Pirates: My Piltover is far ahead in technology

Chapter 14 Let’s sing the praises of the blue freedom!

"Are you sure?"

Gringu's tone was quite cold, with some doubts in his tone, but it was not difficult to see that he had accepted this result, and this question was just a routine inquiry.

After all, the technology of the life card has been born for so many years, and there has never been an accident.

Gringu didn't like Eladin, and his usual behavior seemed very jumpy to Gringgu.

Although his brother was a formal member of the Knights of God, Eladin himself could not even enter the reserve of the Knights of God.

But the death of the Celestial Dragons at the hands of outsiders was something that had never happened in a hundred years.

For Gringgu, who cherished his own honor, this was an insult to all of them.

Of course, there were still people who dared to attack the Celestial Dragons. Rocks was an example. The pirates who dared to rush over with Rocks were not afraid of this identity.

As long as there was a leader among these lawless pirates, it would not be surprising if they did anything.

"Hand over our pirates' treasure!"

A pirate swung his sword at Grimm, but was pierced in the head by a bullet shot from the side.

"Grimm, what are you doing? I don't want to attend your funeral on behalf of the Manmaiya family."

A female Celestial Dragon held a musket decorated with precious gems and kept shooting at the pirates who landed. Every bullet fired from the muzzle was wrapped with powerful armed color domineering.

This is also a symbolic problem on the sea. The strength of the gunner is closely related to the strength of his own domineering.

"How could this scumbag hurt me? Who leaked the secret of the island? How did these pirates know that thing was on the island?"

"Hey! Grimm, my brother!"

"I know! The Knights of God! All members assemble! Clear the enemies in front of you as soon as possible, and then go to the place where Eladin appeared last, find that guy, and then completely destroy this island!"

Grimm's fighting method changed from defense to offense, and even killed into the landing army of pirates alone.

"All of you, go to hell!"


Gringu didn't distinguish between men and women, and everyone was his target. When he approached a female pirate, she just shouted loudly.

"Gulala! Bakin, leave this to me, you go find the treasures!"

The tall figure came to Gringu in an instant, and the huge naginata also stopped Gringu's advance.

"I can't stop it! There are too many pirates! Haven't the reinforcements arrived yet?!"

The members of the Knights of God stopped some monsters from the Rocks Pirates. The problem is that there are more than one pirate group here, and the navy's defense line was gradually broken.

"Reinforcements are here! It's Vice Admiral Garp! We are saved!"

"Tell me where Roger is!"

The navy felt that they had received reinforcements, but the purpose of the reinforcements coming here seemed to be completely different from what they thought.

At the same time, in the canyon of the Valley of the Gods, the energy in the Hex Core had been charged, and the eyes of the people gathered here contained various complex emotions.

Not long ago, Orlan, who returned here, completed the final device inspection and gradually connected the core and external devices.

The captured Eladin was also tied to a temporary high platform.

The people who came back with Orlan were telling others about Orlan's previous feats.

"You said that the one on the shelf was a Celestial Dragon?"

"Yes, it was a Celestial Dragon. We saw it with our own eyes. That guy was quite powerful and almost got into trouble.

But Mr. Mask was even more powerful. He cut off a mountain with one knife."

In a corner that Orlan didn't know, some rumors had gradually become outrageous. At least Orlan himself didn't know when he had cut off a mountain.

"Why did the Celestial Dragon's face become so swollen?"

"Of course I was beaten. Did you see the shoe print? That was where I stepped on it. That was the situation at the time."

Various versions of the news gradually spread among the crowd, but in the end they all agreed on one point: they really caught a Celestial Dragon.

These participants seemed to be more excited than Orlan himself.

As the person involved, Orlan stood there without saying a word after completing the debugging of the facility, looking at the timer on his wrist from time to time, waiting for the device to charge and other messages.


A white light flashed through the air, and a pit shaped like a bear paw appeared on the ground. Not long after, Ivankov climbed out of it.

"Olan! The operation was successful. The bear is rescuing other people on the island. He told us not to wait for him and to retreat directly when the time comes!"

Ivankov stood up with dust on his face. Their plan was half successful. Although they grabbed two fruits, the fish fruit was intercepted by Charlotte Lingling who came out halfway. Only the bear ate the meat ball fruit and shot Ivankov back here.

Ivankov's landing seemed to be a beginning. Then one after another, some people were shot back, and some were sent to distant islands by the bear. The bear is using his own way to complete the rescue of more people.

"Just in time, I've also finished my preparations, everyone! Look over here, this is the Celestial Dragon, can you see anything different about him?!"

At the same time that Orlan was speaking, a more intense battle seemed to be taking place in the center of the Valley of the Gods. The domineering confrontation was like thunder, and the roar in the air also attracted everyone's attention, and then they were awakened by a scream.

On the temporary platform, a flash of blood caught their eyes, and with that scream, a sharp blade pierced Eladin's body.

The severe pain made him sober up. Looking at the crowd below, Eladin wanted to speak, but Oran pierced his throat with a sword and nailed him to the rack.

There was a cry of surprise from the crowd. Seeing this kind of thing with your own eyes was much more shocking than hearing others describe it.

But it was soon replaced by a dead silence, because Oran raised his hand again.

Oran looked around the crowd below, fear, confusion, excitement, joy, relief, countless emotions continued to grow in the crowd.

Clearing his throat, Orlan said loudly:

"Look at this celestial dragon, the celestial dragon who regards you as prey and dust!

He is just like you at this moment, a fragile human being. He is not nobler or more special than you.

They are all flesh and blood, they will bleed, and they will be afraid!"

Eladin's eyes lost their original arrogance. Since he was born, as a celestial dragon, he felt the threat of death for the first time. The life that was passing from his throat and chest made him feel fear from the bottom of his heart.

As Orlan's voice fell, the crowd below began to whisper, with unprecedented light flashing in their eyes.

It has almost become their biological instinct to not resist the celestial dragons. Even if all their retreats have been cut off, they did not realize that there is still the option of fighting desperately.

And today, Orlan tore the myth of the celestial dragons in front of them with his own hands.

"Freedom is not something that falls from the sky, nor is it a gift from others! It is not something that can be begged for!

Freedom requires everyone to stand up and resist bravely in order to fight for it.

After today, we may never see each other again in this life, and I don't know what the future will be like.

Everyone, for a better tomorrow, fight in your own way!"


The sword was pulled out, and blood spurted out of Eladin's neck uncontrollably. With the waving of Orlan's arms, a head rolled down from the high platform to the ground. Eladin's eyes were still filled with confusion and fear.

He still didn't understand why those rabbits who could only run away suddenly had the courage to resist. If the number of people continued to increase like this

Eradin didn't continue to think about it. His consciousness had dissipated at this moment. The last thing he saw was still the dazzling blue light, the light leading to freedom.

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