Pirates: My Piltover is far ahead in technology

Chapter 109 New Country, Cone Pepper

"Perhaps I should thank that greedy old pirate. Without him, these equipment might not be kept so perfect."

In the basement of the royal city, Orlan checked the spoils of the previous battle. The equipment was purchased by the previous king of Firefly Island at a high price and later occupied by Delhi to study the so-called immortality potion.

After the baptism of time, they inevitably became a little old, but they were not damaged and could still be used normally. For such things, Orlan certainly accepted them without hesitation, which happened to be useful for his own research.

"Alas, it is these things that completely destroyed this country."

"No, Brand, you are wrong. It is not the equipment that destroyed this place, but the greed in people's hearts. I remember you said that you were a member of the Kingdom Army before, right?"

As a former Kingdom Army, and a member of the Kingdom Army with a certain position, Brand is very familiar with the structure of the castle. At this time, he is taking Orlan to check the changes in the palace over the years.

"That's right, back then. Oh, forget it, let's not talk about it. I hope this country can have a better future."

"Yes, but Brand, I have a suggestion. Are you interested in going back to your old business? Most of the pirates and gangs on the island have been eliminated, but there are still many left.

After so many years, the order on the island has almost collapsed, and the rules need to be re-established."

Compared to the pirates who exhausted the pond to catch fish, Delhi is slightly stronger, but the order on the island has been scrapped. In order to facilitate management, the emergence of a security force is necessary.

It is relatively better to have a local acquaintance manage these.

"I think I can be your laboratory assistant."

"Brand, people need to find their own strengths. If you keep digging into a dead end, the effect may not be very good."

After a silence, Orlan gave his answer slightly euphemistically. To some extent, Brand may be a genius because he completely destroyed the existing scientific framework and operated it purely according to his own understanding.

"What a pity. Actually, I found that I like research."

Brand spread his hands to show his helplessness, but did not refute Orlan. He still had self-awareness. In this case, he really didn't need to continue to insist on this kind of thing.

In the end, Brand returned to his old business and recruited new people on the island. The guards formed a new patrol team in pairs to clear out the remaining pirates on the island.

As time passed, the changes on the island gradually spread to everyone's ears. With the cooperation of local residents, the pirates who were hiding were exposed one by one, either directly killed or captured and executed.

With the most direct way of clearing pirates, Orlan brushed a wave of reputation here and gradually established his identity as a ruler.

And as time passed, the news here was sent to Morgans as Orlan expected.

"Hmm? Founding a country? Interesting, but if it is published like this, it seems meaningless. It needs to be improved like this."

[Doctor or ambitious? The secrets that doctors of medicine have to tell. 】

Morgans didn't spend much time writing a report that was eye-catching enough. Except for the correct name, the content was extremely outrageous. The whole article was full of messy news such as those revealed by insiders and guessed by relevant personnel.

This incident was not big news, and it was not shocking enough for Morgan.

Generally speaking, Oran perfectly predicted Morgans' actions, but underestimated the extent of his rumor-mongering, but still successfully conveyed the news through Morgans' mouth.

The Five Elders also received similar news, but did not take it seriously. No matter what happened before, Firefly Island is now a non-member country.

So no matter what Oran did, as long as it was not something like studying the main text of history, the Five Elders would not take it to heart.

Whether he founded a country or destroyed a country, it would not affect the world government.

In Satan's mind, this was just a small fight.

"What's wrong, aren't you a little interested in this scientist? Do you want to give him a position in a member country to try?"

Nasu Shoulang asked Satan casually, and did not take things like seats to heart.

The seat that is extremely difficult in the eyes of outsiders is just a matter of words in the eyes of the Five Elders.

"He has not shown enough value now. If he takes the initiative to fight for it, maybe we can consider it. Let's see first. Maybe he can add some fun to this boring sea."

Satan did not take this matter to heart, but waited for Oran's next plan with a little interest.

"Sidilier. What do you want to do?"

In the Navy Headquarters, due to the relatively deep connection, more people in the Navy are paying attention to this matter. For example, Crane does not quite understand what Oran did. The power brought by the civilian vice admiral of the Navy is much greater than that of the king of a non-member country.

Zeffa also saw this report, but he did not believe the part that Morgans said nonsense, but instead looked at the location of the nearby Navy branch.

"Oran, have you started your action too?"

In Punk Hazard, Vegapunk also saw this report. Thinking of what Oran said before, he had some guesses in his mind, but he did not get too entangled and soon devoted himself to research again.

Except for Vegapunk, Caesar, Quinn, and Judge, the original members of the MADS team, all saw the news, but they were not too upset.

When MADS disbanded, the moment Orlan chose to work alone, they knew that Orlan would definitely use some way to realize his ambitions. After all, this man is much more realistic than Vegapunk.

Most of the people who paid attention to this news were Orlan's acquaintances, but there were exceptions.

In the West Sea, on a vast expanse of solid ice, a man was kneeling on the ice. Under the solid ice, there were countless treasures. It was not an exaggeration to say that he was rich enough to rival a country.

"Open the door, Green Pepper! Open the door, Green Pepper!"

He kept hitting the ice continent below with his head, but no matter how hard he tried, the ice surface did not change at all.

"Damn it! Damn it! Garp, I hate you! My cone head!"

After another effort, he collapsed on the ice, holding his head and began to cry.

He is a member of the West Sea Flower Country, the 12th generation pillar of the Babao Navy, with a bounty of 542 million berries. Because of his unique cone head and the Babao Navy's secret eight-punch, he is called the Cone Pepper.

But not long ago, in a battle with Garp, Green Pepper was hit by Garp and his proud cone head was lost.

"Chief! Chief! Look at this!"

At this time, a member of the Babao Navy ran over with a newspaper.

"Sidilier Oran, this man is called a genius doctor, maybe he can cure your head!"

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