Pirates: My Piltover is far ahead in technology

Chapter 123 Roger, you are about to die

Warwick, the Raging Beast of Zaun, is a monster that hunts the gray alleys of Zaun. It is the terrifying howling ghost spoken by Zaun gang members.

Warwick was originally a gang member who had washed his hands of the gang. He wanted to change his mind and start a new life, but he could not escape the sins he had committed.

The alchemist Singed transformed him, but the purpose of the transformation was not to strengthen, but to experiment.

The alchemists of Zaun share the same pursuit - the transformation of essence.

Singed seeks to reveal his subject's true nature - a deadly beast beneath the surface of a "good guy."

Warwick was born with this purpose in mind, and Singed installed an alchemical reservoir on Warwick's back that was continuously integrated with his nervous system.

As long as he feels anger, hatred, or fear, the reservoir will push liquid anger into his blood vessels through the drug pump, completely awakening the beast in his subconscious.

This is the Warwick of the first generation, and what Oran has in his hands now is the third generation.

There is not only blood factor in Devil Fruit, blood factor is more of a term created by Vegapunk, which contains many objects including genetic codes.

The potion in Oran's hand is a third-generation product. It is a special strengthening potion formed by merging the dire wolf's genes with Zaun's alchemy potion under the blessing of low light.

At this time, in a white laboratory, Absalom woke up slowly. He did not feel any pain, and correspondingly, his body did not have the power he imagined.

"Lord Oran, is it over yet?"

"No, it's just about to start the formal process. I just modified your spinal nerves and added an extra attachment nearby, which is also the connection device for this potion."

Oran picked up a special storage tank, which also contained green alchemical potion, but it was completely different from the one made by Singed.

"This is a special healing agent. After your body is traumatized, it will help your body heal quickly. It is also a stimulant.

You can control it and inject it into your own body to gain stronger explosive power.

And this potion can also strengthen your body first so that you can withstand the subsequent transformation. "

As Oran said, replicating artificial devil fruits is not something he is good at. He is indeed not as good as Vegapunk in this regard, but he also has his own research on blood factors.

The potion in front of Absalom is one of them. As a third-generation potion, its effect is very similar to that of the animal-type Devil Fruit. However, it does not have the multi-stage transformation of the animal-type. It only brings a single enhancement like an orc.

This can also be achieved using bloodline factors extracted from animal devil fruits, but Absalom is a user with the ability of the transparent fruit, so this road is blocked.

If another person is transformed, the external enhanced potion tank can be cancelled, but Absalom is different. The transparent fruit not only makes him invisible, but also the props and weapons on his body.

Absalom may look like he hasn't taken anything, but in fact he is in a six-god suit.

As for the second-generation potion, the transformation ratio of the second generation is even lower. The third generation transforms a complete orc, while the second generation transforms into a half-orc. In layman's terms, it is closer to the beast-eared girl, and the transformation of the second generation is irreversible.

With the third-generation potion, Absalom can choose to turn back into a human form when there is no need to fight, but the second-generation potion cannot change back.

In a sense, this thing will be very popular in Kaido's hands. Although it is a half-orc, this thing is much stronger than the inferior fruit studied by Caesar.

"Ready, it's time to begin."


The purple injection was injected from the vein and poured into Absalom's heart along with the return of blood.

Plop, plop.

At first Absalom didn't realize there was anything wrong, but about thirty seconds later, as his blood circulated, Absalom suddenly felt his vision was a little blurry.

The surroundings became silent, and Absalom could clearly hear his heartbeat, followed by a sharp pain, and every cell in his body was alarming at this moment.

Absalom's mouth opened slightly, but no sound came out. The next moment, he suddenly clenched his teeth again. His teeth creaked from the friction, and even broke into pieces. But what followed was, Just a new row of sharp teeth.

Then his body twisted unnaturally. Under the influence of the potion, his bones were remodeling. After the Achilles tendon was torn, it healed with an alchemical glimmer. The necrotic flesh and blood was replaced by new power.

The body hair on his body began to grow wildly, gray-black fur covered his body, his ears became slender, and their position began to move upward.

The fingers were replaced by sharp claws, and the muscles of the body became more developed, finally showing a ferocious werewolf.

"Ha ha."

Absalom gasped for breath. The pain at this time had disappeared and was replaced by a brand new power.

Looking at his extra claws, the corners of Absalom's mouth kept rising, as if Grandma Wolf was proud when she saw Little Red Riding Hood.

"Lord Oran, I feel it. No, Master, I feel this power."

As Absalom said before, if Oran is willing to give him power, then this power will be used by Oran. At this moment, Absalom changed the name of Oran just as he said before. .

"Don't be so stunned. Change back and see your true self."

"As commanded."

The initial transformation required changing the state of all cells, so it would cause severe pain, as well as a series of changes such as new teeth.

When this process is completed, there will be no such pain in the subsequent process.

The fur and tail were retracted into the body, the teeth became flat again, but the body became much stronger.

"Not bad, continue to train with Brand. The strengthening of the body only raises your lower limit. If you want to go further, you have to continue to work hard."


After Absalom left, Orlan went to the deeper underground library. After a while of walking, he came to the special books and entered the thirteenth area.

There were many robots busy inside. At this time, Oz's body had been thawed and was displayed in a huge metal frame with various hoses inserted on it. The robots were transforming it.

During the time when Oz was brought back, Orlan not only obtained the bloodline factors of the ancient giants through the study of his corpse, but also discovered the special characteristics of Oz's body.

This demon from hundreds of years ago is much stronger than his descendants. In order to bear the huge weight, the bones in his body have evolved into a special substance, comparable to a special biological alloy.

Now Orlan is transforming his bones through strengthening potions to make this biological alloy stronger, replacing the difficulty of synthesizing some special materials before the Swallow Swallow Fruit was found.

In the sea farther away, a pirate ship docked on the shore.

This is the Twin Gorge, which is relatively the way for pirates to enter the Grand Line with the highest success rate.

"Captain, why is there a clinic here? Who would open a clinic here?"

"Stupid Shanks, isn't this whale more important than the clinic? Such a big whale is blocking the entrance. If our ship hits it, I'm afraid we'll be finished."

"Ah? How could it hit it? Are you sailing with your eyes closed?"

"You guy."

On the Twin Gorge, two children were arguing, one with conspicuous red hair and the other with a big red nose. They were Shanks and Buggy, the two future Four Emperors, although one of them was a little weak.

But for now, they are just trainees on the ship.

Their identities also indirectly indicate the ownership of the ship-Roger Pirates.

Originally, they had completed the voyage and arrived at the last island that the record pointer could point to-Water Star Island, but there was nothing there, which also made Roger firmly believe that the island was not the end.

Now Roger knows that he has contracted an incurable disease, so he plans to set sail again to find the real end of the Grand Line. In the Twin Gorges, they accidentally met a doctor, Crocus, who opened a clinic here.

Boom! Boom!

Two muffled sounds, Rayleigh's fist ended the quarrel between Shanks and Buggy.

Pluto Rayleigh, the vice captain of Roger's pirate group, is like most pirate groups. When the captain sometimes gets off the line, Rayleigh shoulders the responsibility of managing the pirate group and is also the head of the ship.

"You two are almost done, the adults are still dealing with other things."

At the same time, a man in a pink vest looked at Roger in front of him with a serious expression, and then picked up the stethoscope to confirm that he had heard it correctly.

"Do you know your situation yourself?"

"Well, I know a little bit."

"You are about to die. If nothing unexpected happens, you should have three years left."

As soon as this was said, the faces of the other people in the room became ugly at the same time. They didn't expect that Roger's illness would reach this extent.

"Hey, hey, hey, what are you talking about? How could Captain Roger be dying soon!"

"Yeah, what nonsense are you talking about! Captain Roger, don't believe him, he must be a quack!"

Baki and Shanks, who were arguing just now, united their forces and questioned Crocus's medical skills.

"Hmph, if you don't believe me, you can leave now."

"Baki, Shanks, stop talking. He's right. I'm really suffering from an incurable disease. Hahaha, Mr. Crocus, you're really good at diagnosing illnesses."

At this time, Roger was the only one who could still laugh among the people present. Even Crocus didn't understand why this man was fearless after learning of his own death.

"Wait, since you can see Captain Roger's illness, you can definitely cure him, right?"

Shanks suddenly realized a deeper problem and asked Crocus.

"Unfortunately, I can't cure this disease either, but maybe there is someone in the Grand Line who can cure him."

I wrote the wrong time yesterday, it was 1494. (My timeline is based on Luffy going to sea in 1520)

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