Pirates: My Piltover is far ahead in technology

Chapter 115: The Ice Kingdom, Demon Oz

"Lucky Oz? Why is it such a nickname? I've never heard of him before. Could it be that he will move the entire country?"

Kate looked at Oz's body under the ice thoughtfully. Someone in this sea may have given the wrong name, but when it comes to nicknames, there is usually nothing wrong. It will definitely be related to someone who owns the nickname. consistent with the characteristics.

"You guessed it, that's what this guy did. You were born in the Furry Principality, so you should remember the Elephant Master."

"The elephant owner is much bigger than him."

"That's true. After all, I've never heard of another giant elephant like the Elephant Master on the sea.

This guy under the ice is an ancient giant. His body is several times taller than the ordinary giants, and his strength is the same.

Oz will directly drag away the islands or countries he likes and bring them back to his own territory to build his evil empire.

Because of his exaggerated body shape and behavior, he was called a demon by the people of the time. He was also nicknamed "Yun Guo" because of his work in moving islands. "

The fate of Oz is not a taboo topic, and the World Government has not concealed his existence, but most people don't pay attention to this big guy. Four hundred and seventy years is too far away for them.

Oz Jr, who has his bloodline, is still active in the New World. Compared to Oz, who has long since disappeared, Little Oz is more famous.

"But Dad, why did he die here? I don't think he was injured."

The ice protected Oz's body very well. After so many years, it has not completely decayed, and the muscles and bones have mostly remained as they were hundreds of years ago.

It can be roughly seen through the ice that there are no obvious traumas on his body.

"This is the relic of the Kingdom of Ice. It is said that Oz fell in love with this country and wanted to move it away, but he did not take precautions against the cold, so he froze to death here."

"Is it because he doesn't wear clothes? This big guy feels stupid."

"Perhaps it's instinct, but it's more likely that he's too proud. He wants to use his body to resist the mighty force of nature, and by the time he realizes the impact of the cold on his body, it's probably too late. ”

The severe cold seems to have suspended time. Many things from the past can be seen here, not only Oz's body, but also damaged houses and city walls in the distance.

That was the land of ice in the past.

Oz had his heart set on the country he wanted to move to, but in the end he ended up staying on this ice sheet forever.

"So is this the big guy's body we're here for?"

"Absolutely. There are many secrets in the ancient giants' bodies."

Yun Guo Oz is sixty-seven meters tall, and Little Oz is thirty-eight meters tall. The gap during this period is very huge. It seems that with the changes of time, there is already a gap between Little Oz and the ancient giants of the year.

Today, Elbaf is still known as the world's most powerful country. As a country of giants, they have a long historical heritage, powerful warriors, and many unknown secrets.

Even the World Government is also very interested in the power of the giants. It used the help of Carmel to open up the connection with the giant country and let the navy have giant vice-admirals.

In Punk Hassad, there is even research on the ancient giant race - the human giantization project, which is also one of the goals of the world government.

Although Olan has a very powerful power in the spiritual field, he has no research on magic, let alone undead magic. He plans to poach this along the way. The goal is not resurrection, but another research goal.

In addition to attacking Oz's own body, he might one day create an 'invincible' armored giant.

"Okay, it's time to prepare for directional blasting of the ice. This guy is bigger than I expected."

Sixty-seven meters sounds like just a number, but it is the height of a twenty-story building. I usually don’t feel it. Only when I stand downstairs can I feel how huge this thing is.

The ice layer that froze Oz was much larger than Oz. The body was dug out by Moria with his zombie army in the original time, but Oran did not have such laborers.

Robots are just as tiring as zombies, but that method is a waste of efficiency.

After making a mark near the ice, Oran used the book fruit to send Kate to the sky. She used the high-temperature current beam she launched to melt blasting points on the ice, and then removed the prepared blasting device from the breach. Throw it in.

The nature of the glaciers here is completely different from that of the jade ice bed where Qingjiao stored his treasure. They are just ordinary ice layers and are far less difficult to deal with.

With the portable space of Shushu Fruit, Olan has an exaggerated number of armed props, and explosives are the most basic thing.

Give a guy with a phobia of under-fire access to a storage device with nearly unlimited capacity, and you have no idea how much stuff he's going to stuff inside.

boom! boom! boom!

The detonator was deployed, and as the detonator was pressed, the nearby ice shook, and a large piece of the nearby ice disappeared, exposing Oz.

Through precise directional blasting, there was no problem with Oz's body. Then Olan opened a book to a new page, enlarged it and covered it towards Oz.

After a while, only a huge crater was left here, and Oz had been saved in Oran's book.

But the part of the ice that was blown apart showed something different. A large amount of seawater poured into it, and a pool was quickly formed here.

"The overall thickness of the ice layer is thinner than I thought, but it's normal. Oz must have swam from the sea."

"Dad, there seem to be fish in the water. Why don't we fish here for a while before leaving?"

Fish also need air. In the sea area under the ice, the oxygen content is lower than that outside. When the ice above cracks, the gaps that appear often attract a lot of fish.

This is why there are always a lot of fish gathering near the hole when ice fishing.

"Of course, you can prepare yourself first. I will plan how to go next. Be careful not to be dragged into the water by the fish."

"No, unless the fish is a sea king. I am much stronger than the fish."

Leliana put down the backpack on her back and took out a green-covered book with the word "camping" written on it. Due to Leliana's body shape, the size of the book she carried was about one meter, which was enough for most of the folding props.

"Sister Kate, do you want to join us?"

Leliana took out two fishing rods and a stool, and pulled Kate to join the fishing team.

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