Pirates: My Piltover is far ahead in technology

Chapter 100: If there is a mass-produced machine, there will naturally be Unit-01

"I understand. I'm ready, Mr. Zefa."

The third-term student of the training camp, Kuzan, the future admiral of the navy - Aokiji.

He is not lazy now, but full of energy.

People are not accomplished overnight. The lazy Kuzan in the original timeline is the confused Kuzan after experiencing a lot.

He is still a passionate young man now. He joined the navy with passion and wanted to make some contributions to the future.

Although he didn't understand why the first class of the navy training camp was to fight with stickmen, he still stood in the predetermined position.

"Teacher Zefa, what should I do if it breaks?"

"If you can do it, just try it. In that case, I will apply to the headquarters directly for your early graduation."

As training robots, the main purpose of these works of Orlan is to obtain data, rather than let the navy use them as weapons.

Therefore, their combat effectiveness is not high, but they are strong enough. Even if they are training machines, they are solid iron shells.

The students in the graduation season did have a record of destroying training robots. For example, Sakaski and Borsalino scrapped one each, and a creature named Karp also broke one because of itchy hands.

This refers to complete damage that cannot be repaired.

The remaining people have more or less left their own marks on it. Now the bodies of those robots have been replaced several times. The most frequently used one has all its parts no longer in the factory appearance.

But no one who has just entered school can do this, and the difficulty increases as time goes by.

These robots will simulate and record other people's combat movements and methods. After two classes of students, the robots now have more practical experience.

The third class of students is equivalent to challenging the graduates of the first two classes.

"Teacher Zefa, I am very interested in the bottle of wine in your wine cabinet."

"Okay, if you can scrap this training machine, the bottle of wine will be yours."

Although today is the first lesson of the formal class, Zefa has been teaching the "preschool class" for a while.

Of the three classes of students he has handled so far, only Sakaski and Borsalino can be confirmed as monsters, and Kuzan is the third one. In terms of compatibility, Kuzan is also the one that matches him best.

"No ability allowed, the rest is up to you, let's get started!"

The dormant machine started up again, and Kuzan also faced the first challenge of joining the navy.

Seeing Kuzan, who didn't know what domineering was, tempering his body step by step according to his words, Zefa smiled with relief. This student was still very obedient.

However, after this, Zefa had a headache again. He found that there seemed to be some problems with his education of his son.

Since he became the chief instructor, Zefa moved his family into the training camp. In addition to leading new recruits, he also trained his son.

In terms of combat concepts, Zefa advocates that the body is the foundation, and abilities can be relied on, but not dependent.

However, after experiencing the pirate attack, Yeklik became a little eager for quick success. Zefa's step-by-step teaching always made him feel too slow, and he always wanted Zefa to find a suitable ability for him to achieve qualitative change in a short period of time.

Although Yeklik would exercise his body according to his instructions, he still did not change his mind.

"Dad, have you found a devil fruit that suits me?"

"Yeklik, you are too obsessed with devil fruits, this is not good."

"I just want to get stronger quickly."

"Then you have to do it step by step. You can become a strong person without fruit abilities. Let's not talk about the older generation. You have also seen Leliana, she is not a capable person."

In the past two years, Oran has also been to the Navy Headquarters several times. Leliana occasionally comes out with him. It was at that time that Zefa met Leliana.

To be fair, Zefa admits that Oran's daughter is a genius. Her fighting nerves are particularly sharp, and her physique is surprisingly strong. Even after two years of special training, ordinary soldiers can't do anything to her.

Especially since Leliana and Yeklik are of the same age, the gap is even more prominent.

"She said that Uncle Orlan has already had a goal, but he just needs to wait."

"You are still young, lay a good foundation first, and I will find a fruit that suits you."

If he just finds an unknown type of devil fruit, Zefa can really do it, but as a father, he also wants to find a stronger and more suitable fruit for his child.

The most important thing is that he wants to cultivate Yeklik's character first. Excessive pursuit of devil fruits will lead to some misunderstandings.

"What is this?"

Zefa saw a large box more than one meter high on the side. From the way it was packaged, it looked like a gift box.

"It's a gift from Uncle Orlan, I haven't opened it yet."

[Full metal assembly model Strike Freedom, movable, height 1.2 meters, number of parts 10989]

Zefa looked at the appendix above and knew what it was, an assembled metal model, although he didn't understand why Orlan named it Strike Freedom.

"There are so many parts, how can a child play with them? Orlan is really careless."

"Dad, where are you going?"

During the halftime break, Yeklik looked at Zefa holding the box and wanted to leave, and asked with a little confusion.

"I will put this together for you. This is too much energy for you. Focus on training. You can just play with it during the break.

Also, don't bring personal items like this to the training ground next time."

Zeffer didn't give Yeklik a chance to explain and kept it for him temporarily.

At the same time, in Mary Joa, Satan had just put down the Den Den Mushi in his hand, and the people below reported a lot of information to him.

"What's wrong Satan, have the people you are concerned about made any new moves?"

The Five Elders didn't always hold meetings with five people. At this time, apart from Satan, there was only Nasu Juro in the room.

Nasu Juro seemed very casual, not as cold to ordinary officials as usual.

The title of Saint or Palace is a honorific among the Celestial Dragons. The Five Elders are very familiar with each other, so naturally they will not add that special honorific.

"That guy Sidilier seems to want to do something in a no-man's land. It seems that the doctor's ambition is a little bigger than I thought."

"Sidilier? Oh, the guy who makes prosthetics. I remember you said before that you wanted to use his technology to transform the eliminated agents of CP9. Have you implemented it?"

"Not yet. The cost of that level of transformation is still too high. Those eliminated people are not worth the price. Wait until his technology is further innovated, maybe it can be considered. Unfortunately, his level is still a little bit worse.

If he didn't focus on medicine, he should be able to bring greater value to the world government."

In front of Satan were several name tags with the names of Vegapunk, Orlan, Caesar and others.

"What is he doing in the no-man's land? Does he want to be the king?"

"It doesn't matter. It's just an abandoned land that can't afford the sky gold. I don't pay much attention to it.

Vegapunk's technology is enough, but it's too idealistic. Such an ideal person is hard to control.

Sidilier pursues interests and has great ambitions, but he always does things within the rules. Such a reasonable person is easier to control. Unfortunately, he is slightly inferior to Vegapunk."

Satan looks very entangled, as if he is doing some difficult multiple-choice questions.

"So, who do you decide to choose to complete that thing?"

"I'm still observing. In fact, he is the most suitable person. He is greedy for enjoyment and has no bottom line. High positions and generous salaries can make him work for us. Unfortunately, his technical level is too poor."

Satan's eyes focused on the name tag with Caesar's name on it. High positions and generous salaries are the lowest value things in the eyes of the world government, but they are what Caesar wants.

If Caesar's ability is not really good enough, perhaps Satan will entrust him with an important task.

At this time, Orlan, who was considered to be somewhat incapable in Satan's eyes, was in an absolutely safe place, exerting his true ability.

"Bear, come a few more times, I need to observe again."

"Okay, do you want me to slow down a little?"

"Try your best."

In his own Shushu research room, Orlan was still studying the P particle shield.

He didn't have to worry about this problem, but others couldn't.

If he wanted to help others "slay demons", he would have to wait until one day Orlan mutated again, so that his dreams could lead people and bring other ability users to people who specialize in dealing with demons.

It would also be okay to meet higher-level creatures such as Bard and the Dragon King, who were real gods.

Before this, this ability to be immune to weaknesses was exclusive to Orlan.

Perhaps it was too metaphysical, his own dreams had always been the biggest mystery, even Heimerdinger had no clue, and in the end he only made a dream tractor.

Perhaps when Orlan came into contact with the end of science, this thing would fall apart by itself, after all, the end of science might be metaphysics.

Orlan didn't know what the World Government thought of him. Even if he knew, he wouldn't be surprised. This was what he wanted.

When talking about business, you don't have to show all your cards right away. Before deciding to turn the table, the more cards you have, the higher the value.

While Orlan was acting, two teams were conducting actual combat exercises.

A total of 24 mechas were divided into four groups at this time, and on the side, there was the 25th, or the first mecha, acting as the commander.

The height standard of this batch of mechas is three meters. The commander looks no different from the other 24 in appearance, except that the number on the chest is zero.


After a drill, Unit 0 squatted down, and the chest of the mecha opened. Ginny moved and jumped out of it.

"It's really a fool-proof operation. It's not difficult to get started."

The other 24 mass-produced machines have no manned function and are pure robots. This Unit 0, which can also be regarded as Unit 01, is the command machine made by Orlan alone.

In addition to being able to act as an unmanned mecha like other mechas, it can also be worn as a power armor. After all, the functions of Unit-01 are generally a little more.

As one of the development lines of many parallel universes in the Valoran world, the technology tree of this universe has long overcome the difficulties of humanoid mechas. Although it is a metal body, it can be as flexible as the human body and maintain balance in complex environments.

The humanoid appearance allows the operator to better adapt to the operation and combat methods of the body, and can use the mecha as an extended body without complex training.

"Are you familiar with the operation? You have a good talent for operating machines."

"But is this enough? It seems that we have to deal with an entire island."

"Enough. I have invested all the money I saved some time ago into them. These twenty-odd mechas can be replaced with Baileys to build ten warships."

In layman's terms, Baileys are relatively valuable for half a Pacifist. For a long time, its purchasing power has not changed much. It's just that the number of pirates is relatively small nowadays, so the era of bounty expansion has not yet arrived.

There is still a gap between these guard mechas and Pacifism. If Pacifists are heavy tanks that charge head-on, then guard mechas are light armored vehicles responsible for interspersing on the battlefield.

However, they have to face a group of pirates and gangs without heavy weapons. This kind of defense is enough.

"But Oran, do you really want me to drive this?"

"The driver's position is not fixed. Kate doesn't like the environment in the cockpit after the mecha is folded. Fran thinks that thing is in the way. If you are worried about danger, you don't have to."

"How could it be? This thing is super cool! I'm just afraid of breaking it. It sounds very expensive."

Ginny's eyes were even twinkling with stars when she looked at these mechas. The temptation of driving power armor was really great for her. She really couldn't refuse this cool thing.

Although she had only driven it a few times, she had already fallen in love with it.

In fact, Xiong was also interested, but his body shape was too different from that of ordinary people, and there was no possibility of driving at all.

Ginny was still the one with the lowest combat effectiveness in their group, but she was the one who needed external armor protection the most. With Ginny's own non-resistance, she successfully became the driver of the mecha.

The voyage continued. After a period of exploration, Ginny became more and more proficient in the operation of this set of guard mechas.

When they were about to reach their destination, the second meeting was held on time in Oran's book world.

"We will arrive at our destination tomorrow. I have to ask, are you ready to be a hero?"

Being a hero is the reason why Orlan finally chose this humanoid mecha when choosing the mecha model. They want to appear as saviors and bring a new order to this island.

Whether as a team to eliminate evil or an armed force to maintain order, a positive image that can be accepted by the public is needed.

The weird-shaped killing mecha is more suitable for slaughter. If you want to establish a regime of terror, they are also suitable, but that is not Orlan's goal. The appearance close to humans is the easiest to accept.

After all, a prince riding a white horse and an orc riding a white horse are two different options.

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