Pirates: My Piltover is far ahead in technology

Chapter 124 Hello, Navy? I report.

"Who? Who can cure Captain Roger?"

Kurokas' words seemed to give Roger's crew new hope. After all, even Roger himself said that he was terminally ill. Roger would not joke about this matter.

"The winner of the Ibel Medical Award, now the king of a kingdom called Piltover, the genius doctor Sidilir Oran.

He is a genius in medicine, and many patients have regained their health because of him.

His achievements in medicine are incomparable to that genius Vegapunk. If there is anyone in this sea who can cure this disease, it can only be him."

Kurokas wiped his glasses and then gave Shanks and Buggy an answer.

This is also the influence of reputation. With the gradual expansion of prosthetic technology on the sea and many patients being treated on Firefly Island, Oran's reputation is also spreading.

Theory and practice are two different things. It is difficult for professors who publish theoretical papers every day to be known by the outside world. Except for people with the same profession in the circle, most outsiders will not care about such things.

It's different with results. Kulokas is a doctor, so he knows Orlan's affairs very well.

"You should know this person, right?"

"Oh, that guy, of course I know, he has been chasing us for many years."

"He had a battle with Qingjiao, the pillar of the Flower Kingdom's Eight Treasures Navy, a few years ago. It is said that Qingjiao was almost beaten into retirement. The doctors of the Flower Kingdom could not treat Qingjiao's injuries at all.

In the end, he was cured by Sidilier Orlan."

Among many examples, Qingjiao is undoubtedly a typical one, so Kulokas also used him as an example.

"Mr. Kulokas, where is Piltover?"

"The first half of the Grand Line, Firefly Island, is not far from here."

If O'Hara is a holy place for archaeology, then the current Piltover has a vague tendency to move closer to the holy place of medicine. The country that feels this most deeply is the Drum Kingdom. Many of their doctors have gone to Piltover for further studies.

After a pause, Crocus continued:

"I can at most control your condition and make it develop more slowly, and I can't do anything else.

You'd better avoid high-intensity battles, don't drink too much, and control your diet for the rest of the time, otherwise your time will only be shorter."

"Eh?! Can't drink?! How can you hold a banquet then?"

"Is that the point? It's shorter time!!"

As a doctor, Crocus is still very responsible for the patients he handles. Seeing Roger's thinking logic, he felt angry.

In the end, at the request of Roger Pirates, Crocus accepted their invitation and boarded the Gold Jackson to help Roger stabilize his condition so that he would not die unexpectedly on the way.

After having a clear goal, Roger Pirates began to sail with Firefly Island as their target. Although Firefly Island is not far from the Twin Gorge, Roger Pirates cannot reach here by teleportation.

At the same time, while Roger's pirate group was advancing, the guards of Firefly Island started a new round of trials.

With the beginning of the revival of Firefly Island, the island's economy was gradually rebuilt, and foreign ships would approach from time to time.

Because Orlan had a good status in the underground world, Feld and Umit's ships would occasionally come here for supplies or do some transactions, which indirectly brought more floating population.

With the increase in population, the affairs that the guards had to be responsible for were also gradually increasing. In order to enable them to deal with more situations, the special service team was also established.

The 120 sets of exoskeletons developed and produced before were prepared for them, but they were also classified as mechas in the classification.

"Boys, look at this, tell me, do you want it?"

At this time, Brand was wearing a mecha of the same style as Ginny, but the color was dyed silver-white, and the weapon attachment was also changed to a large gun for close combat according to Brand's hobbies.

As one of the leaders of the guard force, a veteran of the former Kingdom Army and a fanatical fan of Orlan, Brand himself had some special equipment.

"I want to!"

The guards are all young and strong men on the island. The mecha seems to have awakened their dormant genes. Perhaps no one can refuse the qualification to drive the mecha.

"Very good, very energetic! Now, the opportunity has come."

Brand lifted the cloth covering the side, revealing the exoskeleton inside. It is not as tall as the guard mecha, and the size is not much different from that of ordinary people.

"There are 120 places in total, and the best will be admitted. By the way, if the guards are expanded in the future, people with mecha driving experience will be given priority."

Brand drew half a false pie. According to the concept here, the guards of the royal city are a very superior position. It is not just a matter of treatment. In the eyes of ordinary people, it is equivalent to an improvement in status.

The reason why it is half is because what Brand said is true. If the guards are expanded, driving experience is indeed very important, but given the current situation of Orlan, I am afraid that the members of the guards will not recruit humans for a long time.

But this does not have a big impact. The following words are just a bonus. Even if it is just an entry-level mecha, it is attractive enough for them.

"Now, does anyone want to sign up?"


The people in the square raised their arms in unison. It seemed that no one wanted to miss this opportunity. This was also within Brand's expectations. The first step of physical fitness screening was also launched.

After the initial screening of suitable personnel, these people will receive professional training. After all, mechas are not sticks. You just need to swing them in your hands. Operating this thing requires a certain knowledge base.

After the training is over, the final screening will be carried out.

The initial screening method is very simple-running.

Wearable light mechas cannot bring physical strength. People with good physical fitness can use them to achieve better results.

After a while, when those who passed the first round were still studying in the special training class, the Golden Jackson appeared outside the Firefly Island.

"Everyone! We can see the land. We are almost there!"

Jabba shouted to the people below from the observation deck. He is also a veteran of Roger's pirate group. If Rayleigh is Roger's right arm, then Jabba is probably the left arm.

"The port is over there, do we need to dock there?"

"How is that possible? We are pirates, how can we land at the port so openly? Let's find a safe place to stop the ship first."

Under normal circumstances, pirates will not blatantly stop the ship directly at the port. Such situations are mostly seen in illegal areas or pirate territories.

In most cases, in order to avoid trouble, pirates will still choose to hide the ship.

"No, it's okay. This is a non-member country, and there is no navy stationed nearby. And I've heard that as long as you abide by their system, any ship can dock here."

As the person on the ship who knows the most about Firefly Island, Kurokas gave his own suggestions, and at this time, the Den Den Mushi on their ship suddenly rang.

"This is the Piltover Coast Guard, pirates, announce your identity and state your purpose."

There are improved high-power Den Den Mushi on Firefly Island, which can contact Den Den Mushi in nearby waters without a number. There are many types of pirates in this sea, and some pirates will also make normal purchases when they come to the island.

Therefore, as long as a reasonable response is given, Firefly Island will not prohibit outsiders from landing. Oran itself has a deep connection with the underground world, and the composition of people coming and going on this island has always been very complicated.

The coastal defense artillery chose to open fire directly when Qingjiao came because the pirates had written the word robbery on their faces.

After stating their intentions, the Roger Pirates also docked smoothly at the pier

"Well, where should we go to find the doctor to treat Captain Roger now?"

"The king's words should be at the palace. Let's go and take a look first. You all should pay attention and don't break the rules."

The Roger Pirates still have certain rules, such as not being allowed to attack civilians, paying for things, etc.

In the end, most people stayed on the ship, some went to purchase supplies, and Roger took Rayleigh and Shanks to the direction of the royal city.

At the same time, the news had also been passed to Oran through Kate.

"Oran, another group of people came to see you for treatment. They are said to be members of Roger's pirate group. They are a group of troublesome guys. Do you want to treat them?"

"Roger? Gol D. Roger?"

"Yes, that guy, a pirate with a higher bounty than Charlotte Linlin."

The current bounty order for Roger still has Gol D. Roger's real name. After he really sailed for a week, the World Government changed it to Gol Roger to hide the influence of the will of D.

"That guy should be difficult to deal with if he really messes around on the island."

"Don't worry, he won't mess around easily, but you are right, we should take some precautions in this situation."

Gol D. Roger, the man who opened the great pirate era, Oran is a little curious about him, but that's all.

It's nothing now. When he really becomes the Pirate King, the places he has been to will more or less attract the attention of the World Government.

Faced with this situation, Oran naturally has his own way of dealing with it.

He walked into a new room. Ginny, the intelligence chief, was fiddling with the Den Den Mushi. It was she who passed the news of Roger's pirate group landing to Kate.

"Brother Oran? What can I do for you?"

"Give me the anti-eavesdropping white Den Den Mushi. I have something to do."

"Okay, wait a moment."

Ginny pressed the switch on the table, and a large white snail the size of a fax machine rose from the lifting platform.

In addition to understanding intelligence, Ginny is also very good at breeding Den Den Mushi. This is the anti-eavesdropping bug group she has cultivated over the years.

Then Ginny adjusted the connection between several Den Den Mushi like the operator, and then handed the microphone to Oran.

"It's me. What's the matter? Why are you calling me at this time?"

Not long after, Zefa's voice came from the Den Den Mushi. Judging from the movement on the side, it seemed that he was doing physical exercises.

"Well, there is something.

A pirate has come to my island. His name is Roger. The bounty is quite high.

Do you think the navy should send someone to handle this for me?"

Six thousand words today

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