Pirates: My Piltover is far ahead in technology

Chapter 114 You can take my treasure as you wish, the shadow under the glacial continent

"So our king is lost just like that?"

After further field testing, Oran made some changes to the design drawings, arranged new construction personnel, and left here with Leliana and Qingjiao, embarking on the road to the West Sea.

Zach and Kate accompanied him, and Firefly Island was handed over to others by him.

When Brand was about to report the recent situation of the security forces, he got the news that Oran had gone out.

"No, correct me, Brother Oran is not lost, he just went to do his own things, he is very busy."

While explaining the situation, Ginny was also fiddling with the white Den Den Mushi in her hand.

During this period, Oran really got a set of anti-eavesdropping white Den Den Mushi through his own channels, and now Ginny is doing technical upgrades.

"He is the king here now, how can a king go out with only one or two people!"

Brand didn't care about Ginny's address, he knew that these people were Oran's confidants and had been with him for a long time.

But Brand still didn't quite understand this situation. He knew that Orlan was special, but he didn't expect Orlan to be so special.

In fact, he had contact with too few people. In this sea, it is common for the boss to hand over everything to his deputy and only make decisions in critical situations.

"So now."

"Just tell me if there is anything, I will report it. If you need it, you can also tell our eldest princess. Let me think about it. Brother Orlan said so."

[If someone discusses the issue of royal power, tell them that the eldest princess is now regent and let Fran communicate with them. ]

"Forget it, it's not a big deal for me. It's just some recent developments. Let's talk about it when His Majesty Orlan comes back."

"Don't worry, Brother Orlan has left a detailed development plan before he left. We just need to read it according to the book. If it doesn't work, Brother Orlan will remotely control this side."

In fact, whether a king is in the country or not does not have much impact. As long as various decrees can be implemented normally, it is enough.

The plan prepared by Orlan is enough for them to do for several years.

The way the Babao Navy returned to the West Sea was also very special. They did not return by the same route, but continued forward. After coating, they passed through the Fishman Island and came to the New World, and from here they approached the Calm Belt.

The Babao Navy had to keep their own ships, which meant that it was not easy for them to cross the Red Earth Continent. After all, ordinary ships could not get on the Red Earth Continent.

The Grand Line was very dangerous. It was not only difficult to enter, but also more difficult to leave.

The main way to enter the Grand Line was to enter from the countercurrent river of the Upside-down Mountain, and you could also choose to fight.

It was not so easy to get out.

The Upside-down Mountain would not flow against the current. If you wanted to get out from here, you had to either board the Red Earth Continent, walk to a similar position and return to the sea, or cross the Calm Belt and paddle over the heads of the Sea Kings.

The mortality rate of the Calm Belt was not 100%. If you were lucky, you would not be attacked by the Sea Kings. After all, the Sea Kings would not always stare at the bugs above their heads, but the probability of survival was still very low.

This is also one of the reasons why the World Government allowed pirates to enter the Grand Line. For most pirates, this place is a natural cage that can limit their destruction to a certain area.

Although the World Government has to use the existence of pirates to show the correctness of its rule, it cannot let them go on recklessly.

It is also because of the Grand Line environment that people who have entered the Grand Line and returned safely in the four seas are enough to be called legends. When most people regret, they have no chance to regret.

Of course, there are occasional special cases, such as Creek offending Hawkeye for unknown reasons. There are rumors that Creek saw Hawkeye using a knife as a paddle, which led to this bad result.

But no matter what, Creek was hunted down by the other side, and only one of the fifty ships escaped back in a mess.

In fact, this ship was able to come back, and it also borrowed a little bit of Hawkeye's light. Most of the sea kings were scared away by Hawkeye and had no time to take care of Creek's ship.

"Dr. Sidilier, we are about to cross the doldrums. Please be prepared. There may be some unexpected situations."

A member of the Eight Treasures Navy told Oran to hurry up. They had Qingjiao, who had cured his head, on their ship. With his skills, it was easy to deal with sea kings.

When the ship entered the doldrums, the sails had been retracted. In this absolutely windless environment, the sails had lost their original meaning and could only play a negative role.

The crew carefully ejected the oars from the holes and rowed the boat gently, not afraid of sea kings.

But if the boat was damaged by carelessness, it would be an additional trouble. Fortunately, this operation was relatively smooth. They did not encounter any sea kings, and they successfully entered the West Sea and soon reached the glacier continent.

"This is where my treasure is stored, the jade ice bed!"

Looking at the golden reflection under the glacier, Qingjiao seemed very excited.

He didn't know how these ices were formed, nor why the ice layer would recover in a short time every time he knocked it open.

Qingjiao only knew that underneath were all the treasures they had accumulated over hundreds of years.

"Eight Punches. Qingjiao, open the door!"

After calming down, Qingjiao crashed headfirst into the ice below.

Crack. Crack.

Huge cracks spread into the distance, golden light illuminated the nearby ice, and countless treasures were once again exposed to the outside air.

"Come on, Dr. Sidilier, my consultation fee is here, you can pretend as you like and take as much as you can."

"No, I only need the share I should take. If I let go, I can move you here without leaving anything."

With the universal storage equipment of Shushu Fruit, Olan can indeed move all the treasures of Qingjiao, but that is not necessary, it is just a little money, Olan has a way to get more.

In the recent news, Captain John has also died. As always, Morgans did not know the details of John's death, but he also found out some secrets. For example, John died due to betrayal by his subordinates, and the huge treasure he hid was unknown. Whereabouts.

Instead of thinking about this, it's better to go find John or Sky Island.

The strength of the Babao Navy is not bad, and the Kingdom of Flowers is also a powerful country. There is no need to make enemies inexplicably because of temporary greed.

"Hahaha, Dr. Sidriel, you can feel free to pretend. No matter how much you pretend, I won't feel bad."

Qingjiao still didn't realize the seriousness of the matter, and even picked up the bags on the boat and helped Olan and the others pack them up. It was roughly estimated that the value of these treasures had long exceeded the medical fees.

When Oran and the others left the Sea of ​​Treasures, everyone had a bag full of treasures stuffed with green peppers.

"Dr. Sidilir, I am going back to the Kingdom of Flowers. Do you have anywhere to go? I can send you there."

"No, let's separate from here."

"Okay, this is my phone number and the token of the Babao Navy. If you encounter any trouble in the West Sea, just call me. My Babao Navy is still a bit thin here."

Qingjiao didn't say anything more. News came from the Kingdom of Flowers that the pillars of the Erbao Navy seemed to have made some small moves when Qingjiao had problems. Qingjiao now has to go back to deal with these problems.

"Hmm~ This environment is still comfortable."

After Qingjiao left, Olan stuffed all the bags of treasure into his books, freeing up several people's hands, and Kate also stretched.

Due to their racial characteristics, the fur people are afraid of heat but not cold. They have fur to keep them warm. For ordinary people, the cold environment is just right for the fur people.

"Olan, what's the next move? Is there anything in Xihai that you're concerned about?"

"Yes, Dad, where are we going next? There doesn't seem to be many countries around here."

Leliana spread a map on the ice and observed the marks on the map.

After leaving the Grand Line, the magnetic field returned to normal, and the ordinary compass became useful again. There was no need to continue sailing according to the instructions of the recorded pointer. As long as there was a chart, it was okay to walk in a straight line.

But now their location is also in a remote area in the West Sea, even very close to the pole.

"There is no such thing as that now. Your map is too close to modern times. We have to follow this ancient map for the next road."

Oran took out a handwritten version of the map. Compared with the travel map in Leliana's hand, the terrain was not much different, but the country names were very different.

On the map of Oran, the words "Land of Ice" were specially marked.

"The Kingdom of Ice? Is it some ancient country?"

"Almost. Although it's gone now, some things are still buried under this snow."

Oran summoned his flying mount, an oversized storybook, and then flew south with Kate and Leliana.

The snow gradually covered the glaciers, and there were icebergs floating with the currents in the distant ocean. After flying for a while, Olan stopped comparing the position on the map, and then began to look around at the surrounding environment.

"It should be almost here, let the wind pick up."

Oran summoned more books, letting them fly in the air like a flock of birds, and generated a whirlwind by turning the pages of the books, blowing away the snow on the ground.

When the snowflakes blocking their sight gradually dispersed, the Kingdom of Ice hidden under the snow also revealed itself.

"It's so big. The giants aren't that tall."

A huge red figure appeared in the ice. Leliana raised her hand to look at the figure, but found that she was not as big as the figure's fangs.

"Olan, this is."

"The great evil party 470 years ago was responsible for the fate of the country Oz."

ps: I don’t agree with the second setting that the flow of the Upside Down Mountain changes with the seasons. There is no such setting in this book.

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