Pirates: My Piltover is far ahead in technology

Chapter 113: The alternative outlier, the occasional part-time agent

The process is not important to Qingjiao. As long as he can get the cone head back, he can accept it no matter what process he goes through.

"Don't be so polite. It's just an exchange of equal value. There is a fee."

"It's two different things. You should pay for it, but without your treatment, it's useless no matter how much money you spend."

As he spoke, Qingjiao bowed again, but he failed to control the angle and suddenly hit the ground.


A crack opened forward from the point where Qingjiao's head touched the ground, extending for a long distance.

"Hahaha, I'm sorry, I couldn't control it for a moment. What are you guys doing standing around like idiots! Help me fix the ground!"

"Yes! Chief!"

The younger brother had to pay for the disaster caused by the elder brother. At this moment, the members of the Babao Navy had to turn into laborers and start the land restoration operation.

Qingjiao didn't leave immediately. It took a while to sail here. The members of the Babao Navy also sailed on the sea for a long time. They finally set foot on land, so they naturally had to rest for a while.

At this time, a siren suddenly sounded from the direction of the coast.

boom! boom!

The siren had just sounded, followed closely by the roar of artillery fire, and the pirates' entry also appeared at this moment.

"Is it an enemy? Let me take care of it for you, just for some exercise."

At this time, Qingjiao's head was itching unbearably, and he was eager for a battle to recall his peak years. He smelled the smell of battle and rushed over.

The practice of physical skills is a whole, and the moon step is one of the six moves, which can give people the ability to fly almost. It is a skill inherited by the navy and CP agencies.

However, for the top physical skills experts, even if they have not practiced skills such as Moon Step, they can still stay in the air for a short period of time with brute force.

The exploded green pepper moved very fast, and soon it was almost flying and rushed to the seaside.

"Fire! Destroy those pirates on the sea! Don't let those guys land! This island must never become what it was before!"

The shore defense artillery has adjusted its angle and is pouring firepower according to the previously calculated direction.

"Don't open fire yet, let me deal with these pirates! The secret of the eight punches"

Qingjiao jumped up with her hands clasped together, and her body began to spin like a top. The horns that had just been re-played were now wrapped in armed colors.

Qingjiao just aimed at the pirate ship below, and then plunged into it.

"Terranosaurus spike!"

Qingjiao's head accurately hit the pirate ship. At the moment of contact, the surrounding pirates were blown away by the terrifying impact, and the pirate ship also turned into countless fragments at that moment.

"Hahaha! I'm back, I'm all back!"

Qingjiao vented the remaining resentment of the past few months in the battle. This group of pirates suffered a disaster and were defeated one by one at the hands of Qingjiao.

In the distance, Leliana and Oran were looking at the green peppers who were working for free.

"Dad, is this weird-minded uncle actually so strong?"

"A person should not be judged by his appearance. Although he is not the top, he is still a rare strong person. But that's okay. Riley, when you are the same age as him, you will definitely be much stronger than him."

Today's Yinghuo Island is still in the process of large-scale reconstruction, and there is not much to see on the island, so after purchasing a batch of supplies, the Babao Navy camped in an open space not far from the port to rest.

Olan had a headache looking at the river conditions on Firefly Island. He was not omnipotent, and he also had things he was not good at. Although the wind power station was being built, the hydroelectric power station had no clue.

This is not something that can be accomplished by just building a dam. A single move can affect the whole body. If you start on this river, if you are not careful, it will affect the entire Yinghuo Island.

After recording the conditions upstream, downstream and nearby, Olan also returned to his room to prepare for a rest.

He planned to go to the West Sea with Qingjiao when he left, but the main purpose was not to collect medical expenses. Such a sum of money was not worth his special trip to the West Sea. He had many plans for this trip.

It's just that today's dream is a little special for Olan.

On a busy street, in a corner where the world seemed to have forgotten him, Olan appeared out of thin air without attracting anyone's attention, as if he was supposed to be here.

"Isn't it the main world of Valoran? Well, we should be able to find some professionals here."

Oran's dreams have a wide range of connections. In most cases, he will appear next to someone in Valoran. This is also the place where he stays the shortest.

Different worlds have different flow rates of time. The duration of Oran's sleep reflected on the continent of Valoran will not exceed one night at most.

But it is not necessarily the case in other time and space. His body will still only sleep for a few hours, but the dream consciousness may stay in other places for several days due to special reasons such as the difference in time flow rate.

The current longest record is 21 days. Whether it will become the longest record is yet to be verified.

At this time, Olan even changed his clothes. Although his hair color did not change, there was something different in his pocket, a mobile phone.

This is also a special point outside the main universe. Although Olan cannot take away things from this world, when he comes back here again, the things on his body before he left last time will not disappear.

After calculating skillfully and looking at the remaining records in his phone, Orlan also determined where he was now, at least he had been here before.

"Hey, it's really not easy to contact you. Is there an irresponsible agent like you? Have you ever seen other people's agents disappear for so long!"

Olan was strolling casually on the street, and then the phone rang. After answering, there was a burst of complaints.

Due to the particularity of the dream world, Orlan's occupation will also change according to the world. In the main world of Valoran, he is the boss of Piltover.

But in other worlds, he is an agent, a chief engineer, a fisherman, and a director of the secret base who watches the surveillance. His identity is changing all the time, which is why he has mastered many life skills.

"We are just a temporary agreement. If you have a suitable company, you can leave me and work alone at any time."

"What a joke, I'm not that kind of person. See you at the old place. I have some new situation."

"Still so impatient."

Listening to the busy tone on the phone, Oran didn't say anything, but kept walking in the street, and finally walked into a ramen shop, where Oran also met a girl who had been waiting for him for a long time.

The purple-red hair was tied into a ponytail behind her head, and there was a bowl of red ramen on the table, which showed how spicy it was.

"Has our hip-hop swordsman encountered any difficulties? Why is he so impatient this time?"

Hip-hop swordsman is her nickname after her debut. Her real name is Akali. In the main universe of Valoran, she is a deadly assassin, but here, she is just a debut artist.

It is an isotope under different developments in different worlds.

Olan's ability has been awakened after coming to the world of Valoran, and he came here very early. It was a coincidence that he met Akali here.

When Akali was fifteen years old, she participated in a rap battle. The game was forwarded crazily and became a national topic, and she was discovered by the entertainment industry.

However, Akali's style is very niche, and no company has signed her for a long time.

Akali regularly performs rap on the street to practice lyrics. One time, she happened to meet Orlan, and that was Orlan's first time here.

Originally, Orlan thought that coming here would be a one-night thing, and he didn't care at first.

As a result, due to the problem of time flow, he encountered a lot of trouble as a penniless and illegal immigrant, and he happened to reach a cooperation with Akali.

He prepared songs for Akali and helped her explore the road of being an artist, and Akali helped him solve some inconveniences in life.

Orlan himself can't compose music, so he did a job as a plagiarist, which was also a timely help for Akali.

"Don't mention the nickname on the Internet. They are really good at it. You might as well call me a little rebel."

"It's the same. So what's your new situation?"

"It's this. Ahri contacted me on social software and wanted to invite me to join their group, a girl group called K/DA. After all, you are my agent and lyricist. Although you are always missing, you have to give some advice."

"K/DA? Of course I joined."

It was not until this moment that Orlan was completely sure of the situation in this parallel universe. Joining K/DA was a successful way for Akali to become an artist.

"I thought so too. It seems that our opinions are unified again. In this case, I will introduce you to their agent in a while."

"There's no rush for this. If it's convenient, I would like to meet your father first."

"Puff! Aha?! What are you going to do? What are you going to do with him?"

A mouthful of spicy soup choked Akali in her mouth. Orlan's abrupt behavior scared her.

"Borrow his connections. I remember you said that he is familiar with people in the water conservancy field."

Akali's father here owns a martial arts field. In this era, a martial arts field with a long history also means connections. Oran plans to find someone to make a set of design drawings for a hydropower station for him.

He has memorized the situation over there and can provide detailed data at any time.

"Tsk, I thought you were going to do something, I know."

Akali did not refuse Oran, and discussed with her father on his behalf. When Oran's consciousness returned to his body, a whole set of theoretical design drawings had already appeared in his mind.

He had been in the dream for a long time, but these were unknown to the people on Firefly Island, so in their eyes, Oran had made a whole set of design drawings overnight, and even the parameters of each steel bar were marked out in detail.

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