Pirates: My Piltover is far ahead in technology

Chapter 104 Give me back the experience card!

Now Terra's wings are like two huge stone slabs. Logically speaking, such wings are not used for flying. Such bulky wings will only increase the weight of the body.

But the mountain dragon can fly with it. As a magical creature, it doesn't care about science.

There are special chemical reagents smeared by Olan on the dock. Those reagents will show different colors as time fades. Olan used this reagent to deduce the approximate time that Delhi can adjust each attack.

This is Olan's advantage. His personal connections allow him to access more things that ordinary people can't see, such as devil fruit illustrated books.

According to the record of the advancement fruit in the illustrated book, although the time that each ability user can fast forward is different, the time that each ability user can fast forward with each attack is the same.

After ensuring safety, Oran asked Terra to take the initiative to withstand the opponent's attack.


Tyra turned her head and looked at Oran behind her. Her strange "father" suddenly shrank in size. It was the reflection on the sea that made her realize that it was not Oran that had become smaller, but that she had become bigger.

However, Tyra didn't pay attention to this matter. The feelings cultivated since breaking out of the shell still existed, and now it seemed to be able to help each other better.

Dragons are powerful creatures. They have a long life cycle. It takes years to grow up, but it is worth it.

Elemental dragons don't even need to learn. As long as they reach a certain age, they will awaken the power in their blood.


Tyra felt that there was an unknown force accumulating in his throat. Following his body's instinct, he roared at Deli, but this time it was not just the sound that came out, but also the strong power of the earth element.

Dragon Breath can be said to be the standard skill of the Dragon Clan, a skill common to all elemental dragons, but there are slight differences with different elements.

Terra's dragon breath is not a flame dragon's breath, but is mixed with countless rock fragments. Wherever the fine sand and gravel and sharp stone blades are swept, even the heavy steel armor made by skilled craftsmen will be eroded to create a hole.

That is a gap at the biological level, not a gap that can be smoothed out by quantity.

"Dragon?! How can there be a dragon in this world?!"

Deli rolled around on the ground several times before dodging Terra's dragon breath. Terra, who released the dragon breath for the first time, was not familiar with this power, so he failed to hit the target.

In the years since he came to this island, Derry's abilities have made him invincible, and those who are unwilling to obey his orders have turned into withered bones.

No matter how sharp the sword is, it is nothing more than a piece of rusty iron under his power. Today is the first time that his power has overturned in these years. After all, he has never seen an immortal species in the past.

The ability to destroy human life has become a strengthening agent for the other party.

This panic did not last long and soon turned into a joy.

He can fast forward time, but cannot stop the passage of his own time.

The changes in his body reminded him all the time that he was no longer young.

The reason why he came to this island was also related to the research conducted by the former king. He also had his own desire for time.

"Since this kind of dragon exists, the Thousand-Year Dragon must also exist. As long as I find the keel of the Thousand-Year Dragon, I can live forever! Hahahaha!"

Treasure, power, these things are nothing compared to the years, but Delhi in his excitement seems to have forgotten one thing, he is still in the middle of a battle.


Terra waved her wings and swung her claws at Delhi from the air. In an instant, a huge boulder rose up from the ground, lifting Deli, who had just escaped the dragon's breath, into the air.

Looking at Terra, who raised her dragon claws and dived towards him, Deli took a deep breath and held back the excitement in his heart, but did not choose to avoid it. The moment Terra approached, its size suddenly shrank and changed again. Back to his original appearance.

Unless the target is directly fast-forwarded to the point where time disappears, maintaining this ability will consume physical strength. Spending one's own physical strength to maintain the enemy's strengthening, Delhi will not always do such stupid things.


Just when Tyra wanted to release the dragon's breath again, she found that her body shape had changed back. Its youth was just a three-minute experience card.

However, Deli still underestimated the dragon species. Although his ability was very regular, Deli's physical skills were very poor, and due to his age, his body's reaction was even slower.

This is also the reason why he clearly has this ability, but he failed to dominate the island. Instead, he formed an alliance with several other pirate groups and even allowed the gang to occupy a piece of territory.

Although Terra had become smaller, she was still a dragon, and it was flying at full speed when it hit Derry's chest.

At the same time, a book in Oran's hand has also been opened, enlarged and covering Delhi like a cover.

The body is still outside, but his consciousness has entered Oran's book world and is trapped in the illusion.

"Brother Oran, is this the end?"

The development of the battle was somewhat beyond the bear's understanding. The islanders said it was extremely terrifying. Derry, who could decide a person's life or death with a wave of his hand, seemed to be too weak.

"If you rely solely on fruits, your physical fitness will not be able to keep up."

Zefa always commented that Porusalino paid too much attention to fruit abilities, which was not wrong, but Kizaru's physical skills were still overwhelming to most people.

Like Delhi, once the intelligence is grasped and the method of targeting is found, it will not be difficult to deal with it.

"Okay, don't be discouraged, that's what you will look like in the future.

You can become like this in the future, maybe soon."

Terra was a little unhappy at this time. It hadn't experienced enough of its youth. It would only reminisce about the time when it grew up. Children always want to grow up quickly, and this is no exception for the young dragon.

"Bear, our old pirate will still cause trouble for others in the future."

Olan was originally preparing for the next move, but suddenly sensed something troublesome, and hurriedly took out a few syringes and began to draw blood from Derry.

"Brother Oran, what happened?"

"This guy died, died of old age."

Olan realized that Derry in his fantasy world disappeared. There are only three reasons for this situation: he actively released it, the other party broke free, or the consciousness dissipated. Derry was in the latter at this time.

Olan originally wanted to do something about the bloodline factor of this ability, but now it is a little too late.

Now he can only hope that his research conclusion is correct. The ability of the ability user will remain in the body for a while after death. After all, Blackbeard took the ability of the Tremor-Tremor Fruit from Whitebeard after his death.

Using the power of the Book-Book Fruit, Orlan stored the blood in a warehouse and stopped their time.

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