Pirates: My Piltover is far ahead in technology

Chapter 101 The mecha is cool, but what if it is used to attack you? (6k)

The prince riding on a white horse is a hero, and generally a series of love stories will derive from it.

If the person riding on the white horse is a monk, you can listen to him chanting, and if you are brave, you can cut his nails for him, and maybe you can get some unexpected benefits.

But if it is an ugly half-orc, chanting in an orcish language that no one can understand, waving a big stick and drooling, it is difficult for people to think that he is a hero, but another monster.

So image is very important.

If nothing unexpected happens, this batch of mechas will also be transferred to the Royal Guards in the future. As a Royal Guard, in addition to combat power, it must also have a good appearance.

"Hero. Isn't it a bit bad for us to say this? It feels a bit weird."

"Yes, or Brother Oran, you can be the hero, and we will cooperate with you. Anyway, all this is invented by you, and the plan is also prepared by you."

For the word hero, Xiong and Ginny were a little embarrassed. They never thought that one day they would be associated with that kind of word.

Ginny wanted Orlan to enjoy the reputation of a hero. In a sense, Orlan had experience. He had done something similar once, but he was a masked hero that time, and not many people knew his name.

"You think too highly of the word hero. It's not as far-reaching as you think. Of course, it's not that you call yourself a hero. Even dramas don't play like that.

We want to prove it with actions and let others call out the word hero from the bottom of their hearts. The savior in distress is the most suitable script for heroes.

It's cliché, but effective."

The identity of a hero is used frequently on the sea.

Doflamingo's actions in Dressrosa and Crocodile's actions in Alabasta are examples. They both established a positive image for themselves before taking action.

Those two countries have inherent royal power. Unlike here, the order has collapsed long ago. The appearance of heroes here is more reasonable.

"If you are really confused, think about who the current Navy hero is and how he became a hero."

"Well, if you say that, Brother Oran, I suddenly think there is no problem."

If saving the Celestial Dragons can make them great heroes of the Navy, then it seems reasonable for them to be called heroes for liberating the people here from the dire situation.

They are not hypocritical, they are really taking action.

"So Dad, are we going to beat all the bad guys and then accept the cheers of the crowd like the heroes in the picture book? Like the sky?"

The Warrior of the Sea, the Sky, is a serialized picture book on the sea, published in Morgans' World Economic News. It is written by the Navy and is currently the most popular picture book on the sea.

The villain BOSS is based on Germa. This picture book even made Oran discover some weird problems. After leaving MADS, Judge ran back to the North Sea to start his own research. He has not yet completed his goal of revitalizing Germa.

In other words, the template for the Navy's villain is the Germa of the past, but the abilities developed by Judge match those in the picture book.

For a moment, Orlan didn't know whether it was Judge who chose to replicate the abilities of his ancestors in the study of bloodline factors in order to revive Germa, or whether part of his technology came from archaeology, or whether Judge was a little too excited and conducted scientific research according to the Navy's picture book.

According to the standard that ancient technology is the primary productive force in this sea, Judge might really be doing archaeology in the North Sea secretly.

"Well, it's almost the same, but what we have to do is much more complicated than in the picture book.

How about Riley, do you want to be a hero?"

Today's meeting is still more like a family meeting, and the process is very relaxed. Even if Riliana can participate, Orlan doesn't care if she occasionally makes some childish remarks, but guides her to continue to grow.

"If it's just to beat the bad guys, I think I can do it!"

"Okay, you will have a chance to show it then."

Then Orlan and the others agreed on some details and left the book world. After all, this is still a navy warship, and it is not wise to stay in the book all the time.

The first half of the Grand Line, Firefly Island

The total area is equivalent to that of Wano Country in the New World, which refers to the total area of ​​the inland sea including Wano Country, that is, the size of the entire wall of Wano Country from a bird's-eye view.

Since losing its status as a member country sixteen years ago, this island has been in decline, and the living standard has begun to plummet. The current population is even less than half of that year.

Today, there are a large number of pirates and gangs gathered on this island, and the indigenous people have become the most vulnerable group.

On Luffy's route in the original timeline, a large number of pirates gave up the idea of ​​moving forward because the record pointer pointed to Sky Island, and gathered in Mogu Town. The situation here on Firefly Island is similar.

Most of the pirates who dare not continue to sail on this route gather here.

Although this is an illegal area and it is very chaotic on weekdays, it has not fallen to the point of a doomsday wasteland. After all, gangs and pirates also need to survive. They know that if the people on the island are gone, they will have no one to exploit.

There was nothing the people who stayed on the island could do. The Grand Line was not a place where you could just go out to sea. If you were not well prepared, the day you set sail would become a day of mourning.

On the day a country lost its membership, the World Government’s ships would no longer come and go, and the people on the island would lose the chance to leave.

The powerful had already fled with the king, and the brave ones also went out to sea to find opportunities. Most of those who stayed behind were helpless.

Some survived in the cracks, or became part of a violent group, ensuring their quality of life by exploiting others. In this place without rules, the evil of human nature has been infinitely magnified.

"Navy! The navy is back!!"

A busy man on the beach ran to the settlement by the beach and shouted excitedly.

After sixteen years, the navy's warships appeared on the coastline of Firefly Island again. The residents who saw all this were very excited for a while. They thought the navy was finally coming to restore order here.

But the greater the hope, the greater the disappointment. The navy did nothing. After staying for half an hour, it left here silently in the hopeful eyes of those people.

Except for putting some people down here, the navy had no intention of taking any action.


After a long sigh, the people who had just gathered dispersed again and began to work hard to survive. As for those who got off the warship, no one paid attention to them. In the eyes of the locals, they were just a group of exiled people.

How could powerful people come back here? It seems that those navy officers are just escorts.

At first, not many people were willing to leave the Kingdom of Solbe with Orlan and his friends. In fact, it took less than half an hour to get off the ship. The reason why it was delayed for so long was that someone regretted it.

The port here has become a little dilapidated under the baptism of time. No one will repair the port that has lost management every day. As long as it can be used, it is enough.

Even before departure, Ginny had stated several times that the destination this time was not rich, and might even be worse than the Kingdom of Solbe, so that they were mentally prepared in advance.

But such an environment still exceeded the expectations of many people.

For such people, Orlan did not force them, but asked Dodori to take them to the nearby orderly islands before letting them go.

They were willing to board the ship, and there would always be some price to pay for regretting at the last minute. It was basically impossible to send them back to their original location.

Oran needed some people who were willing to work hard and develop together, so he would not force them to stay, which would leave a thorn in his base.

After all this trouble, there were exactly 200 people who were willing to stay.

"Dr. Sidilier, the mission has been completed, and we should leave. I wish you good luck in your future actions."

Dodori did not stay for too long. He knew that Oran was a "natural system" ability user. As a natural system, he would definitely have no problem protecting himself in such a place.

"Everyone, you will not regret your choice today. I promise you that in a few years, this island will become an island that others will be eager to immigrate to!"

After leaving his promise, Oran chose a relatively flat piece of land to camp temporarily. He had only found out the historical situation here before, and it remains to be seen what the current situation has become.

"Zach, I leave it to you. Find out the general situation around here."

"Leave it to me, my dear master."

Zach's body began to split up on its own. After splitting into several pieces, it rushed to the surroundings, and Ginny also did her old job, using Den Den Mushi to eavesdrop, trying to find some useful information.

"Bear, you and Fran go for a walk around, ask the locals for some information, or go to the town center to observe the situation."

"Okay, don't worry, Brother Oran."

"Understood, father."

Frankenstein and Bear walked to the depths of the island in a group. Both of them were capable people, and they were enough to deal with most situations here.

"Kate, be alert nearby, I need to do some final debugging."

"Meow knows, I won't let a mosquito go."

As she spoke, Kate released an electric current, electrocuting a mosquito that tried to get close to Oran into ash, literally doing what she just said.

When the craftsmen and immigrants arrived at the chosen camp, Orlan had already made a simple enclosure with huge books. The cover of the Book-Book Fruit was controllable, so the book covers were all covered with ready-made rock skin, which looked like a soil city.

The group of people took action according to their duties, and Ginny got some information in a short time.

"The biggest force on Firefly Island is a pirate alliance, but their alliance is a bit sloppy and there is no harmony within. One of the pirate groups has discovered us and is considering whether to take action."

There was also a map on the table in front of Ginny, and Ginny was marking the general location of the other party on it.

"There is a gang in the town, which is also a big force, but it is not as good as those pirates and can only stabilize a small piece of territory."

There are many Den Den Mushi communicating on the island, and Ginny gradually gathered some valuable information from those words.

The total area of ​​Firefly Island is not small. At this time, Orlan and his location is only one end of the island. Although the few people who explored in depth have sent back information, they have no plans to return tonight.

The people on the island also welcomed their first night in a foreign land.

Most of the people who followed Orlan and others to leave the Kingdom of Solbei and did not regret staying were immigrants from outside the Kingdom of Solbei. Such people have long adapted to immigrant life.

Although the current environment is simple, they don't feel uncomfortable. The guards around them also give them endless sense of security. The gun muzzles as thick as forearms look quite reliable.

"Olan, a group of people are approaching the camp. There are about 30 people, all carrying weapons. Do you want to kill them directly?"

In the woods nearby, Kate squatted on a tree, her red pupils scanning the unknown people moving below.

"Correction, meow saw the skull flag mark on them. These people are all pirates."

"Received, are you sure there are no other people?"

"There are no in the woods, and I don't know if they are farther away."

"Keep alert, we will deal with that group, and we just need a practical test."


Kate retracted her claws that had been extended, and continued to lurk, while in the camp, Ginny moved first.

"Brother Oran, let me do it. I have been simulating this thing in your ability for almost a month. We have to try it this time."

Ginny has entered the mecha. She is not afraid of fighting. After joining the Revolutionary Army in the original timeline, she was also the captain of the Eastern Army who led the team on the front line.

"Go, take No. 1 and No. 2 with you. Three are enough to deal with this situation."

Olan did not stop Ginny. He was confident in his creation. If he went alone, he would not bring other mechas. In this regard, Ginny and he had the same idea.

"Brother Oran, you are still too cautious. If you ask me, one is enough."

"Take the opportunity to test your command ability. Go, don't be careless."

"Don't worry, don't worry. When Xiongzai was studying, I also worked hard. I am her sister. I can't let Xiongzai surpass me."

The shell of the mecha closed, and a red light flashed at the position of the head detector. The three mechas walked out of the gate of the camp one after another.

"Brother, didn't the captain tell us to wait for news? Isn't it a bad idea for us to act rashly like this?"

"Yes, didn't the boss say that he would discuss it with the other people?"

"Are you stupid? How many people did the navy let go? The navy won't come here for vacation. Those people must have been exiled. How much money can such people have? There is not enough for everyone to share.

'You must not act alone', the boss's words mean that we must act first, do you understand?

This is why you can only be younger brothers, and I, who joined later, can become the deputy captain. You must learn to understand the deep meaning of the big brother's words."

The man called the big brother is called Stewi. He was originally a resident of the island. Under the constant harassment of pirates, he finally joined a pirate group. With his flexible mind, he did quite well.

At this time, he had a look of disappointment, and seemed very disappointed with the performance of his younger brothers.

"Brother, there is a red firefly on your head."

"Who told you to care about fireflies! What's so interesting about that thing?"

The attention of his younger brother made him very angry. He tried so hard to teach them to grow up, but this group of people actually paid attention to fireflies.

There are quite a lot of fireflies on this island, otherwise it would not be called Firefly Island, but is it important?

"Besides, fireflies don't emit red light. When will you be smarter?"

"Brother, there really is one, and now there is one on your chest."

After hearing this, Stewie looked down at his chest and saw a red dot shining there.

Stewie raised his hand to slap it away, but not only did he not touch the "firefly", but he also let it fall on the back of his hand.

Compared with a group of people whose average cultural level is illiterate, Stewie is indeed smarter, but the problem is that he has never seen things like laser pens before, and the technology level of this island has not reached this level.

"What the hell is that?"

"Is it a ghost fire? I heard from the old people in the village that if a person dies unjustly, he will become a ghost fire and follow others all the time. Is he looking for a scapegoat?"

"Is it so scary? It seems that Brother Stewie has wronged a lot of people. Yesterday, that girl said that she would not let go even if she became a ghost."

"Don't be stupid! Help me get rid of this thing!"

Listening to the gossip of his brothers, Stewie's psychological pressure became heavier and heavier. He immediately cursed, but no matter what he did, the position of the red dot did not change.

"Brother Oran, I think we can lower the alert level a little? If the pirates here are all such idiots, we can sleep peacefully."

The red dot is naturally the laser indicator of the mecha weapon. Because Ginny adjusted the light source relatively low, those people did not find the source of the red dot.

Seeing that these people were about to study the means of exorcism, in order to prevent herself from seeing dirty things, Ginny adjusted the intensity of the light source, so that a bright red beam of light appeared in the night.

At the same time, Ginny turned on the speaker and shouted to the pirates.

"Hey, hey, hey! Pirates, look here!"

"A woman's voice?! Is it really the ghost of that girl? She's coming for revenge!"

However, this seemed to have the opposite effect. The pirates who were busy putting out the ghost fire even thought of something more terrifying.

"Stupid, where do ghosts come from in this world! It's all that guy's fault!"

Not everyone is blind. At least Stevie has seen Ginny approaching from the direction of the camp.

The special material does not reflect the moonlight, and only a dim figure can be seen at this time.

Realizing that he was fooled, Stevie slapped away the younger brother who had just "threatened" him, and took out a pistol with three barrels and aimed it in the direction of Ginny.

"You cunning guy, you dare to fool me! Come out!"

"Brother Oran, can't I just kill this guy? This guy feels so stupid. I feel that every word I say to him will affect my intelligence."

"Be patient, this should be a leader. Maybe we can dig out some information from him."

Ginny slowly operated the mecha and walked forward, while complaining to Oran about the uselessness of the enemy.

Seeing that they had been discovered, the pirates no longer hid their figures, and lit the torches in their hands to illuminate the front.

The black and red armor cut through the night and appeared in front of the pirates. The "wisp of fire" released by the scarlet eye swept in front of them one by one.

"So cool!"

"This armor is so handsome! There is even a cape. I like capes the most!"

After a moment of silence, a noisy voice came from the pirates, but it was not panic, but joy. They were actually commenting on the mecha.

"This thing is simply a man's romance. How can a little girl wear it?"

"Why not snatch it? The armor is ours, and the people are ours too!"

Although the brain circuit is not normal, these guys are still pirates, and the nature of looting has not changed.

"I can't stand it!"

"I can't stand it!"

The same voice came out at the same time, but it was a man and a woman. At this time, Stevie was almost angry with this group of brothers and had a cerebral hemorrhage.

That thing is really cool. Even if you don't touch it, you can see that it is made of metal, and it is more than half a head taller than them.

Such a thing, even if they were simply hit with fists, they might not be able to withstand it.

The most important thing is that it is the enemy's weapon. A group of people saw the enemy's weapon and thought it was cool?

Stewie could still agree with this point, after all, the handsomeness of the mecha was obvious to all, but the problem was that this thing seemed to be used to hit them.

Ginny in the control room reached out to touch her waist, and the mecha also made the same action. A black metal tube was caught in her hand and then thrown forward with all her strength.


The huge force contained in it directly knocked a pirate away, and after several rebounds, it fell back to the ground.

Hiss! ! !

A sound of deflation came, and a large amount of white smoke came out, filling the entire forest in an instant.

"Cough cough. What is it?!"

"Kill her, get rid of her quickly! Cough cough!!"

Under the stimulation of the thick smoke, a group of people coughed non-stop and ran around in panic, trying to leave the range of the smoke, but Ginny had already raised the big gun in her hand.

Through the thermal sensing system, she could clearly see the pirates running around.


With a gunshot, dense bullets shot out from the muzzle, and the running pirates were knocked down.

This shot seemed to point out the direction for the pirates, and sparse gunshots suddenly rang out in the smoke.

Some bullets shot at Ginny through the smoke, but they couldn't even leave a white mark on the mecha.

Da, da.

Facing the pirates' attack, Ginny walked into the smoke and pulled out Stewie, who was hiding in the fallen leaves with his shirt covering his mouth and nose.

"Cough you... cough cough"

Stewie kept coughing because of the thick smoke, and couldn't say a complete sentence at all. His eyes were also red from the smoke, but Ginny didn't care about these things. They were just a group of pirates, and destroying them was the most correct thing to do.

"The target has been captured, and the annihilation mode is activated."

Under Stewie's horrified eyes, two mechas of the same appearance walked out from different directions and began to pour fire on the smoke.

Bang! Bang!

The shotguns in their hands roared like heavy artillery, and every gunshot was accompanied by screams. The trees as thick as bowls were directly smashed in the middle like dead grass.

This situation did not last too long. After four gunshots, there was no sound in the woods, and only dead silence remained.

It is not good to break the chapter, so the remaining 6,000 are put together

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