"Desperate situations will make people give up, but as long as there is hope, the desire to survive will prompt the body to fight. It just so happens that I can give this hope.

Compared to your and Ginny's plan, don't you think that a ready-made model of escape plan can convince them more?"

Visible objects can always convince others better than simple plans.

While saying this, Orlan also took them to another cabin.

The things here are slightly messy, and the types are also varied.

Machine-made lotus, strange parts, purple fluorescent potions, eggs of unknown creatures, mysterious green fruits, and several crawling green beetles can be seen.

Olan picked up two short cannon-like things and handed them to Ivankov and Ginny, and then put away the lotus.

"You're right, but what does this have to do with the return gift?"

"The Feimen plan is to tell the natives here that we have a practical way to leave here, but this is not enough. The people who caused all this are the Celestial Dragons. Ignoring them is a bit embarrassing for me."

There is not much emotional change in Oran's eyes, and even his tone is very calm, but if Oran's old employees see this, they will realize that their boss is now in a very unhappy state, and his bottom line has obviously been broken.

According to convention, people who offend their bosses like this never have a good end. Whether it is the Alchemist Baron of Zaun or the Councillor of Piltover, Oran always has a way to fight back.

"Do you want to..."

"It's a very simple truth. Whatever they want to do, I will make them unable to do it.

The Celestial Dragons want to exterminate this island, so I will take some people away within my ability.

The Celestial Dragons regard this place as a hunting ground, and I will break the myth of them here."

If I didn't know what the current situation was, Ivankov would think that Oran was like that hunter. He felt that Oran had a special self-confidence.

In fact, Orlan also intends to use actions to prove the identity of hunter and prey, which is not as simple as it seems.

The Celestial Dragons are world nobles and are protected by the navy. Attacking the Celestial Dragons will attract the admiral of the navy. This is common sense on the sea.

In the cognition of many navy, protecting the Celestial Dragons is also one of their responsibilities. After years of influence, even if the Celestial Dragons want to take away everything from them, many people dare not resist.

Even if Ivankov has the idea of ​​​​resistance, his goal at this time is just to escape and prevent the Celestial Dragons from achieving their goals.

But these ideas can't affect Orlan, whether it is the original world or the life of Valoran, it is the same.

Especially in the life of Valoran, whether it is the territory of demigods or the noble Protoss, humans have never sat back and waited for death, and there are far more than one people who have killed gods.

"Break the myth? Do you want to..."

Looking at the short cannon in his hand, coupled with Ora's remarks, Ivankov thought of a result that he dared not think of at all.

But he still wanted to confirm this result from Orlan.

"They all have one head on two shoulders. If they can kill people, can't we kill them?

They are descendants of the original 20 kings, but so what? The glory of their ancestors is not an aura of invincibility.

You also said that there will be 200 Celestial Dragon hunters scattered everywhere on this island. I admit that our current capabilities are not enough to deal with those top elites.

But the Celestial Dragon group is full of waste, and it is still possible to kill such guys."

"Hee Bulu... This is really an unexpected plan..."

No one knows what happened in the more distant history, but after the failure of Joy Boy in the blank 100 years, there was almost no voice against the Celestial Dragons in this sea.

More than 100 years ago, a mysterious robot attacked the Red Earth Continent, but in the end it was fruitless.

Olan's exaggerated idea has not appeared for too long.

"Olan, you have to live."

"What are you talking about?"

"I mean, your idea is to break the foundation of the rule of the Celestial Dragons one day in the future. Even if only you can leave here, it will be a great victory."

Ivankov's tone was a little excited. He was only 15 years old and was easily excited by a few words.

Olan's words seemed to open the door to a new world for him, but Oran himself did not show any excitement.

"Don't put that weird high hat on me. I'm just doing it for myself."

"Wait! Wait! You two calm down first! Isn't our current plan to escape! Although your words are really shocking, Oran, the Celestial Dragons are not so easy to kill.

They must have life cards. If you kill one directly, I'm afraid the navy protecting them on the island will go crazy. At that time..."

Ginny felt that her elder brother was a little excited with this person who had just met, and even lost his mind. She admitted that Oran's words made sense, but they couldn't bear the consequences of this incident.

"Of course we won't kill him directly. Even if it's a sacrifice, it will be done before the expedition. But those 200 Tianlong people won't have to sign in every day.

We just need to catch one at a suitable time, and then find another suitable time to kill him, and our goal will be achieved."

Once the myth is broken, the seeds of resistance will sprout.

This is also part of Olan's so-called return gift, but in this sea, it is unknown whether this spark can really ignite.

"The net gun I just gave you two is a net gun that fires a 90-caliber rope net. It's a Piltover police equipment. It's just that the recoil is a bit strong. I'll try it outside later. If you don't understand anything, I'll teach you how to do it."

Oran needs some craftsmen to assist in its assembly, which means more people will gather in one place.

Judging from the intelligence brought by Ivankov and Ginny, the Celestial Dragons called the slaves and aborigines on the island Tuotu and divided them into points.

There are 13 SR level rabbits and 150 R level rabbits. A total of more than 100,000 people are the hunting targets of the Tianlong people. In order to obtain more points, densely populated places must be the places where the Tianlong people attack first.

And human nature cannot stand the test. No one is sure what a person can do before the threat of death.

Although some people can stick to their hearts, but in the current situation, there is no room for trial and error.

Therefore, before recruiting other people, Oran needs a small group of his own to ensure the operation of specific plans and control the order of the people gathered here.

Ivankov and the others, who proposed another plan and shared intelligence, also became Oran's priority.

"It is indeed a very tough rope net. Those ordinary Dracos shouldn't be able to break free. It's the recoil. I'm afraid Ginny won't be able to use it well.

At this time, Oran had already used the cutting machine on the ship to remove the handcuffs of Ivankov and Ginny, taught them how to use the net gun, and showed them some trap props.

It didn't take long for Ivankov to become familiar with the recoil of the weapon, but it was still a bit difficult for Ginny at this time.

Even an adult woman will be bounced a short distance due to the recoil when the rope net is launched. It is the same series of equipment as the Piltover policewoman Caitlin, but has been slightly modified.

Ginny, who was malnourished and young, could not operate this weapon. She mostly used the phone bug in her hand to steal intelligence from the island.

The phone bug is one of the unique species in this sea. It lives in various areas. Its body is just a special wild snail. As long as some parts are added, it can become a phone.

Ginny used the parts from Oran's ship to complete the modification of the field snail in the Valley of the Gods. After the equipment was enhanced, she also eavesdropped on more information.

"Those Celestial Dragons were about to start hunting, but a slave from the Bakania tribe escaped just now, and the direction of escape was probably over there."

Ginny checked the simple terrain map and roughly determined a range. At this moment, the headphones she was wearing received new signal fluctuations, which made her look happy.

"Brother Ivankov, Oran, I found a lot of signal fluctuations in the nearby waters. It seems that the news that was spread before has been received!"

"Hip! That's good news. It's better to bring more powerful guys. The more chaos this place gets, the more opportunities we have."

With the tools and equipment aboard Oran's ship to support her, Ginny's talents were put to good use.

She even contacted the people at the Valley of the Gods Shipyard and obtained their specific location, which has now been roughly marked on the terrain map.

Ivankov has also mastered the loading and aiming of weapons. Seeing that they are almost ready, Olan is also ready to start the next plan.

"I hope we can't all focus on the unknown. No matter which plan it is, the three of us are not enough. Let's take action first.

Wasn't there another one who escaped? There are still many people who don't want to wait to die.

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