Pirates: My Piltover is far ahead in technology

Chapter 105: Mercury Zach Slime Maid Version

Chapter 105 Mercury Zack-Slime Maid Version

Consciousness is attached to the soul, and abilities coexist in the body. These are some of the current judgments on people with devil fruit abilities.

Blood is the best liquid to extract bloodline factors.

The ability to copy Devil Fruits is, to some extent, the same logic as cloning creatures.

Take a part of its biological tissue, extract cellular components from it, and finally cultivate it into a new body, allowing it to give birth to new consciousness.

At MADS, this was also the basic logic of research. No one had ever tried to copy the "soul" of a Devil Fruit.

But no matter what, when conducting experiments in the past, either blood factors were extracted directly from Devil Fruits, or blood was drawn from living ability users and research was conducted on dead ability users. This was the first time.

Olan did not directly put the other party's body in the book, but labeled different blood while extracting the blood.

This is a new study. After the person with abilities has died, if the blood of the person with the ability is used to compare the blood after stopping, the characteristics of the blood at different times will be continuously detected.

Use this to see if the blood will turn into normal blood over time.

"Brother Oran, if it's over here, I'll go to Ginny and the others."

"Don't worry, Kate and Fran are very strong. They can handle the situation there well, but you can go if you want."


The bear patted his chest lightly, and then his figure flew across the island at high speed, heading towards the road leading here from the previous town.

Theoretically, the bear's meat ball fruit can travel across space and transport people to extremely distant places.

But there is a prerequisite here. If the bear wants to go to this place, it must at least reach the vicinity and know the location of the island before it can complete the work of sending people off.

If a bear sends a person to an area he doesn't understand at all, then the destination is left to fate. If it doesn't work, he can go to the sea to keep company with fish.

"Okay everyone, I still have something to do. Do you want to just let it go, or do I come to help you?"

After the bear left, Oran looked in the direction of the beach. The bear's pressure cannon had directly destroyed the Delhi Pirates' pirate ship.

Except for Derry, most of the crew sank to the bottom of the sea with the ship, but there were a few lucky ones who survived.

At this time, they had just floated up from the sea, but what greeted them was a new sea - the mercury sea.

"It seems you have chosen to refuse, so let's go accompany your captain together. Zach, let's do it."

laugh! laugh!

The surface of the mercury sea was churning, and the liquid mercury condensed into sharp spikes, which pierced their bodies from various unexpected angles, causing these pirates to float back into the sea again.

"Master, they don't seem to refuse."

After Zach finished what Oran ordered, he asked belatedly.

If those pirates were given another chance, they would jump up angrily and question Oran.

Let Olan try it. He was attacked by an air cannon during the voyage. He finally climbed ashore against the wind and waves. He didn't even take a breath before he found that his captain was dead.

When they were still in panic, they were questioned, and they still asked and answered themselves. The execution order was issued without even giving them time to answer.

"Just don't say anything and just treat them as rejection. Now I have a more serious question. Who taught you this?"

Oran didn't care about those pirates. From the day they decided to become pirates, this was the possible outcome.

If there is a certain value, Oran is willing to talk to them, but Oran now needs to win over the people of Firefly Island as quickly as possible, and executing the pirates is undoubtedly one of the fastest ways.

The corpses of these pirates are a good indicator of their attitude.

Compared with the life and death of those pirates, Zach's appearance made Oran more curious.

Normally, Zach hides in Oran's exoskeleton and acts as Oran's bodyguard.

Zack can stand on his own if necessary.

Zach is a humanoid creature of uncertain height. His amorphous body structure allows him to adjust the size of his body at will. Especially with the help of the Mercury Fruit, it is not difficult for Zach's body to adjust its size.

Of course, only its body can become a special colloidal object, so there will be an upper limit to its expansion.

But now, Zach has transformed his body into that of a woman, and looks very petite.

Because he has no vocal organs, Zack uses a gel body to imitate his vocal cords to produce sounds, so his voice is ever-changing.

Nowadays, even the voice has become a girl's version, and it has even been condensed into a maid outfit using mercury. However, except for the eyes, the whole body is silver, so there is not much difference.

If it weren't for the fact that Olan was Zach's creator and knew what Zach looked like in normal times, Zach would still have a bit of an exotic feel at this moment.

No, interracial to be precise.

Zach also has his own learning module and will supplement his knowledge by himself, but Oran is sure that he has never been taught this kind of thing.

"Eh? Master, don't you like the petite type? What about this?"

Zach adjusted his height, and his body also condensed towards the fat mass. Tyra who was watching from the side was stunned for a while. The members of his family seemed to be getting weirder and weirder.


Zack responded with a thick dictionary. Even the nine-tailed fox couldn't break Oran's concentration, let alone a mere "slime".

"Answer my question."

"Okay, Master. Yesterday I went to the town to gather intelligence according to your instructions. My clone sneaked into various places in the town and finally found a special house with a lot of people gathered.

Both pirates and gang members were inside. My clone sneaked in there and then used the toxicity of mercury to knock down many pirates and rescued some bullied human women.

These things were learned from those human women. They said that this would make men more happy."

Zack reported his experience very seriously, and Oran also figured out what Zack had experienced. Zack actually ran to the custom shop while performing the mission.

Some people there were forced, and some were forced to survive. In short, Zack made a lot of noise there, and those custom industry personnel also said a lot of messes when explaining the situation on the island.

Blitz, Frankenstein, and now Zach, they look like adults, and have perfect knowledge in their knowledge base, but in fact, the oldest Blitz is less than eight years old.

Their mental age is still in the state of children in a sense, and if they are not careful, they may learn something strange.

"Master, according to the biological definition, I am a genderless creature. Your behavior is assuming my gender, which is not rigorous enough as a scientist."

"Zach, when I see Ivan again in the future, I will let you have a good chat, maybe you and him will have a lot of common topics."

Zach's words made Oran feel familiar. If the world wall is broken one day, maybe Zach can become an excellent boxer.

In this regard, Zach is simply invincible.

"Just kidding, I'm going to work first, master."

Zach's body shrank and twisted, and he turned his head to do other things, but Oran didn't feel anything. Zach couldn't play boxing with him. Under the condition of guaranteed loyalty, he would not interfere as long as his character did not develop too badly.

Zach even developed some abilities that Orlan had never thought of. According to this trend, if he finds a way to change Zach's color, he can even change from a bodyguard to a killer.

Whether it is infiltration or temptation, Zach seems to be able to do it quite smoothly.

Looking at Zach busy on the beach, Orlan began to consider whether to give Zach a special course to do some transformation.

Delhi's group approached here separately. Delhi led people by water, and the other group approached here from land.

Due to the terrain of the island, Delhi on the water is faster.

When the bear was about to land, the rest of the people came late, but some of them were wearing uniform western cowboy-style clothing.

"It's the people of the Kuerhe Gang. Why are they mixed with the people of Delhi? Do they want to be united against the outside world?"

Brand held a telescope and observed the road ahead. From the clothes, it can be seen that these are two groups of people.

"The man wearing a hat at the back is Kuerhe, an animal-type ability user. Do you still want to act according to the previous plan?"

"Of course, it's better to show up together. This way, it's easier. Anyway, our plan is to annihilate. Everyone, it's time to act!"

Ginny called out to the back and walked out with her mecha team. As a commander, she didn't need voice control, as long as she could press a few buttons in the operation room to complete it, but doing so could make her look cool.

Half of the mechas stayed in the camp to take charge of the guard work, and the group following Ginny had automatically replaced their weapons with single-headed bullets.

As the gang members arrived at the designated location one after another, lotus flowers suddenly bloomed on the ground, and the mines that had been buried on the road were all detonated, disrupting the enemy's formation in an instant.

Boom! Boom!

Flames spewed out of the barrel of the guard mecha. For mechas, it was a gun, but the weapons of this mecha were originally developed for mechas of the same level or heavy armored units.

After changing their targets to flesh and blood, their weapons seemed to have changed from guns to cannons.

The smoke generated by gunpowder blocked the view in front, but this would not affect the shooting of the mechas. All the mechas emptied the ammunition in the barrels in one breath, and then stopped the first wave of shooting.

But Ginny's mecha screen showed a danger signal at this time, and a black and red sphere had rolled out from the front.

At this time, the figure of the bear just fell from the sky, and finally hit the sphere accurately.

"Uh, did I do something wrong?"

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