Pirates: My Piltover is far ahead in technology

Chapter 112: Prohibition of beating patients without reason

"Mr. Qingjiao, you are making it difficult for me to do this."



The call of the phone bug interrupted Qingjiao's explanation.

"Wait a minute, it's a bit of a personal matter, what's wrong Riley?"

"Dad, Sister Fran's condition is a bit strange. I can't wake her up. Come here and take a look."

There are several phone bugs on Olan now, and the numbers he gives are different depending on the contact. For example, only Leliana knows the number of this phone bug now.

Recently, Olan is also researching a caller ID plug-in, and plans to equip the phone bug with a function that can tell who is on the other side before picking up the call, so that it does not have to rely entirely on the image of the phone bug.

"Mr. Qingjiao, I'm going to take care of some personal matters first. Please explain your situation to my assistant first, and then he will take you to the treatment room."

"Okay, I'm not in a hurry, Dr. Sidriel"

He would definitely be lying if he said he was not in a hurry, but this time Olan's answer to him was that it could be cured, and he seemed confident. In this case, of course he could wait.

"The patient, Qingjiao, suffered unknown head injuries due to external impact.

Basic medical expenses are being calculated

It is expected that outsiders will be charged extra for head surgery. The surgeon's fee is a total of 50 million beli. Please pay in advance. "

A bionic man who spoke without any emotion came over. This was Olan's machine assistant. He was not very flexible and acted purely according to the set procedures.

It considered Green Pepper's head treatment and craniotomy to be in the same category of problems.

If it is just surgery, the cost does not need to be so high. According to Piltover's new regulations, domestic citizens can also enjoy certain medical exemptions.

There are extra fees for people like Qingjiao who seek medical treatment from outside. What is even more expensive is the fee charged by Olan. Whether it is guidance or teaching at the Navy Headquarters, the fees charged by Olan itself are not low.

From this perspective, Mitte, as the first person to experience prosthetic surgery in the sea, actually made a lot of money.

"Fifty million is no problem, 100 million beli is fine, even one billion berri is fine! But I need to make an IOU,"

Qingjiao was also a little embarrassed. He was also a face-saving person and knew that his behavior was a bit unreasonable, but he couldn't help it.

Green Pepper is not without money. One billion Baileys is not a lot of money to him. The wealth buried under the glacier is as rich as any country.

The problem with green peppers now is that they can’t get enough money.

Although there is a close relationship between the Eight Treasure Navy and the Flower Kingdom, and they can even attend the World Conference as a guard with the royal family of the Flower Kingdom, the Eight Treasure Navy will not obey the orders of the Flower Kingdom.

The relationship between them is more like a friendly symbiotic relationship, and this kind of private voyage for the purpose of healing oneself is not within the scope of reimbursement from the Kingdom of Flowers.

"No, according to Piltover's new rules, outsiders must pay medical expenses first."

"To be honest, my treasures are stored in a special place. If I don't cure this head first, I won't be able to get those treasures myself."

"Please pay first."

"I can only get the money after I heal the injury."

"I can only treat your injuries after payment."


Unknowingly, the topic seemed to have returned to its original point, and Qingjiao also discovered a problem. The assistant in Olan's mouth accepted death and refused to make any changes.

Nowadays, swearing by honor still has some credibility on the sea, especially for people from these big forces. Swearing to the pirate flag or the flag of their own force is a big commitment.

After all, there is no Luo Shui in the sea, and no one talks nonsense about Luo Shui, ruining his reputation, or even affecting future generations.

But this kind of statement doesn't work with androids, because there is no word swear in their programming code.

In the end, Qingjiao used the Babao Navy's ship as collateral and was able to deal with the bionic man.

At this time, he even reasonably suspected that this was Olan's threat to him after hearing that he did not want to pay first.

In fact, Qingjiao only guessed half of it right. Olan didn't mean to show off, but he used Qingjiao, an outsider, to conduct bionic man testing.

Since the establishment of Piltover, Qingjiao is the first official member to arrive here. Oran is testing how this intelligent level of bionic people will behave when receiving foreign guests.

At present, it seems that there is still no problem with the logic program.

When Qingjiao went to the treatment area, Olan also found the location of Frankenstein, and at the same time understood why Leliana said that the current Frankenstein was weird.

At this time, Frankenstein was sitting under a giant windmill, with the warhammer standing next to her.

The hydroelectric power station is still in the investigation stage, but the windmills needed for wind power generation are now being built on the plain area of ​​Firefly Island.

In terms of construction time, these windmills are second only to the permanent fortifications on the seaside.

Frankenstein closed her eyes and let the monsoon wind blowing from the ocean ruffle her hair. She held a flower in her hand and a butterfly landed on the sharp corner of her head.

There is a feeling that the game has come to an end and the NPC has returned to its homeland after fulfilling its long-cherished wish.

"Dad, what's wrong with Sister Fran?"

"It's nothing serious. She turned herself off, in sleep mode to be precise."

After checking Frankenstein's condition, Oran determined her status. From the wires derived from her body and connected to the windmill, it could be seen that she was accumulating energy again.

Warhammer absorbs wind energy on the side, absorbs electricity generated by the windmill, and puts the body into the lowest consumption mode, which can be called a master of energy saving.

"But I can't wake up Sister Fran."

"She turned on the do not disturb mode, and ordinary sounds can't affect her."

Oran picked up a small stone and pressed it on Frankenstein's arm, triggering the alarm device in her body, waking her up from dormancy, and then took her to the hospital.

"Dr. Sidilier, I suggest you change your assistant. Your current assistant is a bit too straightforward."

"Really? After all, he is a newcomer and is not familiar with many things. It should be better in the future.

There is no need to mortgage the ship. It is also possible to pay later, but the payment in advance and payment later are not the same charging standard."

This almost raised Qingjiao's blood pressure. God knows how many times he said the same thing when communicating with the bionic man. If Oran does it again, then Qingjiao may really be able to perform an explosion on the spot.

Fortunately, Orlan, the real owner, chose to believe in his credibility, which is also a good thing.

In fact, this is part of the political investment. Although Qingjiao is not a royal family, he can also speak to the royal family of the Kingdom of Flowers.

It will be much easier to establish contact with the Kingdom of Flowers through Qingjiao.

The world government will not intervene in the affairs between member countries and non-member countries. Given the current situation of Piltover, establishing contact can only rely on some special methods.

"Okay, I'll make it clear again, as long as your head can be restored to its original state, you will be satisfied, right?"

"Yes, as long as I can get my cone head back, any treatment is fine, but can you answer me a question first."

"Treatment plan? This is kept secret for the time being, I think it's better for you not to know."

The way to get his head back is not a conventional method. From what angle to exert force and how much force to use, Orlan is still calculating this. In theory, Qingjiao will be beaten many times.

So Orlan did not directly explain how to treat it, but Qingjiao's focus is on a brand.

"I want to know what 'no unprovoked beating of patients' means now."

This was originally a holiday castle of the old royal family on the seaside. Later, it was turned into an indulgent banquet hall by pirates, and now it has been converted into a hospital by Oran.

In the center of the most conspicuous hall, a notice board with an abrupt painting style was hung there.

"Oh, that, don't mind it. I am not a member country here, and I have a lot of troubles at ordinary times.

Some people who pass by and need treatment don't follow the rules and make things difficult for the doctors here. In the end, they have to use fists. Some doctors have stress reactions. This is to remind them."

Violence is not good, but violence is the fastest way to make rules. Without force as a guarantee, even the best rules will be difficult to implement.

The strange sign made Qingjiao more doubtful, but he still walked into the treatment room. However, Qingjiao didn't quite understand why this special treatment room was in a small warehouse outside the hospital, and the walls were even reinforced with steel plates.

"So Mr. Green Pepper, are you ready for a nap? Everything will be over after you wake up."

"No, I want to stay awake, so I don't need anesthesia."

Green Pepper refused this part. Although he came here for treatment, he was still a little wary. What happened after he fell asleep, he had no say.

"That will hurt."

"It's okay, I can bear it. It's just a little pain. Compared with the inner torture that bastard Cap brought me, it's nothing."

At Green Pepper's repeated insistence, Orlan let him go. After Green Pepper lay down, he covered him so that Green Pepper couldn't see the specific process of the treatment. He also prepared an earplug for him to block his hearing.

Then he began to calculate the formula based on the X-ray film taken.

"About. This direction angle, Riley, come and punch."

"Dad, are you serious?"

"Yes, this uncle needs your help, this is the best way."

"Okay, then I'll do it."

Leliana raised her right hand and swung it in the air for a few circles, then aimed at the target drawn by Orlan and hit it.


With a muffled sound, Qingjiao was smashed to the ground along with the window.

"What are you doing? Sorry, I was too loud and disturbed you. Please continue."

Qingjiao was also a battle-hardened man, and he could still feel the feeling of being beaten, but when he stood up, he found that his sunken head appeared again in the mirror.

Although the complete cone head was not presented, it was also a good trend.

With a happy look in his heart, Qingjiao dragged the spare operating table over and lay down again.

He was too excited and did not realize that it was not his cone head, but the swelling that appeared after being beaten.

Leliana's punch was still a little short, and failed to achieve the goal of healing.

"Dad, this is not okay."

"Well, it's really a little short, but it doesn't matter, failure is normal.

Fran, it's your turn this time, don't use electricity, just use brute force."

Orlando found a few helpers to deal with uncertain situations. After Leliana failed, the baton came to Frankenstein.


With his legs slightly apart, Frankenstein found a better posture to exert force and raised the war hammer above his head.

Leliana's fist is still at the small hammer stage. Since the crack failed, it's time to change to a big hammer for forced demolition.


A hammer hit, and a similar situation happened again, and Green Pepper's head changed shape again. A slightly bent cone head was smashed out by Frankenstein, making Green Pepper look like a crooked dragon king.

This time, Green Pepper even smashed a big hole in the ground. If the angle was a little more biased, Green Pepper might be able to smash a ground crack here.

"Very good, this time it's right, but it's still a little biased, Bear, you come later, now you should have a better control of your strength."

The forced demolition team completed their work, and the baton was passed to Bear, the aftermath team.

"Brother Oran, how do we deal with this?"

Bear originally thought that Oran was looking for him to beat the pain out of the patient's body, which was what Bear did most often, but this treatment plan was a little difficult for Bear to understand.

He could slap out the pain, but he had never learned how to slap back a crooked head.

"Haven't Riley and Fran demonstrated it? Hit him."

Olan recalculated the angle and picked up the marker to make a new mark on Green Pepper's head.

"At this angle, start. This is to treat him, so don't show mercy."

"Okay, I understand."

The bear took a deep breath, then raised his arm above his head and slapped him hard.

This time Green Pepper didn't fall to the ground, but a big hole appeared on the wall next to it. Green Pepper, who was lying on the ground just now, had flown out and now fell into the garden next to the hospital.

"Green Pepper Leader!"

"Dongliang! Assholes, what are you guys doing!"

The members of the Eight Treasures Navy waiting outside felt that something was wrong with the movement inside. Now seeing Green Pepper fly out directly from inside, they were all indignant and seemed to want to fight Oran to the death.

"You bastard, who are you calling a bastard!"

At this time, Qingjiao crawled out from the smoke and dust behind, grabbed the younger brother who had just shouted the loudest, pressed his head and bowed in the direction of Orlan.

"I'm very sorry, my subordinates were too impatient, please don't take it to heart."

"Chief, your cone head is back!"

The younger brothers on the side saw the changes in Qingjiao, and even took out a mirror and gave it to Qingjiao.

Seeing the complete self in the mirror, Qingjiao couldn't control his smile.

"Yes! Finally back, Dr. Sidilier, you are really as good as the rumors outside, your medical skills are really great!"

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