There has never been Piltover on this sea before, but today, Piltover was born, not as a city-state, but as a new kingdom.

The name is irrelevant, it just symbolizes some nostalgia for the past.

Just as Orlan planned back then, he needed a developed industrial country to better achieve his goals. He could make a few guns by hand and build mechas slowly, but he couldn't do anything bigger.

This is also a world with extraordinary military power. Equipment with quantity and mass production models can deal with ordinary people, but cannot fight monsters.

If you have nothing, then start all over again.

In order to deal with the difference in individual military power, Orlan is training Leliana, and he believes that she has the ability to grow into the strongest in the world.

But this is individual military power, not the ultimate deterrent. What others have, you must have, and ancient weapons are something that the world government has always wanted to conceal, but cannot ignore.

Pluto, the god of the underworld who destroyed the island with one shot, the sea king who controlled the giant sea king, the king of the sky who gradually unveiled the mystery, and the ancient robot that climbed onto the red earth continent many years ago, they all really exist in the world.

Before overturning this table, Orlan needed to have his own "ancient weapon". In a sense, he could do it because he had a special design in his mind.

It's just that the technology tree of that world is quite special. With the current distorted technology level of the sea, it can't even start.

"Piltover, so Orlan, do you want to be the king?"

"Yes, the title of king, speaker, emperor, etc. is not important. What's important is that I have the final say on this land."

What Orlan wants is a base camp that can support him wholeheartedly. When he was in Piltover in Valoran, the Piltover Council brought a lot of trouble. If you want to mobilize the power of the entire Piltover to execute a certain thing, the parliament cannot be avoided.

Here, Orlan will certainly not establish an institution that constrains himself.

Moreover, this sea is quite accepting of the king, and the implementation of the royal system does not require too much effort.

"How about it, does anyone want to quit? Maybe I will be a rare tyrant."

"No, Brother Oran, you are very gentle at heart. Even if you become a king, you will be a good king."

The bear did not believe Oran's words. Judging from his many performances, the bear felt that this was just Oran's self-mockery, while Kate's feedback was more direct.

"Even if you really want to be a tyrant, Meow will help you if you really want to do so."

"It's just a joke. Let's go and prepare for action. There are still many pirates left on this island. Let's clean up these guys first."

Olan has no interest in things like tyrants. Bullying people in his territory can't bring any sense of accomplishment. He has to clean up those annoying garbage and avoid becoming the same garbage himself.

The news birds implement the principle of doing things for money very thoroughly. They don't object to Oran's behavior of buying all the newspapers. This behavior also saves them a lot of effort.

Before noon, they have spread the notices all over the gathering places of Firefly Island.

"Both Delhi and Kurd Kurhe are dead?! Is it true?!"

The residents who picked up the notice could not hide their excitement and discussed the matter with people they knew.

"It should be true. I have seen that bastard Delhi. He looks exactly like the photo printed on the notice."

"What does Piltover mean?"

"Whatever it means, isn't it natural for someone who can drive all those pirates away to rule here instead of them? As long as he can keep people alive, I support him."

At first, ordinary residents were just discussing this matter, and the pirates who picked up the flyer didn't believe it. The atmosphere in the gathering places of Firefly Island became more serious, but there was no obvious change.

But in the original royal city, everything was different. The pirates who stayed here knew that Delhi had lost contact for a long time, and none of the pirates he took out had returned.

In addition to Delhi's body, the flyer even printed their pirate ship destroyed by the bear. There is no doubt that this is true.

The vice-captain and the captain were both dead, and the elite cadres were also wiped out on Delhi's ship. The originally largest pirate group had now become a mess.

"Hahaha, did that old guy actually flip over? This is really good news."

In the royal city, a muscular pirate saw the so-called news of Delhi's death, but he was not panicked, but very happy.

There was originally a pirate alliance on this island, and this strong man was the captain of another pirate group outside Delhi.

Arrogance, this mentality is very common among pirates. They always think that they are not weaker than others, and if the opportunity is right, they will even be stronger.

For example, this strong man thinks that if it weren't for Delhi's devil fruit, he would never be his opponent.

"What are you happy about! Even Captain Delhi is not an opponent, so what should we do? Is it really like what the flyer says, just surrender directly?"

"How can we surrender, we are pirates! If it weren't for the old thing Delhi being too greedy and going there alone in advance, he wouldn't be killed directly now, right?

We'll talk about what to do later, but now, we need a new leader. I think I'm the strongest, so I'll be the boss. You should have no objection, right? "

Looking at the pirates around him, the strong man expressed his opinion. His subordinates agreed with this, but other pirates were different.

Faced with a stronger enemy, these pirates not only did not choose to unite, but chose to fight among themselves for power, and all this was seen by Zack who sneaked into the royal city from the drainpipe.

"Report to the master, good news, these pirates are fighting among themselves."

"Haha. Who else is dissatisfied? If not, I have the final say here! Take a break and go out together to get rid of those hiding in the town!

I think Delhi is too gentle. If he squeezes them harder, how can those people resist?"

"It's really pitiful, a human with only muscles but no brains, did you use your brain to develop your muscles? "

A mocking voice came from the corner. After the internal fight between the group of people ended, Zack revealed his figure and looked at the other party with a pitying look.

"You are the one who killed Delhi. You are quite good at hiding. No wonder you can kill Delhi. It just so happens that I haven't fought enough!"

"No, no, no, your opponent is not me. They are here now."

At this time, Zack not only sneaked in to gather intelligence, but also had another task, which was to transmit the beacon.

However, the pirate in front of Zack did not intend to listen to Zack.

"No matter who you are, you have come here. It doesn't matter whether you fight or not! "

He punched Zack, but Zack didn't fight back. Instead, he turned into a ball and hopped towards the window, jumping directly from the castle to the square outside.

The sturdy man chased Zack in the direction of his "escape", but his figure stopped abruptly at the window. In his sight, more than a dozen white lines were approaching here from midair.

"The airborne troops are in place, I wish you have fun~"

Zack's body split and flowed towards the castle, intending to rescue the civilians captured by the pirates. As for the battle, others will be responsible.

Boom! Boom! Boom!

Continuous A series of explosions, bear paw marks appeared one after another on the ground, and there were a total of twenty of them. When the smoke and dust cleared, a number of mechas ready to go came out.

The Graves-type guard mechas were not designed to fly, and there was no equipment for orbital airdrops, but there was a bear.

Zach's infiltration provided accurate coordinates, and with Zach's help, the bear was able to accurately complete the airdrop operation, which could be called a land orbital base vehicle.

In the end, the bear even sent himself here.

"Surrender, pirates, you have no way out. "

Bear patted the dust off his body and walked towards the pirate in front of him. Facing the pirate's powerful punch, Bear just raised his arm and took the blow lightly with the flesh ball in the palm of his hand.

"How could it be, this is my full-strength attack"

Bear did not speak again, and answered the pirate with a gradually enlarged bear paw.

At the same time, in the town under the royal city, most members of the Kulhe Gang gathered here. Their reactions were completely different from those of the pirates. After confirming that their godfather was dead, the designated second-in-command immediately took over the command.

While all the core members were shrinking their defenses, they also took a lot of hostages and gathered together in a warehouse, and were now confronting Oran and the others.

"Brother Oran, they have too many hostages in their hands, so it's not easy to do it. ”

Most of the mechas were on the side of the bear’s airborne formation. The gunshots in the royal city at this time had already explained what they were doing.

The remaining few and Ginny were on Oran’s side. Although there were walls blocking them, the scanners of the mechas could see the situation inside clearly.

“Listen, people on the other side! If you don’t want these people to die here, just retreat honestly! Otherwise, don’t blame us for being rude!”

From the notice leaflet, they saw that Oran wanted to establish a country, so they chose to use these potential citizens as a threat to achieve a deeper purpose.

“Olan, let Meow go. If the Moon Lion is activated, Meow is confident that he can raid in and minimize casualties. "

Kate moved her body and planned to raid in and kill all the gangsters. With her speed, it would be difficult for the other party to react. Perhaps some hostages would die, but there was nothing she could do.

There were only zero and countless compromises. Once the other party caught her, the demands would become more and more excessive.

"No, retreat temporarily, Kate, you continue to watch here, don't let their people run away, I'll go prepare something else."

Olan did not choose to raid. While letting Kate watch here, he also asked Brand to gather the local residents, began to teach them first aid methods, and distributed gas masks.

"I know there are your relatives and friends in there, and now they have become hostages in the hands of the gangsters. If you want them to be okay, then learn it well.

My people will launch a raid later. What you have to do is to bring your relatives and friends out in an orderly manner after ensuring safety!"

When Oran told them the details, the guard mecha began to replace ammunition and dispersed to the surroundings of the gangster stronghold.

"BOSS, even the godfather failed, can we do this?"

“The guy out there is an ambitious guy and it’s obvious he wants to be the king here.

It's a good idea to save the country with a heroic attitude, but as long as he doesn't want to lose the hearts of the people, he can't ignore these hostages. As long as he controls these people, we will be safe. "

Olan's temporary retreat made the gang members feel that they had achieved certain results. Just as they were thinking about what to do next, there were sudden muffled sounds from all sides of the house, and several smoke launchers were thrown in.

After the replacement of ammunition, these launchers have been replaced from ordinary tear gas bombs to powerful anesthetic gas.

"Ahem. These lunatics, don't they care about the hostages?!"

"What is this, my body is gone."

Light green smoke filled the entire house in an instant. No matter whether they were gang members or hostages, even if they just inhaled a breath, a sense of paralysis was born in their bodies, and they fell to the ground and lost consciousness soon after.

Kate and Frankenstein then rushed in as the advance troops, knocking down some of the stronger people who were still unconscious with one blow.

If the enemy and the hostages are mixed together and it is difficult to distinguish them, it is simply not possible to distinguish them. Let’s knock them down together first.

"Hurry, hurry! The rescue team is following me!"

After everyone in the room lost the ability to resist, the second batch of rescue teams began their own operations, dragging all the people out before distinguishing between friend and foe.

"Pay attention to adjusting their posture! Clean their mouths, and be careful if foreign objects block their airways and cause them to suffocate!"

Give first aid to the hostages and lock up the gang members. This is Olan's rescue model. As long as you pay attention to the aftermath measures, this is an extremely efficient method.

This is also the reason why Olan has trained a group of first aid teams first. As long as they bring out all the people, other problems will be easy to solve.

"Brother Oran, nothing was left out, everything was taken care of."

Ginny controlled the mecha and turned on the life detector to search inside several times. After confirming that there were no remaining personnel, she walked out.

"Master, the situation in the Royal City has basically been dealt with. New things have been discovered here. There are many well-preserved experimental equipment underground in the Royal City, and it seems that they can still be used."

The part of Zach's body left on Oran also condensed into a little Zach, reporting to him the actions on the other side.

At this point, since the leader was killed, the remaining large-scale forces of gangs and pirates have basically been disintegrated, leaving only sporadic pirates and gangs still active on the island.

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