Pirates: My Piltover is far ahead in technology

Chapter 106 The meat ball fruit was banned for a reason

"Did I... hit something?"

The bear's slap does not simply let the body fly out, but wraps the person in the bubbles of the bear's paw, using the bubbles as a shield and buffer. Just now, the bear seemed to have pressed against some spherical object, but he did not see anything underneath him. .

"Bearboy! Underground!"

Machines can always see more things that humans cannot see with the naked eye. The person who just rushed out of the smoke of the explosion was Kurhe. After seeing the strange "air raid", he hurriedly dug underground.

Humans couldn't see him, but the mecha's sensing radar could capture his position. At this time, from Ginny's perspective, a light point was sprinting upward from the ground.

"Your left rear, eight o'clock direction!"

The bear had absolute trust in Ginny. After hearing the general direction, he turned around and patted to the side. As he waved his palm, a rather strange creature emerged from the ground.

A black-red carapace, an arthropod-like upper body, and most importantly, there were more than a dozen arms on both sides of his body.

The bear's slap accurately hit the opponent's body. The Bakania's monster strength was comparable to that of the giants, plus the ability of the meat ball fruit. The powerful impact smashed several of the opponent's arms as soon as it came into contact.

Although the remaining arm hit the bear's body, under the impact of the impact, those punches did not use much force at all.

"It's really hard, big guy."

A lot of weird-colored juice spewed out from the broken arm, and a lot of bud-like limbs appeared from the fractures. The speed was not fast, but it could be seen that his body was in a state of self-healing. .

Kurhe is a person with the ability to form the animal type, Bug Fruit, and King Centipede.

Because he is young and has the ability to regenerate severed limbs, Kurh is usually able to dodge Delhi's attacks, or use "shedding" or even amputating limbs. Delhi's ability affects his whole body, giving up his car to save his handsome.

Due to this situation, Delhi was not willing to fight to the death with the other party, which allowed the gangsters of Kuhlh to occupy a certain territory.

"But you've been poisoned by me, how long can you hold on?"

Centipedes are extremely toxic. As an esper, Kurhe can release toxins in many more ways than native centipedes. As long as his limbs come into contact, the toxins he releases can enter the enemy's body through the pores of the human body.

At this time, you can see some purple-green color on the bear's arms, but the bear doesn't pay attention to it.


The bear patted his arm, and purple poisonous bubbles flew out of his body, and the burning sensation caused by the toxin on his arm also disappeared.

"In this case, just give it back to you."

The bear is willing to endure the pain for the old man in his hometown, but this does not mean that he does the same to the enemy. Using the meat ball at the front of his palm to take the toxins from the body, the bear came to Kurhe at a speed close to teleportation, and then A handful of poison was sent into his body.


At the same time, Frankenstein raised his war hammer high and hit Kurhe with a heavy hammer.

With just one blow, countless cracks were opened in Kurhe's carapace.


The head of the hammer cracked slightly, and thunder and lightning spewed out from it, electrocuting the opponent's body to black in the blink of an eye. At this time, the shotgun in Ginny's hand hit Kurhe's head at close range.


The impact caused by the projectile and the muzzle of the gun blasted Kurhe into two halves, and the broken identity flew a long distance and fell to the ground.

The model of the mecha is Graves, and for things like men's guns, it's normal to snatch people's heads, which is surprisingly reasonable.

"Is that how it's settled?"

Brand originally thought that the island's second most powerful gangster godfather would be a problem here, but the fact is that the gang members he brought were blown up by landmines after just one encounter.

They are just a group of gangsters who usually bully ordinary people in towns. Landmines, a weapon only used on the battlefield, are a bit too much for them.

If top-level combat power is ignored, Oran's current team can still occupy a place even in the new world, let alone this paradise.

"Otherwise? What do you think it should be like?"

Kate smoothed her hair that was stained by the explosion and asked Brand in return.

Kate doesn't currently hate Brand, which is a plus for Oran fans.

In pursuit of speed, Kuhlhe even faced group fights. If he was still alive after Ginny's shot, Kate would most likely come to make up for it.

"I don't know either, but this country is finally saved. As long as Derry is killed, the two most threatening people on the island will be gone."

"If you're talking about the bald guy who can make people age, Brother Olan has already dealt with him, otherwise I wouldn't have time to come here."

Due to the unique way of death in Delhi, the body was ultimately preserved.

Kurhe was successively exposed to his own toxin, Frankenstein's electric shock, and mecha fire bombardment, and his body became extremely tattered, but the family crest found on the battlefield could prove his identity.

On the day the battle ended, Oran and the others moved their base with the craftsmen who had moved there with them, heading towards the town where Xiong and the others had inquired about the news. The person leading the way was Brand.

Brand is also considered a celebrity in the local area, but his nickname is not the "genius scientist" he brags about, but a fool or a fool. After all, people in the town have never seen him invent anything useful.

The best name might be Scud, after all, he was often beaten by pirates or gangsters after inventing useless things, but he could escape successfully every time.

The most significant invention of Brand is probably the painkiller, which is really effective and has various flavors to choose from.

But today, everything has changed. Brand has a long-lost smile on his face, and walks towards the town with the mecha troops. He wants to tell the citizens here as soon as possible that the savior has appeared.

"Can't I try it? I have always wanted to experience Dr. Sidilier's technology. I have collected and studied every article of his. It's a pity that I can't try it."

Along the way, Brand did not hide his interest in mechas. He expressed his desire to experience the feeling of driving several times, but was rejected. After all, the only one who can drive is this Unit-01.

Although Orlan's own command authority is above everyone else, he would not let Brand, a newcomer, make such an attempt.

And his reason.

"I advise you not to mention this. If Brother Oran knew that you learned this from his article, he would probably be very angry."

Today is over, a shorter one, a day of rest

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