Pirates: My Piltover is far ahead in technology

Chapter 13 Rocks Pirates, Landing!

"Did you see it? They are just Celestial Dragons. They are flesh and blood just like us. They don't have three heads and six arms. You just need a little help. You can also do what you are doing today.

The key is whether you have the courage to do it and take it on! "

The longer he stayed in the gravity field, the greater the impact he suffered. At first, it was just difficulty in moving, but as time went on, Eladin's body began to show a strange paralysis, but his consciousness was now Not lost yet.

Eladin could see a group of people celebrating something outside the gravity field.

"Damn untouchable, how dare you"

Eladin wanted to speak, but he didn't know when he had lost control of his tongue. The smoke from the explosion of the lotus trap had not dissipated yet.

After the gas mask was chopped into pieces, poisonous smoke also began to penetrate his mouth and nose. The last thing Elatin saw before losing consciousness was a gradually enlarging shoe sole.

"Does anyone want to step on you? If you do these things after leaving here, you have to consider the consequences. Maybe you won't have another chance."

The exoskeleton on Olan's body can emit a special Hex energy field, which can just offset the limitations of the gravity field, so even if the gravity field has not been turned off, he can move freely here.

To be on the safe side, Oran also gave Erlatin an injection of anesthesia to eliminate the possibility of him waking up halfway, and then turned off the gravity field.

"I come!"

Olan's words were still a bit shocking in this sea. He knocked down a Celestial Dragon and trampled him under his feet. This behavior once again refreshed the three views of the people around him.

So much so that they didn't even react. The words "step on" were equally shocking. In the end, it was Ginny who stood up first and kicked the Draco in the head.

After nine years of slave life, she hated this group deeply, and just stepping on them a few times could not vent her resentment.

Ginny also made a start. The locals in the Valley of the Gods were still a little hesitant, but the slaves couldn't help it.

"Asshole, damn thing! Do you know how we got here all these years!"

"Give me my family, give me back!"

Along with the angry curses, countless fists and kicks fell on him. These people finally had the courage to beat up the drowned dog, and the impact of these fists and kicks was not great.

The Tianlong people have low morals and have also honed their ridiculously thick skin. Even if they are beaten with a mace, they will not cause fatal injuries for a while.

Later, the clothes on Eladin were also stripped off, and the agents who had died here before were also treated in the same way.

After piecing together several complete sets of costumes, Ivankov's action team found some people with similar body shapes to complete the costume change. They planned to approach the center of the island and try to see if they could snatch some fruits and increase their operations. success.

Oran took the unconscious Eladin back to the original station. Shaq had just received news that with the efforts of the craftsmen, the construction of the device was finally completed.

Both plans have entered the final stage, and the Valley of the Gods has become the eye of the typhoon in the world.

"It's a pirate! Fire! Fire!"

Outside the Valley of the Gods, the artillery on the warships was pouring out firepower crazily. The densely packed pirate ships in front of them made the navy on the warships feel nervous. These pirates were all notorious guys, and none of them were simple things.

"What's going on? Why are there so many pirates!"

The marine in charge of the guard had sweat on his forehead. This was the first time he had seen such a large number of pirates in so many years since he joined the navy.

At first, the warships were able to stop some pirate ships, but when a special flag appeared on the sea, the delicate balance disappeared in an instant.

"RS is the Rocks Pirates! I repeat, the Rocks Pirates appeared on the east side of the island, asking for support!!!"

The flaming skull replaced the O of ROCKS, and Rocks' iconic pirate flag began to flutter in the wind. As the strongest pirate in the current era, his appearance even destroyed the confidence of some navies.

There is no way they can stop that kind of monster, not to mention that there is not one such monster, but a boatload of them.

"Useless Navy, Rocks Pirates! Everyone, follow me!"

On the main ship of the Rocks Pirates, a man with long flowing hair was standing at the bow of the ship. With just a raise of his hand, a warship was completely shattered by the sword energy he swung, and he did not see those familiar naval powerhouses. figure, Rocks' face was full of disdain.

Before the ship could even reach the shore, Rocks had already rushed out.

"Hey, wait a minute Locks! Why did we become your subordinates? You bastards."

After Rocks, tall figures gradually appeared one after another, White Beard, Big Mom, Golden Lion, Kaido, John, Wang Zhi, Silver Ax

Either the great pirate who has been famous for a long time, or the trainee who is slightly less famous, but they are all monsters.

"This idiot Locks must not remember what the original purpose was. We need to make sure quickly."

"Newgate! Why are you pretending to be the boss?! Be careful, I will beat you all away!"

"Well~ well~ no matter what Rocks thinks, can't he just steal the things secretly and run away? Do you still want to fight here? I remember the message said that the treasure is in the center of the island."

The composition of the Rocks Pirates is very special. They appear to be a whole from the outside world, but in fact, no one is willing to submit to the other. However, driven by common interests, they still began to advance towards the center of the island.

"The Rocks Pirates have landed!"

"It's the Roger Pirates! They have also appeared, and there are pirates everywhere! We can't stop them!"

Without the support of top combat power, the navy's defense line can be said to be broken at the touch of a button. These navies, which originally aimed to suppress civilians on the island, can't deal with this level of battle at all.

"The navy will protect the Celestial Dragons! Organize them to evacuate in an orderly manner! The Knights of God will deal with the enemies here!"

The reason why the top combat power of the navy did not follow is very simple. The Celestial Dragons and the World Government have their own high-end combat power. At this time, Green Gu took on the responsibility of dealing with these monsters.

"Have all the people returned?"

"Report to Saint Grimm, except for Saint Eladin's team, all the other adults have returned."

"What is Eladin doing at this time?"

"Grimm! It's bad! Eladin's life card has dissipated!"

"What did you say?!"

When the words of another Celestial Dragon reached his ears, Grimm suspected that he had heard something wrong.

The production process of the life card is very special. It cannot be ignited by flames or soaked by water. Even if it is torn into small pieces, it will not disappear out of thin air. There is only one situation that will turn it into ashes.

This means that the owner of the life card is dead!

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