

As the dots of blue light condensed again, the screwdriver appeared intact on the opposite side of the other sphere.

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