Only Oran knew what he was thinking. Brand himself didn't care about Ginny's words. Brand knew what level he was at. It was just his attempt to save the country.

Not long after, they arrived at the town again, but this time, they were no longer quietly gathering intelligence, but walked in from the main road.

"Everyone! Great news, Delhi of the Delhi Pirates and the godfather of the Kulhe Gang, both of them have been killed! They can no longer continue to exploit us!"

Brand held a loud speaker and shouted the good news along the street, but no one responded to him. The doors and windows of the town were now closed, and people had already hidden in their houses.

From Brand's perspective, the arrival of Oran and his men defeated the pirates who originally ruled here.

Although it is not clear what Oran wants to do, a scientist with a certain reputation worldwide has made outstanding contributions to the medical industry, allowing countless people to stand up again.

Such a person, no matter how you say it, will not cause more damage than pirates and gangs.

But the residents of the town didn't know this. In their eyes, it was a group of strong men wearing heavy armor and carrying broken bodies.

In the years since it became a lawless place, the residents of the island have seen too many cruel things, and street fights between pirates and gangs are common.

Even staying indoors may bring trouble to oneself. In this case, naturally no one will take the initiative to contact them.

At this time, the value of Brand, a local, was reflected.

He has a considerable reputation in the local area. Although no one has joined him, the locals also hope that he can achieve some achievements, and will also provide him with supplies and help hide his whereabouts.

If it weren't for the support of the locals, it would not be easy for him to persist for so long. Nicknames like idiot were purely made up by himself. After all, his talent has basically nothing to do with scientific research, and the occasional inventions are all useless waste.

"What is Brand talking about? The old bald guy in Delhi is dead?"

"No way, how could it be wrong? That body is really Delhi's! Did he succeed?"

"What are those behind him? Did he really invent something to save this island?"

As they entered the town, Delhi's body and the queue of the Royal Guards appeared in the sight of the residents one after another.

After approaching, the full picture of the Royal Guards also appeared in everyone's sight. At this moment, they realized that it was not a knight in armor at all, but a "iron man".

The unknown brings fear to people. Without knowing what those things are, the Royal Guards are really scary, but if these things are used to eliminate pirates, they will also appear to be particularly reliable.

"I have seen that big guy. He has defeated many pirates and gangsters in the town before. Are they really here to save this place?"

The bear's height, which is much taller than the mecha, was also discovered by the townspeople who saw him. More and more doors and windows were cracked, and countless people were waiting for the development of things with curiosity and excitement.

There were still some pirates in the town, and they were attracted by Brand's shouting at this time.

"Captain Dedri?!"

The residents of the town were still in the stage of suspicion, but these pirates were different. They recognized their captain in the form of a corpse after seeing him.

"How could such a strong Captain Dedri be killed?!"

"Run! What are you doing? Captain Dedri can't beat him, how can we be his opponent!"

The pirates turned around and wanted to leave here, but it was too late. There were slightly clumsy footsteps behind them. The last memory of their lives was a mecha that could slide.

"Bubrand, did you really succeed?"

The piled-up bodies of the pirates became the best proof. Some residents walked out of the house with courage, looking at Brand standing in the mecha team, and asked with a little expectation.

"Of course, we will be liberated from the oppression of pirates soon!"

Without anyone else explaining anything, Brand explained most of the situation alone and began to popularize his idol to the people on the island.

When Orlan brought the craftsmen who immigrated here with him into the town, the remaining pirates and gang members in the town had already been cleared out, and only the town residents were waiting for Orlan.

"Dr. Sidilier, will you really drive away all the pirates!"

"Is there anything you like here? As long as you can drive away the pirates, take whatever you want!"

Expectation, curiosity, suspicion, hope, the words of the local residents have different emotions, but there is one thing in common-dislike for pirates.

"Dad, people here hate pirates so much, it's different from Sister Lingling's place."

"Riley, this is the norm. These people are one of the factors that disturb the sea. Charlotte Lingling is no exception, but there are some exceptions.

At her level, it is no longer just a pirate, but a warlord who dominates one side. Her subordinates belong to her kingdom.

In most places, her reputation is notorious, but the residents of Cake Island recognize her rule and protection.

They paid a price in exchange for the right to live a stable life in the new world."

Whitebeard and Charlotte Linlin, these two pirates are now notorious, but the residents under their protection all praise them. This is the abnormal environment caused by this terrible sea.

If non-member countries want to survive, they have to find ways on their own. They can't afford the world government's sky gold, but they can afford the protection of the pirate flag.

People living in those places don't care whether they are pirates or navy, they only respect those who protect their safety.

In the eyes of pirates like Charlotte Linlin, grabbing a wave and leaving is the lowest way of survival.

"One of the factors?"

"Yes, in the final analysis, the roots of a big tree are rotten, and no matter how beautiful the leaves on the outside are, they will eventually rot and wither.

Riley, you are still a little young now, and you may think that what I do is strange in the future, but this is all to crush the rotten roots.

After all, I need a stable and healthy environment so that I can better complete all my plans.

You will meet all kinds of people in the future. There are pirates who are forced to go to sea, and there are reckless adventurers.

There are firm people in the navy who defend the justice in their hearts, and there are also stains that people can't look directly at.

As I told you before, appearance cannot determine whether a person is considered a person, and camp and identity cannot represent the real him. When making friends, you have to see the other person's heart."

Olan took Leliana's hand and walked into the town. A few years ago, he could try to hug her, but this kind of thing is no longer realistic as Leliana's height has increased.

Don't think that children don't understand anything. They just look small, and they have already had their own ideas about good and evil, so what Oran said is not ahead of time.

He didn't want a red-haired boy to lead his child astray one day because of his negligence in teaching.

However, Oran knew the principle of gradual progress very well, and he stopped when he felt it was about right.

"I will drive away the pirates here and rebuild a new order. I will not oppress you. Your life will be better than before, but now I need some help.

Is there anyone in this town who has worked as a reporter, printer, or photographer?"

Oran's luck is not bad. There are one or two people in similar fields in the town. This is not surprising. This place used to be a member country. Due to the limitations of the island environment, most member countries can be self-sufficient.

There is no newspaper like the World Economic News Agency in China that covers the entire ocean, but there are still tabloids.

It is also easy for Oran to find someone with experience in this area, printing notices.

This town is just a corner of Firefly Island. There is a large area outside. The most difficult guy has been killed, but not many people know this news.

According to the situation of the pirates here, as long as the news is announced, they will start to mess up first, and then we can clean up the situation here step by step.

Besides, the people on this island are not completely afraid to resist, they are just scared by the two ability users, Delhi and Kuerhe.

The devil fruit has a very obvious improvement in strength, and most ability users deal with ordinary people like tigers entering a flock of sheep.

This is the fear of the human heart. Two bullets cannot control six people, but one bullet can control five people. After all, there are very few people who dare to stand up knowing that they are doomed to die.

From the reaction of the citizens of this country after knowing the death of Delhi and others, Oran can also see if there are some available people on this island.

Several hand-cranked ink printing machines started working, printing photos of Delhi's death and Oran's notice to the pirates here, as well as comforting local residents.

The ink printing machine worked non-stop all night, and a large number of leaflets were ready.

"Brother Oran, how do we send out these flyers? It's unrealistic to send them out one by one by manpower."

The bear picked out some unclearly printed notices and threw them into the furnace to destroy them. Looking at Oran who was not in a hurry at all, he felt a little curious.

"Don't worry, at this time, Kate should have gone to find help for us, and she should be back now."

As soon as the voice fell, Kate had returned here, holding a bird that looked a little panicked in her hand. After Kate let go of her hand, it flapped its wings and tried to escape, but there was no way out.

"Don't be nervous, I know your president Morgans, I won't hurt you."

The bird Kate caught was none other than the news bird on the sea, a capable man under Morgans's command. He was able to develop the World Economic News Agency, and these news birds played a vital role.

There are many smart animals in this sea, not to mention understanding human words, even some have learned to be domineering, and the news bird is undoubtedly a smarter one.

Hearing what Orlan said, the news bird was relieved. Even if it was smart, it couldn't change its nature as a bird. Being caught by a cat for no reason was a huge threat to it.

But the next moment, Orlan put a pile of Baileys and a box of exquisite bird feed in front of it.

News birds have to work. Delivering newspapers every day is their task. Only after completing the task can they get their "salary", which is food and shelter.

They not only know money, but also know how to find money.

"Do me a favor and call all your colleagues nearby. I'll take care of all your newspapers today. The rest is a tip for you. You just need to help me spread this notice leaflet throughout the island.

Do you understand what I mean?"

Professional things should be done by professionals. There is no doubt that reporters from newspapers and the navy are the best at sneaking in this sea, and news birds are the best at delivering messages.

In addition to the doldrums, they can be seen all over the world. When there is any major event, they can also spread the news immediately.

There is another reason for doing this. Oran wants to use these news birds to spread the news here to Morgans. As long as he knows, according to Morgans's character, he will start to exaggerate the facts and report the situation here.

This is also one of Oran's goals. He doesn't plan to hide. He needs to let the outside world know that he is here, but he doesn't know what he is doing.

Use his identity to influence part of the surrounding economy, redevelop the country, and create his own perfect base.

Morgans is very suitable for this matter, but if we contact him directly, according to Morgans' personality, he will bring up a lot of messy things. It is enough to let these news birds take back the news of the announcement, and then let Morgans make up his mind.

The news bird controlled its wings and made a thumbs-up gesture, and then put away the things that Orlan took out, indicating that it agreed to the deal.

But then it danced for a while, accompanied by its cry, which roughly meant that cats should not come to them next time.

News birds have a general working area, usually in a group of more than a dozen. Not long after this news bird left, it returned here again and started the work of delivering flyers with its colleagues.

With the waving of the news bird's wings, the flyers with the smell of ink began to be scattered to various locations on Firefly Island.

"Piltover? I haven't seen this spelling before. Is there any new meaning?"

Although she is a fur tribe, Kate is actually a cultured person. She has even interpreted the meaning of Orlan's name, but the name on the flyer this time is something new that she has never seen before

"Piltover, the city of science and progress, will also become a city of tolerance. This will be a new country without racial barriers and discrimination.

A new order is about to be established, and the old order will naturally disappear from now on.

To be more precise, it should be New Piltover, but the difference is not big."

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