"This... teleportation?!"

Ivankov's big face was full of surprise. He realized that he and Ginny were lucky. With this thing, the success rate of escape could be said to increase exponentially.

"That's right, it's teleportation. This is a model. I don't know whether it's good or bad luck. The parts on my ship just happen to be used to build this device.

The airship and ship can't get out slowly, but they can't stop this kind of teleportation. "

What Olan holds in his hands is the model of the Hex Flying Gate. In the dream, Olan has experienced various time and space, but the area where he usually lives is Piltover, where Hex technology is the foundation.

Originally, Piltover had a Hex flying door. The principle was to use the energy erupted from the Hex core to accelerate the airship, allowing it to reduce the time consumed on the road.

On this basis, Olan conducted a new round of research and development.

Hex Technology is very special. Its power is only limited by the user's imagination, and it contains infinite possibilities.

From powering machines to generating beams that can cut through the toughest steel, Hextech makes a difference in countless areas.

And due to technical reasons, even Hex craftsmen from the same school will have different techniques. It can be said that every Hex work is unique.

Compared with the original flying door, the flying door studied by Olan aims to teleport directly, which is more like the way in the game to teleport the hero to a designated location.

Originally, he went to Bilgewater to discuss business in this area. Because of his confidence in this technology, he directly brought the finished parts with him.

Transferring goods directly to the warehouse is much faster than moving them from the ship.

"Great, in that case..."

Ivankov seemed to see a bright future, but Olan immediately poured cold water on it.

"Don't be too quick to be happy. I haven't finished speaking yet. Although my research direction is to directly transmit the human body, and I have achieved experimental success, two interfaces are needed for stable transmission.

At present, it seems that we have no way to send out another port. In this case, we can only send people randomly. I can guarantee that people will be sent to a general area.

But which island in the area you are teleported to depends on your luck. "

After spreading his hands, Olan looked a little helpless. After all, the purpose of developing this technology was not to escape in an emergency. Without preparation, it would eventually be subject to certain restrictions.

"It's not a big deal, I don't think there's any island worse off right now."

Ginny thinks this is not a problem. The mortality rate of staying here is 100%. As long as you can get out, anywhere is better than this place.

After excluding places like the Red Earth Continent and the Navy Headquarters, I don’t know how high the survival rate will be.

"Second question, I need time."

Compared with the previous unstable transmission, this problem worried Oran more.

At least in terms of unstable teleportation, the problem of horizontal positioning has been solved. People will not be inexplicably teleported to high altitudes or into buildings. As long as they are not too violent and Mercury is retrograde, they can land safely.

However, Ivankov and the others did not seem to understand why Olan found this difficult.

"Don't you have ready-made parts on your ship? We can also help with assembly."

Raising his arms, Ivankov seemed to want to show that he was strong enough to be a laborer.

"Do you think this technology is as simple as building a toy? This device was originally used to transport goods alone, and some modifications are needed to transport the human body.

Especially the Hex core that drives this device, which is the source of power. Its power output must be changed to enable human teleportation. This is something only I can do. "

Olan picked up the model on the table and skillfully dismantled it. A blue crystal the size of a bottle cap was floating inside.

"This is the core of the device. Such a small piece is enough to drive this fantastic technology, but the real object is much larger than this."

Oran put away the miniature Hex core and motioned for the two to continue following him, and soon led them to the warehouse on the ship, where the parts of the Hex flying door were stored.

Dozens of huge boxes are neatly arranged inside, even the smallest one is taller than Ivankov.

"Ordinary people outside the core can do some things, but you two alone can't help much."

Oran pulled off the dustproof cloth, opened one of the boxes and showed Ivankov and the others the huge metal parts.

The size of the large device that connects two different city-states is far exaggerated compared to Oran's model. The parts of these flying doors take up most of the space of the ship.

Looking at the gear parts that were taller than himself, Ivankov also became silent, but Ginny remained optimistic about it.

"So in addition to time, you also need some manpower, right?"

“That’s right, it’s best to have ready-made skilled workers, whether it’s shipwrights, blacksmiths, or carpenters, there should be quite a few on this island.

My requirements are not high, as long as I can understand the drawings. "

If there are some basics, it is not complicated to teach them how to assemble. Now Olan even misses the other employees on his ship. If they are here, it will be much more convenient.

It's just that during the break last night, they were all driven to the hotel on the dock by Olan. Only Olan himself was still doing experiments on the ship, so now Olan was alone.

"Your plan should continue. If you do it in two ways, the probability will be higher. But no matter what you do, it is necessary to recruit some people.

No one will die here willingly. There should be many people who are willing to fight."

After taking out some things that might be useful from the side, Oran began to further arm himself. He had some fear of insufficient firepower, which could be said to be a national genetic problem.

"It stands to reason that it is like this, but those guys are Celestial Dragons. There are probably not many who have the courage to resist."

Ivankov raised his concerns. Since the establishment of the World Government, hundreds of years of rule have made the Celestial Dragons' position deeply rooted.

And according to the intelligence Ivankov has, the Celestial Dragons will use the lie of giving freedom after surviving for three weeks to let the "prey" escape and increase their own fun.

"The false hope given by the Celestial Dragons may make many people give up resistance and be willing to escape..."

"The life and death of such people has nothing to do with us. What, do you still want to save everyone?"

Olan never thought that he was a selfless person. He would not sacrifice himself for a group of irrelevant people.

Under the premise of sufficient ability, Orlan also does not mind helping the other party, provided that the other party has the same idea as himself and has the same goal.

For example, Ivankov and Ginny are planning an escape operation. Their goal is to leave here. At the same time, Ginny and others can provide relevant information here, so they can naturally form a temporary alliance.

Subjectively give up resistance, leave fate to the enemy, and pray for mercy from the other party.

In Orlan's view, this idea means that he has given up hope of escape, and he will "respect" the other party's idea. As long as they don't hinder him, Orlan won't care about these people.

Ivankov also understands this truth. As slaves, there are people like him and Ginny who are unwilling to accept their fate and take the opportunity to resist, and there are also people who have already accepted their fate and live like zombies.

The current situation is not optimistic. The future time is almost a countdown to death. They can't waste all their time on a group of people who accept their fate.

"If I have the ability, I really want to do it, but it's unrealistic. In fact... I think if even one of us can escape, it will be a great victory."

After a little sigh, Ivankov still chose to face reality.

"That's no problem. People who don't want to fight for themselves are not worth saving. But your goal is too small. I don't want to escape in such a shame."

"What do you want to do?"

"This world has given me such a special gift when I first arrived, so of course I have to give a return gift of sufficient weight."

The blue pupils became a little deeper, and no one could tell what Oran was thinking.

"What do you mean by return gift..."

No matter what, the word return gift in this situation is too strange.

"This world" is just some weird habits in Ivankov's ears. There are many such people on the sea, and Ivankov himself is an example, but the word return gift is not appropriate at all.

Even Ivankov himself did not realize that soon after, the word "return gift" had a new definition in his cognition. In addition to making people happy, gifts can also be fatal.

The new book period needs to catch up with the brothers. This is the mechanism of the website, so the update frequency is relatively slow during the new book period.

The new book period is 4,000 words per day, two chapters a day (there will be one more today), and the update time will be as fixed as possible afterwards.

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